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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

***I bet most people won't bother reading all of this useless shit...Ha. But here it is. You see in the year that I took off between high school and college Myspace was pretty much all I did...well that and working. So this long winded piece is (for the most part) the product of that year.***
THEATRE THEATRE and more THEATRE!! ART IS MY LIFE! Any form of it. Whether it's something I partake in(like acting, sewing, cooking, ceramics, jewelry, I even dabble in computer graphics!)or something I admire (Musicians, painters, dancers)I love it all! I wish I could effectively describe the feeling I get when I'm on stage but words can't do it justice! While I am good at some art, I'm not a terribly good drawer. I will say that I am an Irish girl at heart...I'm all fine and dandy but don't piss me off! My temper can flair up from time to time... :D Oh yeah...And I LOVE LOVE BATMAN!!
I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD! No joke. I will one little step at a time. The history of ancient cultures fascinate me! I went to Ireland, England and Wales this last June...and it was seriously the most amazing thing I have ever done. I now know that part of me belongs in Ireland. I intend to go back once a year if i can...I will save everything I can! I met some amazing people on the trip! And the feeling of being there is just indescribable! I just want to travel like crazy now!
Recently I have become somewhat of a stand-up comic junkie...I love Dane Cook(obvioulsy, because who doesn't? And while I will agree that he has become somewhat over rated he is still an amazing comic, especially his delivery), Rob Pue, Joe Klocek, Demetri Martin (Absolute genius) Paul Vargheese, Cristela Alonzo, Ryan Belleville, Kathleen Madigan (Who is Irish..YAY!), Gerry Dee, Louis Katz, John Evans, Lachlan Patterson, Liz Russo...and more.
One of my biggest ambitions in life it to become somebody. To be famous for something. Like acting (obviously!), interior design, fashion design, costume/set design, directing...etc. You get the picture! I love to be on stage! Nobody understands how a performer feels when they are on stage! Currently I work at Pizza Hut. Ha yeah...soo glamorous! But it's a job and it's not THAT bad! Music is very important to me also. The only instrument I play is my voice!
I love science too. Astronomy, geology, archaeology, paleontology, and a bunch of other areas of science(well they all might not exactly be science but you get the idea!)!
I am a horrible speller. I am kind of a computer/video game nerd. I love animals! All animals. I prefer dogs over cats though. I really love my family and friends. I don't really have any fears. I guess I don't like spiders! I really don't want to die alone either. I am rather easily amused, so therefore I am a generally happy person. I'm kind of just an average (crazy) girl with an odd sense of humor. I tend to find humor in just about everything...I might laugh at something I shouldn't...Sorry a head of time! I do like to have fun. I can enjoy a good hockey or soccer game just as much as any guy! I love just hanging out with my friends and talking about things that don't matter and some things that are important. I like dressing up sometimes. Coloring books are fun! I love to watch cartoons. But I love a good drama too. My legs look sexy in heels...that makes me happy! I don’t really have a fav color. Rainbow is nice though and I suppose green and purple! I'm a little boy crazy...haha...But I'm ok with that! I'm not despearate and thats what matters!! Guys that are good at video games turn me on! :D
I can honestly say that I don't hate, not even dislike anybody. I guess I am understanding. Even if I don't like something you do I will usually be able to put myself in your shoes and see the bigger picture. I suppose that’s a good quality! ..
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Amber K.
Date of Birth: August 1st, 1987
Birthplace: Fort Wayne
Current Location: ...still here...
Eye Color: Hazel (greenish brown..they change)
Hair Color: red/brunette
Height: 5'6"
Heritage: Irish, english, german
Piercings: 3 in each ear
Tattoos: 1 on my right foot...its very special to me
Band/Singer: impossible answer...but Motion City Soundtrack, The Moody Blues, Harry Connick Jr. all rank up there
Song: currently i dont really have a favorite last fav song was "how far we've come" by matchbox twenty
Movie: Geeus...umm..LOTR, Hot Fuzz, Beetlejuice, Fight Club...there are more
Disney Movie: Aladdin
TV show: I dont really watch TV but I do love me some Scrubs
Color: Green and Purple...But I enjoy all theory is that every color can look good if done right
Food: ummm NOT pizza (i grew up around it and now i work with it..soo its not the most awesome thing on my menu!!)
Pizza topping: LOL...refer to last question. I do like lots of cheese and american sausage, light on sauce.
Ice-Cream Flavor: anything REALLY creamy...
Drink (alcoholic): Beer (Guinness, Red Stripe, Smithicks, and even though its not beer Bulmers cider..amazing.) I also enjoy ginger ale with vanilla vodka or sprite with peach vodka. Tasty.
Soda: Diet A&W cream soda
Store: as guilty as this makes me feel...its gotta be Wal-mart.
Clothing Brand: Torrid
Shoe Brand: uhhh no preference...the cute brands. :D
Season: spring or fall
Month: April or October
