Paul Gronow profile picture

Paul Gronow

About Me

I released “Left to Write” in the summer of 2006. The feature song, "I Know Her," is about relationships and how they are the center of everyone's journey through life. I've been fortunate to play with many great musicians over my career and I've made many great friendships that will last a lifetime. As for my personal life, I'm married to an amazing woman and we have two beautiful little girls who are the center of our universe. My day job consists of teaching English to high school students in Victoria, B.C., Canada. I love teaching but music is my passion and I consider songwriting the best way to explore my soul. I'm an avid reader and one of my favorite quotes comes from Aldous Huxley who says, “after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

My Interests


Member Since: 12/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Paul Gronow - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drums
Todd Hooge - Drums
Cimmaron Corpe - Guitar, B.G Vocals
Chuck Simms - Guitar, Bass
Genevieve Beninger - B.G. Vocals

Record Label: Wog Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


I just finished recording my latest song, "Not Getting Over Goodbye" with my good buddy and long-time drummer, Todd Hooge. This is the 1st version of the song and we will give it a "once over" sooner...
Posted by Paul Gronow on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:01:00 PST