Well my name is Daniel, I really like to play all kinds of sports, and I go to college right now, Im on my second semester. Im a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I ablsolutely love the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Im so thankful for the Book of Mormom, the Holy Bible and for Thomas S. Monson who is a prophet of God and guides this Church through divine inspiration. Im also so greatful for the opportunity to be sealed to my family for all eternity, through the sacred ordinances that are done in the Holy Temple. I really Im the happiest that I have ever been because I have been trying to follow the commandments to the best of my ability, and even though its hard I have had more joy, peace, and strength from the Lord then ever before. This is the restored Church of Jesus Christ in these Latter Days, and its here on Earth to bless your life just as it blesses my life. If you have read this and feel like you would like to know more or you have questions please send me a message or a comment Ill be happy to answer your questions the best I can, the mormom missionaries in your area are a better source for answers and they will also be very happy to talk to you! animal layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments