I speak very fast
I am completely random
I do many stupid things resulting in injury
I am often sick for no reason
The emergency room is my second home
I love music
I love punk rock in general
I love to dance like the spastic I am
I enjoy dressing up and being a girl
I love to sing and play guitar
I cannot lie
I don't take kindly to clumsy come ons
I am the one everyone turns to for help
I can solve everyone's problems but my own
I like to make things for people I adore
I am easily amused
I have an attention span of five seconds
I enjoy the smallest of life's pleasures
I love fire
I am cynical and nihilistic
I do not trust easily
I despise arrogance
I hate society
No label you can produce for me will stick
I am extremely sentimental
Drawing and writing keeps me sane
My friends and my family are the world to me
I am extremely protective of them
I use self medication
I am not a whore
I am a hopeless romantic
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Emo love