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Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me!

About Me

Well, right now My Pirate ship has been setting in UK/Gloucester and living with my Husband. I'm very happy with that and enjoying new life here as well. And soon will go my adventure, I mean start visiting my Sexy Pirates. I love travelling, hanging out and laughing with friends, watching movies/telly and go bowling(I'm very competitive!). My friends say I'm naturaly funny. But I'm a bit shy too. Oh, I turn to be Bitchy sometimes so better be careful! lol Most of the time I'm pretty Lazy Ass :p And if you wanna know more about me just send a message but if you don't have any photos of you I won't reply you. Sorry about this! And also send me a message BEFORE you send me a friend request please otherwiz I won't add you and I just delete your request. Oh and Band man, I'm not gonna add you guys unless I know one of your members otherwiz never ending story :p
What Dee Means
D is for Ditzy
E is for Enthusiastic
E is for Earthy
What Does Your Name Mean?
What Saori Means
S is for Sweet
A is for Alert
O is for Openhearted
R is for Revolutionary
I is for Impressive
What Does Your Name Mean?************Little Dee's Memory************* Get Your Own! | View SlideshowTake the Ninja Pirate Quiz at !
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Your Pirate Name Is...
Captain Firecrotch What's Your Pirate Name?
Your Birthdate: June 22
You tend to be understated and under appreciated.
You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way.
People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little.
Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know.
Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true
Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid
Your power color: Silver
Your power symbol: Square
Your power month: April What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test
You Are a Frappacino
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern
At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent
You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet
Your caffeine addiction level: low What Kind of Coffee Are You?

My Interests

Get your own countUP at BlingyBlob.comI love travelling and Ive been to Singapore, UK(Oxford, London, Gloucester, Birmingham & Scotts), Hong Kong, U.S.A.(L.A., Seattle, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne & New York), Australia(Melbourne for 2yrs, Sydney, Gold Coast and Perth), Korea, Germany, France and Canada(Vancouver) so far, watching movies/telly, go fishing, play tennis(oh yeah! Im quite good at playing :p used to play 6yrs), spent time with friends. I like to watch K-1, Pride sort of welstring things :p Oh!! One more thing, I like taking photos!!
Your Daddy Is Johnny Depp
What You Call Him: Daddy Dearest

Why You Love Him: He takes you to Disneyland Who's Your Daddy?
You're All Grown Up
Congratulations, you're living in the adult world now.
Even though it may have been difficult at first, you've taken responsibility in your life.
You have a great job, fantastic friends, and a grown up wardrobe.
And you're probably on your way to a very successful life! Do You Need to Grow Up?
In 1977 (the year you were born)
Jimmy Carter becomes president of the US

Most of the 10,000 Vietnam War draft evaders are pardoned by President Carter

Singer Anita Bryant starts her "Save Our Children" crusade against gay rights

Elvis Presley dies in his Graceland bathroom

Congress creates a Department of Energy

Anwar Sadat flies to Jerusalem in a dramatic gesture of willingness to discuss peace

Orlando Bloom, Shakira, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, and Ludacris are born

New York Yankees win the World Series

Oakland Raiders win Superbowl XI

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Swedish music group ABBA passes The Beatles as having most records sold

Star Wars is the top grossing film

The Shining by Stephen King is published

"You Light Up My Life" by Debby Boone spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Three's Company premieres What Happened the Year You Were Born?

I'd like to meet:

Adam my man who I Love, live with and always makes me Smile and Happy :) My Greatest Girls RIA, AMI and STEPH!! I REALLY MISS them and wanna see them!!! They always cheer me up and make me Happy. I LOVE YOU guys! But also I'd like to meet many people(Boys & Girls) who love to laugh a lot, caring, funny and warm hearted. And......I definitely wanna meet Johnny Depp!!! :p He is my HERO! Ah! I saw Penelope Cruz in April 2005 at Air port in Paris. No Joke! We took same flight to Japan! And again I met another Hollywood star Kiefer Sutherland from "24" in November 2005 at Narita Airport. He was walking right behind me. Man!!! Im sooooo Lucky to see thoes Celebs. What do you say.......Well, I think I should be a Movie star too!!!!! lol Kidding! But....Should I??? :p