Holiday/Festival: St. Paddys day!!! Well that and just the holidays in general because i get to see my family.
Flower: Orchid, rose, lilly
Make-Up Item: lip gloss
Board game: The Hobbit board kicks ass!
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy in the spring and sunny in the fall
Chocolate or vanilla: usually chocolate
Fruit or veggie: i like both really...there aren't many types of either that I dont like.
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love...duh
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or personality: personality (now im not gonna lie and say that looks dont matter. Because they do to a certain extent....I mean you HAVE to be attracted to someone)
Coffee or tea: tea
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: well, seeing as how the year is almost over...ha. but I would really like to make "the taming of the shrew" and pass my geology class...ha
Most missed memory: not having a care in the world...being young.
Best physical feature: lol JK. I dont know my eyes maybe.
First thought waking up: if i have to get up early for a class or work then its..."agh, i dont wanna get up"
Hypothetical personality disorder: Paranoia
Preferred type of plastic surgery: bariatric surgery
Sesame street alter ego: ummm Barkley.
Fairytale alter ego: A hobbit of the shire.
Most stupid remark: I once told a friend who was upset because she felt like everyone hated her...i was really aggravated with her and without thinking i said "Don't think you are so important that people talk about you"...yeah I felt bad. It was one of those...oh shit its leaving my mouth GRAB IT QUICK...fuck to late. damage is done.
Worst crime: indecent has happened more than once...sometimes innocent...sometimes not... ;-)
Greatest ambition: to not get swept under the carpet of society
Greatest fear: dying alone
Darkest secret: I am boy crazy...ok not a secret... ha
Favorite subject: THEATRE!! But English was alright. :D
Strangest received gift: Playgirl mags, condoms, fuzzy hand cuffs and lube...oh yeah.
Worst habit: going to bed late
Do You:
Smoke: never
Drink: yeah
Curse: yep
Shower daily: yep..I dont wash my hair everyday though...or it would be a frizzy mess!
Like thunderstorms: love them
Dance in the rain: :D definitely
Sing: yes
Play an instrument: nope
Get along with your parents: uhh huh
Wish on stars: ...yeah...
Believe in fate: not really
Believe in love at first sight: not yet
Can You:
Drive: can i? yes. Can i well? no
Sew: I can sew like a mad women! lol I am still learning some things though.
Cook: Yeah, pretty well.
Speak another language: Not fluently. Muy pequeno espanol. and a few words in Irish
Dance: when im drunk i do it better...i am convinced of this.
Sing: yeah.
Touch your nose with your tongue: yep :-P
Whistle: yeah but not really loud
Curl your tongue: yup
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: oh yeah
Been Stoned/High: once...
Eaten Sushi: no i would like to though
Been in Love: thats up for debate. I still like to tell myself no. But part of me still says yes.
Skipped school: LOL...on a weekly basis
Made prank calls: not that i can recall
Sent someone a love letter: no i dont think so. I have written sorta non romantic mushy letters to friends.
Stolen something: not directly.
Cried yourself to sleep: yeah. Not over a boy though...
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? pessimism
Are you right or left handed? right. but i can do some things with my left hand pretty well...just not write.
What is your bedtime? usually around 2 am
Name three things you can't live without: my friends and family, my cell phone, art (specifically theatre)
What is the color of your room? brown wooden panel...yay for trailers built in the 80s!
Do you have any siblings? one of each. My sister is 12 years older and my brother is 12 years do the math
Do you have any pets? yep. 2 doggies
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? hmmm....just you............................jk! or am i?
What is you middle name? Niccole (yes 2 Cs)
What are you nicknames? Tinks, Tinkerbell, Stinks, Stinky Tinky, Klinker, Klink, Klinks, Kinky, Klink-Klink
Are you for or against gay marriage? FOR
What are your thoughts on abortion? Its the woman's body and mind
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yeah...when dont i?
Are you afraid of the dark? Nope
How do you want to die? Happy and not suffering (so sorta unexpectedly...but not untimely)
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Oh lord...those ones that come in the plastic pouch tube thing...probably at least like 10
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yeah
What is the last law you’ve broken? indecent back to that
BESTFRIEND: Syd and Caty
AGE: 21 and 19
DO YOU TALK OFTEN? not as often as i would like and everyday
WHERE DID YOU MEET? literally known since birth and on the NHS speech team in my sophomore year
WHY ARE THEY YOUR BESTFRIEND? because they are both always there for me no matter what
LAST TIME YOU TALKED? last night at about 1 am and I have been texting with caty all day...but i saw here yesterday in movement
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Its not all that important...but i like dark hair
Eye color: again not important...but light green or blue is nice
Height tall
Weight in shape
Most important physical feature: that weird? lol
Biggest turn-off guys who have no social skills

