♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ profile picture

♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Vickie. Call me only if it's an emergency... 202-452-7468...giggles
I am a Grandma for the second time around, another grandson! ... can you believe it?
I Love Candles...scented candles is a must. I love to go out whenever I can. I love dancing, camping, hiking, fishing, well pretty much anything outdoors... Umm I like romantic evenings in front of my fireplace, and I found that special someone to live out this Fantasy!
Would you like to learn more about me? ~~~ Look below 4 Four Things You May or May Not Know About Me ~~~
My personal website has ALOT OF DETAILS about me... visit~ Vickiewebsite.net
"Click to Read more; "Who is Vickie"
11-21-1969 * 1-1-1993...
Rest in peace Lloyd Scott Harris...I miss you :0(
2008 ~Recent Journal entry;
“What is the quality of your intent?"
Certain people have a way of saying things that shake us at the core. Even when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering.
What we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens.
What each of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. We cannot sugarcoat the feelings in our heart of hearts. The emotion is the energy that motivates. We cannot ignore what we really want to create.
We should be honest and do it the way we feel it. What we owe to ourselves and everyone around is to examine the reasons of our true intent.
My intent will be evident in the results.
Checkout new Album ...4 pics
April 6, 2008
I went out last night got a bit tipsey...had a night I wont ever forget...see photo's in new album 4-5-08 Night Out
April 4, 2008
ETA; Have a great weekend my friends...taking a trip so I be MIA...hugs to all
April 3, 2008
Okay we are going to have a little conversation, I talk, well because I am the one who owns the journal and you listen because you are the ones reading my journal and at anytime if there is anything here that offends you or that you don’t want to hear, read, see or know about there is a little red X at the top right corner of the window that will solve your problem. Got it? Good. (intended for one uneducated young ass!)
I can not believe the sheer ignorance of some people. I can not believe that rather than heed a warning, no matter how remote a possibility, that the warning would be scoffed at and that the free thinking ( oh wait I could be wrong there) masses would attempt to quash or otherwise invalidate because it doesn’t match their perfect Pollyanna perfect free world images of themselves.
Since I am all for calling spades, spades, here it is in black and white;
I have been through infancy, toddlerhood, puberty, growth spurts, growing pains, first loves, loves lost, good times, bad times and all the times in between.
See, back then I was like you. I was ignorant and uneducated
Now that is the way it is and movin on
I was going to vent about this tomorrow considering the time but it is best to get this out of my system before I close my eyes tonight.
A compliment given to me this morning on The Poll Vault got me to thinking…
( ut-oh…hold onto your hats)
In my upbringing I was taught to always be a lady first. Always reminded of what a lady is and what a lady should and shouldn’t do and I think that in today’s society a lot of what is now considered old school thinking has gone amiss.
In my upbringing I learned that a lady always conducts herself with grace; she always is mindful that eyes are upon her; she is always polite and always takes consideration to the feelings of others into account.
In my upbringing ladies were quietly understated, well poised and well polished and knew how to use a knife and fork properly. In my upbringing ladies were good conversationalists with well developed minds on a great many subjects and could keep company with princes and paupers alike.
In my upbringing ladies were fine with being in the spotlight and equally fine with sharing it or having shine on anyone else. In my upbringing a lady knew her worth outside of having a man in her life, but at the same time well versed on how to have one not only in her life, but keeping him in her life. (FYI- I do have friendship's with my ex's! It taught my girls although he disrespected me where we could not be together, I can still continue to show you on how to be an adult and move on with some dignity)
In my upbringing a professional woman was just that a professional woman and she also knew when to put her career first and knew when to let it sit on a back burner and put her family first.
She knew balance and she knew equality and she didn’t feel the need to exert some ominous power to prove that she was just as good as a man. She was content to be a woman and took joy in the subtlety of being so.
Now before anyone goes all feminist hater on my ass there is more;
In my upbringing I was taught that no woman needs a man to place value on her self worth. I was taught that a good woman is a self sufficient woman who thinks for herself and isn’t afraid to speak up to prove her point.
