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"Ninguém tem maior amor do que este, de dar alguém a sua vida pelos seus amigos." João 15:13
palavra da semana:
"Portanto, meus amados irmãos, sede firmes, inabaláveis e sempre abundantes na obra do Senhor, sabendo que, no Senhor, o vosso trabalho não é vão.". 1 I CorÃntios 15:58
Entre Aqui para Comprar CD "Uma Resposta"
.. .... About the " Christ in me " ministry....The " Christ in me " ministry was born with the sole purpose of taking the message that Jesus Christ one day came to us, getting rid of all that He was and all His glory, and made Himself a man, obedient until death, death on the cross (Philippense 2:5-11), so that we may have life, life in abundance (John 10:10)! We were bought at an expensive price, so that we may be free in Christ.
And this same Jesus, today came to live in us (Galatians 2:20), and through this miracle, we can be transformed of glory by glory, we may have happiness, peace, and a communion with God and enjoy His great love!
Jesus lives in us! What a marvelous and tremendous message!!
We may be free of sin, we may face our fears, we may break the barriers, we may be cured, we may be fortified, we may conquer dreams, we may be forgiven, we may have hope! All this through Jesus Christ and the power of the cross!
Today, our wish is that our lives may be a response to this great love demonstrated for us!
Jesus loves you and wants to live in your heart! May the power of the cross reach your life and may you also be a response to the love of Jesus!
.......................................................Danie l Lucas
Our team:
Daniel Lucas - Leading vocals and guitar // Glauber de Oliveira - Drums // Emerson Júlio –Bass JP - Keyboards
Visit too: www.cristoemmim.com.br
Contact: [email protected] +55 (27) 9226-2538
Being what God dreams is certainly one of our greatest challenges.
We were conquered by a love of inimaginable size, reached by a marvelous grace, and today we have a new life in Christ. Now we have a goal: Be what God dreamt for us!!
For this we have to obey what Jesus said in Luke 9:23 : "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."
Deny ourselves, our desires, our priorities.. and sometimes even let go of some of our own dreams so that we may be what God dreamt for us.
But as the word of God says: " The thoughts and ways of God are higher than our owns" and " the desires of God are good, pleasent and perfect".
Rise God, men, women, youth and children, who are willing to be everything that the Lord dreamt and planned for us... this way, certainly, we will make a difference in this generation.
.......................................................Chris t in me ministry ..
If you don’t have Jesus as your only and enough Savior, and you never asked him to come to live in your life, you can do it now... right there where you are. You have just to repeat the following prayer:
“Jesus, I recognize that I am sinful, and that I need your pardon. I recognize that You died on the cross cause of my sins. Thanks for this great love. I want at this moment, in the place where I am and as I am, give you my heart and my whole life. I receive you as the only and enough Mister and Savior of my life! Come to live in my heart and make me a new person! On behalf of Jesus, amen!â€
Entrust that Jesus washed your sins and He forgave you, and now you make part of a new family, the family of God! Seek somebody that can help you to know the word of God better, or send us an e-mail to: [email protected]
word of the week:
"For this cause, my dear brothers, be strong in purpose and unmoved, ever giving yourselves to the work of the Lord, because you are certain that your work is not without effect in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58
Read the bible:www.bible.com
Open doors Ministry: opendoorsusa.org
Alguns vÃdeos:
Quão Grande é o meu Deus
Grande é o nosso Deus. O Deus triuno, Pai, Filho e EspÃrito. Ele é o nome sobre todos os nomes e digno de nosso louvor.
Deus desta cidade
Desperte em nós Senho o desejo de ver nossa cidade aos teus pés, quermos clamar pelos perdidos e levar tua mensagem onde formos...
Sou Feliz
A verdadeira história do Hino "Sou Feliz"...
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