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+...Living under the Moonspell...+
- I am the light that shall lead you to darkness -
"At the dawn
The golden moon was shining bright
With the silvery eyes of death
They had seen me salute the flames in the sky
...Northern lights...
While you were asleep I was awake to be part of the dark
While you were asleep I was awake
to find the truth I had sought for
through all my life...
Aurora Borealis
A part of me still in the sky..."

“Siamo pervase dalla nostalgia per l’antica natura selvaggia. Pochi sono gli antidoti autorizzati a questo struggimento. Ci hanno insegnato a vergognarci di un simile desiderio. Ci siamo lasciate crescere i capelli e li abbiamo usati per nascondere i sentimenti. Ma l’ombra della Donna Selvaggia ancora si appiatta dietro di noi, nei nostri giorni, nelle nostre notti. Ovunque e sempre, l’ombra che ci trotterella dietro va indubbiamente a quattro zampe.” (Women Who Run With the Wolves, C. P. Estes)
"We are our Past failing to come back
All of us visionaires
with a rope around our neck"

- We’re going nowhere...All the way to nowhere –

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well...there is no hierarchical order, but I think I’ll start with my paladin:

ANNE dream is to edit, sooner or later, some stuff that I write; then send it to her, and receive back a phone call to tell me that she wants me as pupil!!...uhm....yes, yes....dream...
But she has always been, and always will, my great mentor. Let’s say that I would like at least meet shake her hand! it sounds definitely more realistic! :)

SAMI LOPAKKA: I stared into this man’s eyes only once, and it was enough to leave me petrified before a look that is a deep abyss of misery...he was really wonderful. I’d like to meet him again, and manage to tell him how his words comforted me and helped me growing during this years...It’s strange how through words of death can emerge such a gloomy passion for life.
Anyway...what’s sure is that as soon as I manage to travel to Finland, the first thing I’m going to do is to investigate Oulu’s phone book!...Hoping there are not many Lopakka around there! ;p
VILLE LAIHIALA: Such as those smells that reminds in a moment the things we had forgotten, his voice tells everything about me. And I'm longing to be near that stage one more time, in front of him, as he sings with that voice which has been haunting in my heads for all these years.

TIM BURTON: I’d like to meet him because he is such a crazy character, but above all...because he is a genius!! It would be great to ask him to make me a portrait in his peculiar style, also with the rhyme! I think I would fit perfectly among Oyster Boy, Junk Girl, and the Toxic Boy! ;)

And finally I’d like to meet....a manager of an Art gallery that would give me a job as a curator!!!...ehm...:)

My Blog


Per ovviare alla tristezza di questo blog in disuso posto il link a quel famigerato mondo di spritz, dove bene o male ogni tanto scrivo qualcosa... See you in hell...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 07:30:00 GMT

Starless night

"Fiamme astrali adornano il firmamento stanotte, così splendide quanto indifferenti, eternamente distanti. Ma la morte, infame, spietata, e bellissima, nemmeno loro risparmia. Stella morente, mia pal...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 09:51:00 GMT


Vento di presagio, scuote l'anima e libera i pensieri. Cielo tetro, precede il pianto. Poi ad un tratto silenzio. Il mondo intero, come immobile attende& E quando infine Lei giunge, è come un canto ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 20:26:00 GMT

Safe in a dream

  "Perché tu mi odale mie parolea volte si assottiglianocome le orme dei gabbiani sulle spiagge.Collana, sonaglio ebbroper le tue mani dolci come l'uva. E le vedo lontane le mie parole.Più che ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 20:16:00 GMT


"Turbini di foglie auree nell'aria cristallina e densa di pioggia. Un rumore di passi lenti e regolari echeggia nell'ampio salone che odora di legno antico, mentre dal vecchio pendolo giunge il rimbo...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 14:25:00 GMT

Scelti dalle tenebre

> >, disse lui. Ma prese la bottiglia non ancora stappata e si avviò alla porta. Lo seguii. Quando uscì da casa con il violino, disse: > Risi. Dovevo essere ubriaco per acconsentire. >, insistetti, >...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 20:11:00 GMT


"She brought the Night hidden in her sad Wolf eyesThe perfume of a twilight, her strongest scentHalf Wolf, Half female - what a strange weddingMother Nature has offered us to see...Her mask lays lost...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:42:00 GMT


L'inizio di tutto: la morte di un uomo; inseguire la luce del bene attraverso il male. Un nome che riecheggia nei secoli, timore dei popoli viventi, dolce oblio nell'eterna morte. Amore, insegnato co...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 19:32:00 GMT

The beauty...and the beast.

Through centuries Art has shown beauty in many different forms, but these two artists are able to paint in a realistic yet so visionary way& They lived in different times, but walked the same ground, ...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 10:57:00 GMT


"They awake for flesh, choose pain as a path, refuse a light, to blind you and me&Full moon madness, we are as one and congregate&" Under a bleeding full moon an angel who dresses in red appears...h...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:33:00 GMT