Pretty much i just like 2 kickk it @ da mall cuz a nigga love 2 shop......i'm like a female when it cum 2 shoppin no joke......and if i ain't doin that then i like 2 go see a movie when i can......anything 2 stay out da house and keep me busy......other than that i play baseball (bout 2 be on that college level in a few months)......u can always catch me wit da cuzins on any day tho kickkin it and doin what we do best.
nobody in particular.
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I listen 2 Rap & Hip-Hop, R&B, and gospel (On sundays......u know).
Kill Bill (Vol. 1 & 2), You Got Served (cuz I like 2 dance), Spongebob The Movie, Biker Boyz (Anything wit racing), All scary movies.
BET, The Simpsons, Fresh Prince, Music Videos, Family Guy
Green Eggs and Ham, Hansel & Gretel, One fish two fish red fish blue fish (LOL!!!)
My mom 1st for doin such a good job wit me (Best in the world). My family (Love them 2 death).