Reading, writing, analyzing, running for fun, ball room/dancing in general, myspacing, wedding planning, planning in general, watching the adventures of cpt. jean-luc picard & cpt. katherine janeway, watching good football games, going out on dates w/ my hubby-2-be-gee, and of course spending that oh so important qt w/ the fam, & folks. (And pretty much anything else I find engaging & stimulating.)
I'm more than content with the wonderful people that surround me; however, I'm always down to reconnect with old school folks and to meet new, cool, down-to-earth, respectful, & stimulating new peeps.
More specifically, I would like to meet other café-luvin-enthusiasts particularly those of my FELLOW ESPRESSO types:
At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, & energetic
At your worst, you are: anxious, high strung, & impatient
You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping
Your caffeine addiction level: high
If I'm ever on AIM its only on the weekends. My screen name is emdee79 : )
Anything with a good beat. I especially like songs that tell a good story. Hiphop & R&B, high energy & dance, smooth jazz, light classical. New faves: Shakira, Jack Johnson & The Killers. Old faves: India Arie, No Doubt, & Prince.
A League Of Their Own, Remembering the Titans, Grease, Twin Towers, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, What Women Want, A Beautiful Mind
I am not a big fan of tv because this is a big potential time waster for me. What I do end up watching, when I do, is a butt-load of junk (i.e.) Laguna Beach (go LC!), MTV, VHI, and some reality shows.
Elements of Style, En el tiempo de las mariposas, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Client, Hamlet (I once loved this play so much that I used to have Hamlet's soliloquy memorized.)
Jesus. Papa. Mama.