Party, Party, Party
Loverboy, Steelheart, Shinedown, Nickelback, AC/DC, My Chemical Romance, Ozzy, Creed, Kid Rock. I really dig old bar music from the 70's & 80's. But for my softer side I listen to Cindy Campo.
Pretty Woman, The Wedding Singer...many people think I'm stuck in the 80's?
The Young & The Restless rocks! I love Crossing Over w/John Edward. LA Ink, Real Sex, Taxicab Confessions, Desperate Housewives, The Girls Next Door, Grey's Anatomy, Dr. 90210, Dog The Bounty Hunter, TV Guide Channel, That 70's show, American Chopper, The Weather Channel, King of Queens, The First 48, Intervention, Sopranos, Carnivale, Weeds
The Flamboya Tree by Clara O'link, Best book ever.Any Biography or Autobiograpy. People magazine, US Weekly
My gastric bypass surgeon & my plastic surgeon...God had a hella' sense of humor & what he didn't give me or gave me too much of, they took care of that shit!!