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone! There are 8.6 Billion people in the world and I would like to meet all of them. And Become friends with the ones I like! People fascinate me, I love learning about different cultures, in present times or from the past.
Of course being the so called "boy crazy" girl that I am...I want to meet the man of my dreams...Who that exactly is right now I dont know. But aside from that I want to meet people who know what they are doing with their lives. Or at least have some idea. Also people who are passionate about something. Whether it be music, painting, sports, politics, movies, theatre...I don't care. I love to hear about anything and everything.
I do love people..I really do! :D

My Blog

Just one more reason to never leave the soft glow of my laptop

So now IMDB is showing full episdoes of a bunch of tv shows...and movies...and independant shorts.. How amazing is that????
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 19:34:00 GMT

Lets go to the sock hop baby!

As i write this i am standing in line to return something at walmart. Last week i did a presentation on the 1950s so i bought a hula hoop because they were popular in the 50s. And since have no need ...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 12:49:00 GMT

Flirt...Or not

So heres a random thought. You know how in high school guys would flirt by sort of being mean? Like make fun of the girl and sorta hurt the girl with fake punches and what not. Is that still true even...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 23:42:00 GMT

A few words about "skinny" women and Halloween...

And these chicks all have their national holiday, Halloween. They all come out on Halloween. Their always so cute, their always really cute. Their like, "I'm wearing a yellow thong, I'm a sexy Picachu...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 15:13:00 GMT


There is a group here on myspace called Plushus. They are determined to make people see curvy girls as healthy, happy, and beautiful. Recently they wrote a blog and i think its something that should b...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 04:39:00 GMT


Why are drugs addicting? I'll tell you why. It's because, at least in most cases, when someone is on drugs it releases a chemical in your brain called endorphins. Endorphins make you feel happy. ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 02:14:00 GMT

Hot Sexy Women...Who are *gasp* curvy! we really need more women like Mia Tyler, Whitney (from antm), and these girls that call themselves the Glamazons. I came across there page and was is ok but the girls are ho...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 18:56:00 GMT

On mom, guys that tickle my fancy, picking locks and jet lag

I am not sure why I get like I did in that last blog sometimes...??...I think about stuff to hard I guess. But I think my brain is ok now on that subject. I have always been like that..especially when...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 02:27:00 GMT


Tonight the idea of leaving home for 2 weeks kinda hit me...This will be (by a long shot) the farthest and longest I've ever been away from home and my mom. As wimpy as that sounds I'm a little freake...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 23:27:00 GMT

Just a few things...

First off I found a good quote for actors...   "The higher the stakes, the happier I am, the better I will be." -Robert Downey Jr.   And an interesting quote on sexuality... "To me, so...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 23:59:00 GMT