Dee's friend Space
I have "SEXY" Pirates
View All of My SEXY Pirates

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-Speak Like A Pirate!-* Savvy?- Agreed? Understand? Got it? * Mate- Another person. * Ruddy/Bloody- an expletive adjective. Often replaces 'damn[ed]' (or worse- to say the least, these are the preferred expletives if you really must use them...) * Poppet- A pretty girl * Aft- Short for "after." Toward the rear of the ship. * Ahoy- A greeting, like hello or hi. * Avast!- "Hey!" Could be used as "Stop that!" or "Who goes there?" * Aye- Yes, or agreed. * Belay- Stop that. "Belay that talk!" would mean "Shut up!" * Black Spot- To "place the Black Spot" on another pirate is to sentence him to death, to warn him he is marked for death, or sometimes just to accuse him of a serious crime before other pirates. * Blimey!- Something you say when you're surprised, like "Wow!" An exclamation. * Buccaneer- A general term for the Caribbean pirates. * Bucko- Familiar term. "Me bucko" = "my friend." *Belaying pin -- A short wooden rod to which a ship's rigging is secured. A common improvised weapon aboard a sailing ship, because they're everywhere, they're easily picked up, and they are the right size and weight to be used as clubs. *Bilge! -- Nonsense, or foolish talk. The bilges of a ship are the lowest parts, inside the hull along the keel. They fill with stinking bilgewater -- or just "bilge." *Bosun -- Boatswain; a pettyofficer. *Bowsprit -- The slanted spar at a ship's prow. *Brethren of the Coast -- The Caribbean buccaneers called themselves by this name in the 1640-1680 period. During this time, they actually formed a sort of fraternity, and did not (usually) fight each other or even steal from each other. After 1680, a new generation of pirates appeared, who did not trust each other . . . with good reason. * Chantey- A sailor's song. Also spelled "shantey" or "shanty." * Chase- The ship being pursued. "The chase is making full sail, sir" = "The ship we're after is going as fast as she can." * Commandeer- To steal. Example: To comandeer a ship would be to steal it. * Corsair- Romantic name for a pirate. * Crow's nest- A small platform near the top of a mast, where a lookout could have a better view when watching for sails or for land. * Cutlass- A curved sword, like a saber but heavier. Traditional pirate weapon. Has only one cutting edge; may or may not have a useful point. *Cat o'nine tails, or just "cat" -- a whip with many lashes, used for flogging. "A taste of the cat" might refer to a full flogging, or just a single blow to "smarten up" a recalcitrant hand. *Chandler, or ship-chandler -- see Sutler. * Davy Jones' locker- The bottom of the sea. * Deadlights- Eyes. "Use yer deadlights, matey!" * Dead men tell no tales- Standard pirate excuse for leaving no survivors. * Doubloon- A Spanish gold coin. At different times, it was worth either 4 or 16 silver pesos, or "pieces of eight." *Fore, or forrard -- Toward the front end of the ship. *Flogging -- Punishment by caning, or by whipping with the cat. * Piece of eight- A Spanish silver coin worth one peso or 8 "reales." It was sometimes literally cut into eight pieces, each worth one real. * Gangway!- "Get out of my way!" * Grog- Generically, any alcoholic drink. Specifically, rum diluted with water to make it go farther. * Gun- A cannon. * Hands- The crew of a ship; sailors. * Handsomely- Quickly. "Handsomely now, men!" = "Hurry up!" * Jack Ketch- The hangman. To dance with Jack Ketch is to hang. * Jolly Roger- The pirates' skull-and-crossbones flag. It was an invitation to surrender, with the implication that those who surrendered would be treated well. A red flag indicated "no quarter." *Jack Tar, or tar -- A sailor. *Jollyboat -- A small but happy craft, perhaps even one which is a little dinghy. *Keelhaul -- Punishment by dragging under the ship, from one side to the other. The victim of a keelhauling would be half drowned, or worse, and lacerated by the barnacles that grew beneath the ship. * Lad, lass- A way to address someone younger than you. * Lookout- Someone posted to keep watch on the horizon for other ships or signs of land. *Landlubber or just lubber -- A non-sailor. *Letters of Marque -- Papers issued by a national government during wartime, entitling a privately owned ship to raid enemy commerce, or even attack enemy warships. Early letters of reprisal were issued to merchants to make it legal for them to counter-raid pirates! A ship bearing such letters, and operating within their limits, is a privateer rather than a pirate . . . that is, a legal combatant rather than a criminal and murderer. The problem is that letters of marque aren't always honored, even by the government that issued them. Captain Kidd had letters of marque; his own country hanged him anyway. *Line -- A rope in use as part of the ship's rigging, or as a towing line. When a rope is just coiled up on deck, not yet being used for anything, it's all right to call it a rope. * Maroon- A fairly common punishment for violation of a pirate ship's articles, or offending her crew. The victim was left on a deserted coast (or, of course, an island) with little in the way of supplies. That way, no one could say that the unlucky pirate had actually been killed by his former brethren. * Me- A piratical way to say "my." Derives from the Gaelic word for I, My, and Me * Me hearties- Typical way for a pirate leader to address his crew. * Matey- A piratical way to address someone in a cheerful, if not necessarily friendly, fashion. * On the Account- The piratical life. A man who went "on the account" was turning pirate. * Port- (1) A seaport. (2) The left side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow. *Pirate -- A seagoing robber and murderer. Contrast with privateer. *Poop deck -- The highest deck at the aft end of a large ship. Smaller ships don't have a poop; the highest part aft is the quarterdeck. *Privateer -- A ship bearing letters of marque (q.v.), or one of her crew, or her captain. Thus, she can only attack an enemy ship, and only in time of war, but does so as a representative of her country. A privateer is theoretically a law-abiding combatant, and entitled to be treated as an honorable prisoner if captured. *Prow -- The "nose" of the ship. * Rope's end- another term for flogging. "Ye'll meet the rope's end for that, me bucko!" *Reef -- (1) An underwater obstruction of rock or coral which can tear the bottom out of a ship. (2) To reef sails is to shorten them, tying them partially up, either to slow the ship or to keep a strong wind from putting too much strain on the masts. * Sail ho!- "I see a ship!" The sail, of course, is the first part of a ship visible over the horizon. * Scurvy- (1) A deficiency disease which often afflicted sailors; it was caused by lack of vitamin C. (2) A derogatory adjective suitable for use in a loud voice, as in "Ye scurvy dogs!" * Shiver me timbers!- An expression of surprise or strong emotion. * Smartly- Quickly. "Smartly there, men!" = "Hurry up!" * Splice the mainbrace- To have a drink. Or, perhaps, several drinks. * Spyglass- A telescope. * Sutler- A merchant in port, selling the various things that a ship needed for supplies and repairs. * Swab- A disrespectful term for a seaman. "Man that gun, ye cowardly swabs!" *Scuppers -- Openings along the edges of a ship's deck that allow water on deck to drain back to the sea rather than collecting in the bilges. "Scupper that!" is an expression of anger or derision: "Throw that overboard!" *Sink me! -- An expression of surprise. *Spyglass -- A telescope. *Starboard -- The right side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow. * Walk the plank- A piratical execution. The victim, usually blindfolded or with bound hands or both, is forced to walk along a plank laid over the ship's side, to fall into the water below. Except this seems to be a total invention; it first appeared in 19th-century fiction, long after the great days of piracy. * Weigh anchor- To haul the anchor up; more generally, to leave port. * Yo-ho-ho- A very piratical thing to say, whether it actually means anything or not.


