A one man project from DFW, The Great Interstellar Nothing encompasses not one specific genre but a wide spectrum of different genres put together in Josh Allan's own style. It all goes down in his own home studio that he's assembled over the years. Josh Allan started with the piano and music theory at the age of 7. At 12 he started learning the guitar and bass and at age 16 took up the drums. He's played in many bands and currently plays drums in the classic rock band, Shotglass. The Great Interstellar Nothing is a recording project for now, until suitable members are found to play each instrument in a live setting. If you're a musician and would like to audition, leave a message here and we'll see what you've got. Interstellar Studios is also for hire so if your band needs a recording, we'll set you up for cheap.
My belief is that music is art. It's all about how it makes you feel. That being said, my only goal in life is to inspire people -Josh Allan
I have several plans for upcoming works and I hope to influence many people from different walks of life. You might be surprised at some of the projects I'm going to embark on in the next year or so, all of which will be sampled on this site.
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