music layout @ HOT MyHotComments
HotFreeLayoutsI am into music and the band scene! during the winter months, I try to go into hibernation mode, but somehow life never let's me get to that. I enjoy going to and supporting several local bands, such as Vestiges of Ecstacy, A Failed Escape, bobby blue & the wrecking crew!
During the spring and summer seasons, I like going to major concerts ,music festivals and art exibits. I enjoy painting and doing various art works when inspired!! I do major photography/video project's & own my own lil bizness called "cheap shot productions" if there's anything else you would like to know in the "about me section" drop me a line!!! <mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="
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