Comedy, Romance, Action, some animations. My favorite movies are......ask me! But I like Johnny Depp's movies!.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


Scrubs, That 70's show, Heroes, and whatever is on telly!..This page was edited using MyHTMLhelps - Profile Editor OhMySpace MySpace Profile Editor


All the Text book from school


My Family especialy FATHER, My Man Adam, Sexy Johnny Depp and Best Friends

My Blog

10 Tidbits

10 Tidbits about Me Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself , at the end choose 10 (or more) people to be tag...
Posted by Deel!sh on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:36:00 PST

Poem from my Love

To my darling Saori xxxxxxxxx   My poem, a splash of words and feeling, my luv for you gets my heart beating, Waiting for the day, a kiss, a hug our meeting, Could i express my feelings with ink...
Posted by Deel!sh on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 01:18:00 PST


Time goes so quick this year for me! In March I went to UK to see my Boyfriend and stayed with him for 5mths and had amazing time there. Back in Japan end of August Being apart from him...
Posted by Deel!sh on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:48:00 PST

My 30th Birthday

Last Friday on 22nd was my 30th Birthday . It was kind a big event for me personaly bcoz I won't be 20's any more ......Truning to 30's is kind a big deal to me ....many of my friend's said, "Its alri...
Posted by Deel!sh on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 06:05:00 PST

Year 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR to All!!!! Well, new year has just started and I am sitting in front of PC and thinking about last year.....It was quite busy, fun and strange year for me  I met some friends from ...
Posted by Deel!sh on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:43:00 PST

My New York Adventure(added pics)

WooW! Time flies sooo bloody fast!  I'm now back in Japan!  I'm Happy not in Canada any more but I wish I still sailing my ship thou As you know, before I came back to japan I was in New York for 10da...
Posted by Deel!sh on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:00:00 PST

The Pirate Day!

Arrrrrrrrr!!! Today 19th of September is called " Talk like a Pirate!" So Actually We have The Pirate Day!  muahahahha!  So Why not we celebrate our greatest Day eh! Everyone! Go g...
Posted by Deel!sh on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 06:50:00 PST

My Trip to UK(added pics)

Well, from 25th of August to 2nd of September, I went to visit my friend in London. It was very sudden decision trip for me. As you all my friends here know Ive finished my school last month. So Ive b...
Posted by Deel!sh on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 01:29:00 PST

Survey About Me (re-take)

..> [Marital Status] Engaged [Shoe size] 5/24cm [Parents still together] Yes they are [Siblings] 1 older Brother [Pets] None FAVORITES [Color] Blue, White, Black, Green [Number] 3 & 7 [...
Posted by Deel!sh on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 05:55:00 PST