I was taught to take pride in my sex and I was taught that feminine sexuality is something to be revered not quashed. I was taught the art of the flirt and I was also taught the art of knowing how to appropriately convey that art; Time and place… time and place…time and place.
If you take a look at the female celebrities in the news today, it’s painfully apparent that someone has dropped the ball in teaching the women of today the fine art of womanhood. Most of the young celebrities are attention getters, but not for the things that they should be getting attention for. Over the top drug and alcohol use, public flashes of naked private flesh, anything and everything they can do to make sure they stay in the public eye and I for one think it’s a damned shame.
Do it in a strip club where you must be 18 to enter, thank you very much!
In the past I have had people reach out to me in my silences, afraid that something was wrong or that I was somehow hurting in some unknown or ungodly way. In truth, a lot of my silences are just that, silences, silent moments that I take, and in which I find my way back to my core beliefs that inside of me there is a lady first, one who knows her place, and her worth and what is important to her.
My mother used to call it “finding your grace.”
In the eyes of my children that it most important
It is where I am appreciated for being a Lady First.
1-2-08~~First entry for 2008!, My Thought's;
(scroll down)
*******Happy New Year Everyone...I added two new photo album's, .. Christmas & New Years 2008! ..Check them out!... Also I will be adding our family Christmas pics, I have alot of work to do on my video camera so check back for updates. (this may take a while)
If your interested go below and read my last entry for 2007...I wrap up the whole year by each month...so take a peek and maybe you will learn something from my experiences.********
It’s the time of the year where 2007 would become something of the past and 2008 would be filled with anticipation. It’s also the time of the year where people make new year resolutions.
What has 2007 been like for you? What has 2007 brought about in you? These are questions I’m sure most of us would ask ourselves either today or the eve of the new year. And I’m sure that there’d be many who will be making new year resolutions too.
My daughter's father Scott died on New Years Of 1993. It has been 14 yrs since I celebrated New Years... All in all I am happy to say, this was the first year since his death that I was actually happy. I was awake and alive!
The new year has begun, 2008. I was not up to see the old one go out, but I am sure many people were. My last 6 months of 2007 was almost like a dream to me...I would tell my sexy to pinch me...lol...he would...giggles
As The New Year's Eve rolls in, we started off our night with just the 2 of us...Later in the evening we got involved with the midget tossing at Vixens. It was funny as hell...you must see the photo's in the New Year Album:0)
My baby really knew how to ring in the new year right. We had a great night...He is so romantic...We had Champagne at midnight...We stayed sober for the most part, can you believe it, us sober? It was a night to remember. I wish the night would have never ended...a friend told me her mom always said that the way you enter the new year sets a tone for the rest of your year. We had a perfect night. We laughed, we cried in joy and we shared our special moments with our friends and a few family members.
Speaking of friends...I could not believe who I ran into at Vixens....As we were heading out of the club, my sexy wanted to introduce me to his friend Cory. I look up and guess who is best friends with my sexy's friend Cory...My past friend Stacy...OMG..I thought I would die..We were jumping up and down that we found each other...it was crazy how we seperated so many years ago...I moved from the country and some how we lost contact...When we went out clubbin the roof was on fire...this is no lie...My sexy even said, When Stacy, Cory and my sexy would go out, shit was rockin...It brings back those memories of us. we be laying in the sun using a oil spray that was meant for hair...We tanned good with that shit...Her sister Mel would come out and lay with us....Stacy's daughter is now 14yrs old..I remember her when she was only 1 yrs old. I have yet to call her but believe me, you will see the up coming pics of her and I...God I missed her...:0)
I got a bit side tracked...I do that alot...lol
I try to improve myself all year so there’s no need for resolutions really.
If you are into new years resolutions, I have one that I think people could benefit from. Would you like to keep in better touch with people you haven't seen in a while? Or family members who live out of state? Or would you like to keep in touch with business colleagues or potential clients? If you would like to be better in any of these areas, then I think this is the year that you should become more tech and networking savvy.
This goes out to my sexy,
You have made me the happiest woman in the world. My only wish, my desire, is that you give me the opportunity to do the same for you. Honey, you are my life, my love and the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.I Love You!

