The Bone Yard Boys is an act driven by opposites.
Here, untamed energy meets and blends with the experienced intellect, resulting in original and contempory music, reaching out to generations of rock enthusiasts.
The BYB consists of two members: one known throughout the world for his unique voice and career in popular music (Andrew), and the other, slightly more senior member, who, up until now has lead a more private life, primarily within the academic world (Bent).
One night, when Bent and his daughter (a ruthless critic and fan of the BYB) were half asleep watching a show, a high energy act (Andrew) suddenly appeared on the screen. Andrew’s firmly imprinted performance soon led Bent to contact him via the Internet, and a first meeting was arranged, resulting in the rock-dance-like track "High On U," written by Andrew and Bent, and co-written with Casper Munkebo.
During the following year, Andrew worked with several songwriters/producers on tracks for his upcoming album. After returning from a session in L.A., Andrew eventually revisited Bent and the track "Falling Apart" was conceived one late night in July ’03. A sound was born and from thereon it was clear to the Andrew/Bent collaboration that, "If U Say A U Must Say B!"