⊃ ♥ E.m.M.a ♥ ⊃ profile picture

⊃ ♥ E.m.M.a ♥ ⊃

xXx_LoViN tHe FrEeDoM_xXx ..

About Me

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I Pwned this layout with the layout Haxor at www.myspace-gen.com
Girly Myspace Layouts
hAy EvErYoNe... OMG... im 18,and its the best feeling ever... freedom to BUY alcohol without gettin busted for not bein 18!! umm.. im so nervous bout goin for my p's, cant park for SHIT! but hay who needs to park these days? my car is the BOMB! blue lancer 2000 coupe.. its a BEAST!! i ♥LoVe♥ it... its my lil coupe car! Bianca... umm ur a goose! saturday night was sooo f*$ken funny, gotta love the party nights ahead of me... yay EILDON this weekend, houseboat party woohoo!!! ROCK THIS PARTY, DANCE EVERYBODAY!!! i love my boi stirl HEAPS... his my life,i couldnt live without him he means so much to me, he makes me sooo happy n wen im around him nothing else matters... he spoils me HEAPS a little to much i think lol and his just the best person/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for BUT... he thinks his stronger than me n we all kno that, that is all CRAP, im like the strongest of strong!!! stirl i ADORE u babe, i love u to death hun n i would do anythin for u and i just want u to live the best life possible (wit me of course lol)ur my #1 babe n i can trust u wit everythin n anythin, ur my FAV n my BEST foreva oOXx. kaylee is my d.b.4.L, i love her stax, i would call her my BEST friend, i can trust her wit everything, she is a awsum chick, i have stax of fun wit this girl, we own the deli thats y she is my DeLi.BiAtCh thats our trademark for life hun, i can always rely on this girl, she will n has always been there for me, we always say the same thing at the same time and we have SO much in common its scary, i would do anythin for u girl, ♥ u babe xXx StIrL #1Get Your MySpace Layouts at MyRawr.com!!!
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My Interests

umm.. i love playin netball, shoppin and hangin wit my girlies and my boi!
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Alotta Vagina What's Your Porn Star Name?

I'd like to meet:

in my room... umm stirl!! lol haha

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anythin, but emo crap n heavy metal etc.


napolian dynamite... funny! GOSH!!!


O.C, laguna beach, prison break, greys anatomy hmm cant think.. NO DEAL!
LOVE by bigbootyblack07
Are you single or taken?: Taken
if taken by who?: Stirl
Whats so special about this person?: his soo nice n has a great personality n his the best bf any1 culd eva ask 4
when did you meet?: at school in year 9
how long have you been together?: 10 months
when is their birthday?: 12th june
are you falling in love with them?: im already in LOVE wit him
what color are his/her eyes?: blue
Why did you fall for them?: cos his AMAZING
do you think it will last?: yes, of course.
whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: umm givin me a lap dance haha JOKE.
do you talk to eachother everyday?: every 10 mins lol
what do you want most for this person?: to be happy
are they mean or nice?: nice
hot or sexy?: both
boring or fun?: FUN FUN FUN
do you share secrets?: yes
do you cuddle?: yes
have you done THE DEED?: oohh secret :)
do you get along with their family?: his family is awsum, i love them.
do you go out or stay in?: both
have you been on an ACTUAL date?(hooking up doesnt count.): umm the movies?
do you care about them?: heaps n heaps
what would you do for them?: anythin in the HOLE world
finally....why do you want to stay with this person?: i LOVE u soo soo much babe, ur everythin to me xXx
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haha i dnt read
FRiENDS~*~ by xoxoincompletexoxo
WHO'S YOUR BESt FRiEND AS A GURl?: prob my DeLi.BiAtCh
NAME 2 ClOSE FRiENDS?: kaylee and angela or tamara
WHO DO U tAlK MORE iN THE PHONE Witt?: stirl
WHO'S THE CRAZiiESt ONE?: heather
WEiRDESt ?: kaylee
lOUDESt ?: kristy
TAlKAtiVE?: laura
HAWtESt ?: they all are
POPUlAR ?: umm..???
tRUStWORtHY ?: kaylee
SWEEtESt ?: kaylee
SPOilED ?: ME... LuV u stirl
FUNiESt ?: stirl n cooney
DANCER ?: umm courtneys got the grooves.
FliRtS tHE MOSt?: kaylee lol
COMPliCATED ?: umm ??
PREttiESt ?: all of them
BEttER EYES?: stirl
BESt HAiR ?: i love lauras hair and stevies
StRONGESt ?: stirl
MAKES FUN OF U JUSt tO MAKE U lAUGH?: ?? i dnt understand
SMARtESt?: hmm stirl
AtHlEtiC?: stirl n cooney n mark
WHO WOUlD U Kill 4?: all of them, i love them all to death
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StIrL of course... he has SAVED me plenty of times!!! your my hero stirly lol

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Eye Color BrOwN
Hair Color BrOwN 'n' BloNdE
Height 5,6 I think
Favorite Color Pink
Screen Name {E}{m}{M}{a}{L}{e}{E}
Favorite Band umm i gots lots
Favorite Movie hmm i got heaps but i like step up
Favorite TV Show use r makin me think... umm...the O.C
Your Car oohh BLACK LANCER
Your Hometown the 'ville'
Your Present Town still in the ville
Your Crush's First Name Stirl
Your Grade grade???
Your Style im the trend setter lol

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop Yes
Kissed someone in the rain Yes
Danced in a public place yes haha
Smiled for no reason all the time
Laughed so hard you cried haha yup yup
Peed your pants after age 8 umm NO
Written a song iv tried
Sang to someone for no reason yes
Performed on a stage yes.. im pro
Talked to someone you don't know yeh
Made out in a theater yes.. stirl haha kind of!!!
Gone roller skating since 8th grade ahh nop
Been in love Yes.. STIRL

...Can You...

Write with both hands well i can but u cant read it wit my left lol
Whistle hell yeh
Blow a bubble yes
Roll your tongue yup
Cross your eyes yup
Touch your tongue to your nose hmm let me try... YES I CAN HAHA
Dance i try to hard lol
Speak a different language my language
Impersonate someone yes
Cook anything of course

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... deli biatch
I wish ... i was a punk rocker...
So many people don't know ... that im betta than them
I am ... the BEST
My heart is ... few... im still breathin!!!
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