My Interests

Got this wolfie on Feb 6, 2007 ... it's located on my back, to see my full back of tats, click on title red riden hood and wolfie tat in BLOG ...Peace!

..By scrolling you will find a little piece of me in my a JOURNAL! Any links below can be found on "Who is Vickie" link located on my website. I am sure you can find your way around. Check back for updates; Update daily (maybe)

To read more in my journal 2006, 2005, 2004 and the rest of 2007...go to



4-1-08~~Edit to add;...I added another new album, "April Fools day 08"..My son got me this morning. He saran wrapped my car...lmao...Joke is on him because last night during our shopping spree he picked up 2 boxes of saran wrap. He got the expensive wrap at that so the allowance I give him this week will be 6 bucks short..You had to see his face...lol...now I can say April fools to you my baby boy...lol...I would never take from you but I can have fun trying..giggles...See my boy does love me...hah hah hah


It has been since January since I last wrote. Maybe I will pick it up again once things calm down... I added a new album to Myspace. (St. Patty's Day/Easter 08)…check it out and comment if you dare.

I really feel the need to vent today. I have had a lot on my mind. I know people only do to me what I allow them to do to me. Only I can allow someone to break my spirit, and trust me that would never happen because I wont allow it! Those around me has and always will learn from me. I can’t tell you how many times I heard this from others, including my online friends and readers. I must be doing something right in my life for others to follow in my footsteps and take my advice seriously.

In my reality, life has taken a very pleasant turn.

I did something I thought I would never do in my lifetime. I vowed I would never do again! I definitely feel good about my decision.. Being conniving and straight up fucking greedy gives me the right to play even!. I be damn if I am going to sit back and watch my friends-family being hurt or taken advantage of. If I am able to help, I will and I did just that...

It just burns my ass to see how low people go just to have the last word….do your threats …have your tantrums …do you baby cause I got a news flash for ya…we will get through this and I have already replaced everything and I MEAN EVERYTHING…so there :0)!

Moving on…..

I was at a luncheon with my friend , and we started talking about relationships and adultery because of recent accusations came forth. STUPID BITCHES THINK THEY KNOW ALL WHEN IN FACT THEY DON’T KNOW SHIT!


While we were discussing relationships, the question of being ‘true’ and ‘in truth’ to oneself came up. That’s when I commented about something that happened to a friend of mine. About 3 years ago a friend of mine was quite upset because his sister called his mother to say she was getting a divorce and moving in with her boss, who was also getting a divorce. On the face of it, it seemed to throw every value he was raised with in his parent’s face, yet a year ago we revisited this topic and he admitted that for years before his sister left her marriage, the ’signs’ were there - no one wanted to see them though. It turns out that both parties were living in a dead marriage with no hope for revitalization. They existed together but had grown apart in almost every conceivable way. By the time his sister decided she couldn’t live a lie any longer, her husband was relieved, as living as room mates and buddies was not his idea of marriage. Adultery, as the term is used, does not happen in a void. If two people are truly in love, committed to each other and honest about their relationship, adultery will not have room to exist. This is because if the marriage is going to end, it will end and not “live on” propped up by artificial “life” saving techniques where one partner has created a belief, often a very committed belief extending to friends and family, that everything is fine while the other partner is wresting with dealing with a disconnect in truth.

Are these situations preventable? Maybe… Most of change over time, some of us grow spiritually, some of us reject spirituality, some of us need to be right about everything and some of us are willing to try to understand another person’s point of view, some of us are somewhere in the middle, and on and on. When two people end up at diametrically polar opposite positions, and would NEVER get together if they were single but they are still bound due to marriage, it is their personal responsibility to be in truth with what is going on. This truth needs to be not just with themselves but with the other person. If one person is willing to live a lie then the relationship will, inevitably suffer in some manner. A relationship needs to be based in honesty and truth for it to survive and be fulfilling and not empty.

With that said, I just don’t understand why she thinks the situation was preferable to what the future offers, which is being on your own all wrapped up with at least the potential to find somebody that is a better match. Why fuck around to cause more pain?…WTF...you have to know you can not have your cake and eat it too…guess two strikes and your out…lucky for me…..Anyhowers my point is…being on your own gives you the strength and backbone to take care of yourself in all aspects . If you cannot take care of yourself than how can you expect to care for anyone else.

we are moving on, and so far, continuing to deal amicably and with respect at least on our end.

I felt myself seizing up tears the other day, all from thinking about what is happening at the moment. The good news, I am very supportive - so you need to get a life! Seriously pull up your skirt! Go see a counselor and tell the whole truth! I can bet your ass the advise you receive will actually help you figure out who you really are. Just so you know, your actions are speaking louder than your words. For the record, I could care less as long as he's happy and guess what HE IS HAPPY no matter what you say or do! I will always stand by him because that’s what true friends do for each other.

Stepping things up…All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you.

From my experience, blaming others is a sign of low self-esteem because in doing so we are not taking responsibility. If you do not take responsibility you will always be a victim of your circumstances. Take it from me! I may be old (as u put it) but damn I sure know what I am talking about. I am a wise women.

Speaking of…

I use to blame everybody and everything in the past until I realized that in doing so my circumstances were not changing and my self esteem did not improved. When I became aware of this behavior I took the decision not to blame anymore. Whenever I find myself blaming people or circumstances I stop and I say to myself: Is time to take responsibility and I take action. This new behavior has helped me to build my self esteem because I do not feel the victim anymore. Remember I became a women at 14 years old. I was a child raising a child so my world different yours!

Here are some tips to stop blaming others and circumstances:

• If you made a mistake, admit it.

