. You scored as The Beast. Just because your guy's a Beast on the outside, doesn't mean he is on the inside! He'll control his temper for a beautiful, but down-to-earth girl like you!
The Beast
Prince Eric
John Smith
Prince Charming
Prince Phillip
Who..s your Disney Guy?
created with QuizFarm.comTake the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"
Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
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You Are Sensual Sexy
You exude a luxiourous sensuality in your everyday life Turning heads every where you go, it's all about your sexy attitude. You're naturally hot - gorgeous in both sweats and stilettos. Your biggest problem is that your utra sexy self sometimes scares men away. What Kind of Sexy Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.Your Sexual Flavor Is Chocolate
Deeply sensual. Complicated and over the top.You're a bit of a "problem child" in the bedroom... But that's also what makes you so hot. You tend push limits, make lovers uncomfortable, and cause trouble. In other words, you're an incredible lay!Secret talent: Needle playWhat's Your Sexual Flavor?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT NEEDLE PLAY IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're Brigitte Bardot!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is
Adriana Sarahyba What's Your Sexy Brazilian Name?
I edited my profile with
Your Inner Child Is Surprised
You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things. How Is Your Inner Child?
You Are Mexican Food
Spicy yet dependable.
You pull punches, but people still love you. What Kind of Food Are You?
Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have high extroversion.
You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.
You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.
Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"
You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have medium agreeableness.
You're generally a friendly and trusting person.
But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.
You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.
You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. The Five Factor Personality Test
You Are a Retrospective Soul
The most misunderstood of all the soul signs.
Sometimes you even have difficulty seeing yourself as who you are.
You are intense and desire perfection in every facet of your life.
You're best described as extremely idealistic, hardworking, and a survivor.
Great moments of insight and sensitivity come to you easily.
But if you aren't careful, you'll ignore these moments and repeat past mistakes.
For you, it is difficult to seperate the past from the present.
You will suceed once you overcome the disappoinments in life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Traveler Soul and Prophet Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
Your Brain's Pattern
Your mind is a multi dimensional wonderland, with many layers.
You're the type that always has multiple streams of though going.
And you can keep these thoughts going at any time.
You're very likely to be engaged in deep thought - and deep conversation. What Pattern Is Your Brain?