Clicker profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I beLieve thAt I am a stRoNg wiLLed aNd amBitious peRsOn.I beLieve in bEing tRUe to mYseLf and living with nO regRets. in 29 yeaRs, i beLieve i haVe cOme fuLL ciRcLe witH ceRtaiN aSpeCts of my Life. bUt theRe aRe mAny ciRcLes to be cOmpLeteD yEt. mY tRUe seLf is cApabLe of bEing chiLd Like bUt gRown Up and RespOnsibLe. wHen neCessaRy, im giVing, caRing and sOmetimEs eVen seLfish. i LUv eveRybOdy regaRdless of coLor or who thEy aRe. ill cRy at the dRop of the hat wHen i heaR mUsic or see sOmeOne in pAin. but i LUv to laUgh, aNd nOthing is moRe speCiaL tHan LaUghiNg sO haRd with yOur heAd thRown baCk aNd teArs dOwn Ur cheeks. iVe encOUnteRed alot of stRuggLes in tHe pAst and sOmEwhat engaged mYseLf intO trOubLe. bUt wHat has occUred hAs taUght mE sOmetHing.tHat my jOurney in Life wiLL nOt aLways be a pLeAsant One.bUt in the End, it wiLL OnLy mAke mE stRongEr....

My Interests

Football , Backpacking, Beach stuff, of course taking Pics!

I'd like to meet:

i am lookin for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac wit huge boobs who owns a liquor store and you can bring your friends too.. :) just kidding guys, anyone true to herself and others is fine with me ....


r&B, Tiesto!!!


Pirates of the Carribean - dead mans chest


the OC, Laguna Beach, Greys Anatomy




st ignatius , jose rizal, einstein, bill gates and warren buffet

My Blog

Camera Specs

Body: Nikon d40X Lens: 52mm , Zoom Lens, Macro Studio: 1 Strobe kit, 4 background colors, 3 Halogen continuos lighting
Posted by Clicker on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:06:00 PST