• If there is something in your life you are not happy about, do something to change it.

• When you find yourself blaming stop and say to yourself: is time to take responsibility.

• Be open to other’s people opinion and if you did something wrong apologize. Remember that you are not always right.


• I am responsible for the achievement of my desires

• I am responsible for my choices and actions

• I am responsible for the level of consciousness I bring to my work ---FYI - Yes I do have my own money

• I am responsible for my behavior with other people – coworkers, associates, customers, spouse, children, friends

• I am responsible for how I prioritize my time

• I am responsible for the quality of my communications

• I am responsible for my personal happiness

• I am responsible for accepting or choosing the values by which I live

• I am responsible for raising my self-esteem

I am just at the point where I would love to go somewhere warm for a while and roast on a beach, but I don’t want to take the following step as of yet. I rather wait this out and I do believe time will catch up with us.…:0) Damn I just thought of a great idea. I will take my sexy to a place he has never been. His birthday is around the corner so it will be perfect timing… time to get er done :0)

Good things come to those who wait and god knows I waited a long time!

At this very moment, I am paying attention to Sir Allen (I like to think of authors as the royalty of America-- excuse me, good authors, that is.)

If you are feeling out of control, unable to manage your obligations with calm, cool, and collectedness, get one of his books. I think he is on to something.

I feel much better just venting and moving on with things ...thanks for listening :0

Have a splendid week. Do yourself a favor and do something different. The best way to break a routine is to see it from a new vantage point, like someplace you've never been to before, even if that is only the next street over on your weekly dog walk . Doing things differently doesn't always involved doing things hugely differently. Just differently. :o)

---------------------------Take care!:0)


I hope everyone is having a good year so far..this year is going by fast for me...I can not believe we are going into our third week already.

wtf...slow down...I really don't want this year to fly by me like the last 6 months...I am having to much fun...

Anywhoooo...I been cooking up a storm these past few months...My sexy finally gave me the chance to show him what I can do in a kitchen...

I showed them with taste..lol...My son loves my spaghetti and homemade meatball subs, has yet to tell me he don't like something ... My sexy loves everything I cooked up so far, especially my chicken pot pie (made from scratch I must tell you)..and my Pot Roast, Fried Chicken and BQ Meatball subs...I guess I will add a list below what I have cooked in these past few months, just in case some of you would like my recipe...

over the years and I mean many years of changing this and that just to get the taste I like, I play with it and add my notes to that dish of what NOT to do just so my girls can have a little piece of me when I am gone.

Here ya go, I bet ya I can change your recipe..:0)...match my taste to your taste and see what ya like best!

note: all my dishes are made with lots of love & from scratch, no short cuts...WARNING; if your watching your weight, my dishes won't work for you!

Fried Chicken, Bq Meatballs, Chilli, Creamy Scallop Potatoes, Steak w/ onion & green pepper

Chicken Pot Pie, Spaghetti, Cheesy Chicken, Apricot Curry Pork Chops (in crock pot)..don't like oven!

Bq Ribs, Meatloaf, Cherry Cobler, Banana Bread, Soft Baked Potatoes ( melts n ure mouth), Beef Cassarole

Beef Stroganoff, Beef Stew, Macaroni & Cheese with 4 different cheeses, Honey Ham, Chicken Noodle Soup

Bean Soup, Chicken Stroganoff, Bq Pork Strips, Pigs in a blanket & Baked Beans and Lasagna

I did not notice I made so many dishes, to many to list so just ask and you shall recieve...:0)

My Noodle has been a very picky eater...As a wee little girl I would tell her everything was chicken just so she would eat...it stopped working as she got older... meats have always been a challenge with her but I got her eating meats...lol

On that note...you will see very little of me ...I will ttyl...

btw; I am caught up on all mail.....I plan to be absent for awhile so if I miss your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Peace to all :o)


Something new to try this year...(New Year Resolution)

Maybe you have noticed by now that my friend's number went down ....I now have a clean slate and know all of you on my friend's . Now I just got to keep it that way and believe me I will do just that!

I been saying I am going to clean things up here, well that time has come...so I decided to delete those I do not talk to ... I have deleted all the friends on my list that I don’t know just now, this is second time I done this, I keep adding to my friends just to find out I am just another "friend" to them to boost their friend count...this is kiddy play to me....

I was thinking that there is no point when you just keep adding, adding and adding new friends who will never contact you after adding them... we actually never communicate. What's the point?

From here on out, these are my rule's...

If I don’t know you personally than DO NOT request me, it's that easy...:0)

I will however ADD YOU IF you are a friend to any of my friend's (u must be on their list and NOT a new account)...just let me know who you know and I will then add you...

