S.*.P.*.L.*.A.*.S.*.H is the strongest CROSS-OVA - HIP-POP- R & B artist in d music industry. .......................... / / / / / / / / / / / ............................
Born 2 survive, comes da hardest and da toughest situation ........................ / / / / / / / / / / / ..................................... * * * *
He spent many years making music despite the in-convenience involved and never gave up... .................. / / / / / / / / / ........................ ** * * ** * *
He renewed his music history in UNITED KINGDOM when he came across CARLA CAMPBELL ( A sound-engineer & founder of INSTANT-MELODIES ) ....
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He got lifted up, but describes MUSIC as a "SLOW HEARTBREAKER" while making it. ................. / / / / / / / / / ............................ ///////////// ........
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Many years after, S.*.P.*.L.*.A.*.S.*.H started working with different U.K & U.S producers, which added 2 his experience in d MUSIC INDUSTRY. ..........
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With no doubt, his target is 2 win many fans all over d world, but this he knew will take him some time 2 achieve. ........................... / / / / / / / / /
"Determination" with GOD remains d key ! Watching d lives of successful artists ; many started axactly like him, and with 100% confidence S.*.P.*.L.*.A.*.S.*.H is meant 2 be seen @ da top. ...................... / / / / / / /
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Its "SplashSound Entertainment" yet 2 be fully established !
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NEED INFO about S.*.P.*.L.*.A.*.S.*.H ?
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[email protected]) * * * * * * * * * * * *'EMERGENCY' 2006 PROMO VideO
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