the outdoors! Music, art, history, building stuff, reading, learning how to make my own clothes, thrift stores, the beach, politics, cooking and excercise.
Trying to make a positive impact.
I'm vegetarian (borderline vegan) and I love all animals, except for scorpions and leeches. (I still won't kill them.)
Despite my convictions, I am not preachy. It's just not the way to go. If you wanted to be preached at, you would go to church.
Gimme some sugar baby.
Which B-Movie Badass Are You?
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Leonardo Da Vinci, Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein. Forward thinking, genius jack of all gotta love that.
Anyone who thinks. Period.
I like music to fit, enhance or change my mood, so its all good. Everything from Ellla Fitzgerald to Beck, from Marilyn Manson (the best damn cover band ever) to Johnny Cash. Cat Power, MC Chris (who brings a smile to my face and a spring in my step), Steve Miller Band, Pink Floyd. Kool Keith rocks, in all his carnations. Robot voices and woo hoo in a song is almost a guaruntee i will love it. I'm obsessed with Cake and Hot Chip. I love anything that makes me want to dance, sing or scream my head off. anything that takes me back or whisks me away to someplace in my head...this list will get longer and longer as i go.
I'm a movie nerd, I could fill PAGES with the movies I have enjoyed. And some I haven't. I'll probably add more later.
I generally hate these things but this was so awesome!
P.S: Highlight the picture!
Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Android Chimp
Your Superpower is Kissing
Your Weakness is Cowboys
Your Weapon is Your Force Pistol
Your Mode of Transportation is Moped
What's your Superhero Name?
TV is dead to me.
I will read just about anything, except instruction manuals and romance novels. I got a TON of books for christmas, so I'm reading several titles right now.I just read Stephen King's The Talisman. It's an epic journey that I didn't want to end! (Actually, I will be starting the sequel, Black House, very soon. So it hasn't ended...yet).
Some favorites: Nausea and The Wall by Jean Paul Sartre, Demian and Siddartha by Herman Hesse, Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Brave New World, The Bell Jar, Farenheight 451, 1984, The Hitchhiker Series, Chuck Palinihuk, Christopher Moore, David Sedaris, Noam Chomsky, Vonnegut, Sci-fi, fiction, non fiction, books of tidbits of trivia. I love to read!
Please, if you never read any other book in your life, read the Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery!
I had a dream the other night that I socked William S Burroughs in the stomach and told him I've never read anything he's written, just because he wouldn't talk to my boyfriend (he's a huge Burroughs fan). Such a good girlfriend I am!
Mr. Rogers is the only hero a girl like me needs.