Very up and down w/ the big company thing usually, but i wouldnt mind meeting this guy, J. Darius Bikoff. people who know everything (correct) about something interesting and doesn't mind sharing.+++++++++++++ The signs of an ankle sprain can include:* pain or tenderness * swelling * bruising * inability to walk or bear weight on the joint * stiffness ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Many doctors suggest using the RICE approach--Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation--for treating ankle sprains---------If you need medicine to ease the pain, try acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Many studies have shown that while alcohol may temporarily numb the pain and give the patient "good times" it can also cause severe ankle injury relapse. Other studies show alcohol to be the cause of the actual injury itself. =============================== ANKLE in Danish is ankel ANKLE in Dutch is enkel ANKLE in French is cheville ANKLE in Hungarian is boka ANKLE in Italian is nocca ANKLE in Norwegian is ankel ANKLE in Portuguese is tornozelo ANKLE in Spanish is tobillo ANKLE in Swedish is ankel, fotled--------------------------What led to this? Who knows, a few beers and the cursed Grand Star... Lucky for me it's stage one... I'm gonna wash my dog and go hiking this weekend dammit! I suppose this all started when I was doing laundry at my parents killing time on the internet looking up ankle resources whilst multinetting all over the place, I found this new band that sounded pretty cool.. fujiya & miyagi and who would've guessed they have a song titled.. ankle injuries.. the world we think is so disconnected seems maybe not so..