This should help me narrow down the people who like playing games...

IF YOU ARE A LURKER, which I don't mind you peeking in on my page, but if I deleted you I AM SO SORRY..I did not know you and you never contacted me by email or made any comments to tell me otherwise!...feel free to lurk, you still have some access to my page. :0)

I finally put a dent in to it...go me ...giggles


There has been some things that came up these past few days so this is the reason for my delay on adding my hero's...Family is my number one priority...

I promise I will get this done today...waiting for a few people for feed back to add there information...so be patient...:0)

I have the need to spill my thoughts today...Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

I have tried to recall the true friendships in my life that have been able to withstand the times of change, distance and turmoil. I have eight names, exclusive of my family, that come to mind.

The average person, if honest with themselves, have only a handful of lifetime relationships that have weathered change, distance and turmoil. We may have made many acquaintances in our lifetime, but few are soul mates that would be willing to sacrifice their needs for ours.

Think about it. Life has thrown us all loops. Who in your life has been and will be there unconditionally when you feel that you are about to be thrown under the bus?

If you have such friends that are connected to defining moments in your life wouldn't it be nice to let them know you care that they are there in your bag of marbles. While you can.

food for thought....

speaking of food...giggles...I just have to say, I made chicken pot pie last night for dinner...very tasty...yummy yummy...wink :0)

...hugs to all


Just want to let everyone know I am sorry...I have no clue why some of you are having trouble with signing the guest book...I am guessing it could be your java or something else on your end or maybe it is the server...


Time is running out....On November 24th at midnight I will be adding you to my hero's...ARE YOU A TRUE FRIEND OF MINE...Sign NOW!

As you can see I gave my page a face lift...my baby Amber helped me out with finding a new look so Thank you Amber...Mommie loves you :0)

After the 25th, I will be deleting friends off my friend list...I see no reason to have so many on there if we do not talk to eachother....It's time to clean things up again...hugs to all


...I was fooling around with my phone...guess what I found, Pac-Man...now you guys know I love that game...go me..giggles....you got 2 get the Sanyo --Katana (dlx) phone...it kicks ass!...I was watching the news and found some very interesting things that this phone does...it fuckin rocks.. I also transferred alot of my photo's from my pc to my phone...gettin ready 2 add music so i can make ringtones 4 my phone..no charge! ...I love 2days gadgets....off 2 make my sexy smile :0)

November 7, 2007

Today I spent my day with my family...I swear our teens act more and more like biological siblings...its cute for now...lol

We had a good day...yeahhhh

Yesterday we attended my youngest grandson's birthday party...we had a blast...Some of you know how my mother can be...she had us rolling...we were outside smoking our cancer sticks and my son (u know the story) was told to sit in my mommies car b/c he did not have his coat on and it was so cold last night...he looks up at me and my sexy and off he goes...it was so funny...He was so cute...I can see my honey and I will have trouble with my mommie...She spoils her grand children so we have to stay strong on this one...lmao... All in all we all had a good time...giggles

I finally left Nextel...I am now with Sprint...I like the service better...My bill is less than I expected...I saved over $120.00 a month for switching and I got everything I had with my old plan...See good things do come to those who help others...I am smiling!

I am so happy with the blessings god has given me...I do see that my future has been written...:0) Pinch me! I feel I am dreaming still

I am waiting for my sexy to arrive home...He is so sweet ladies...I am honored to have him in my life...He does the most sweetest things for me that sends me in a awww

Every week he brings me home no less than a half of a dozen of roses...he knows I love them...he never forgets...he has me sooo spoiled...giggles

Last night we stayed up late and watched a few of the new released movies...every new release that comes out we are off to get it ... I had over 200 movies I brought here and what I had that he had I gave away...when we buy our home we plan to have a movie room which I am adding all of our autographs from celebs, including the porn stars and the collection he has accumilated over the years...My man loves Star Wars and I got some great ideas for us to display those too...:0)

Off to play with my new phone...Baby it rocks! 831

November 2, 2007

Hello peeps :0)

It is wee hours in the morning and I'm waiting for my sexy sexy to come home from work...thought this would be a good time to update you guys on some things that is going through my mind.

The past few days I have been thinking alot about who I was before I found my past love...in a nut shell...I allowed people to walk all over me..meaning taking advantage of my kindness and my pocketbook...I give, give, give and never realized how much I gave to others til In the end, when looking back and seeing who those people truely were/are and seeing they are doing the same acts as they did with me ...realising they were never my true friend(s)...I believe in second chances but not all deserve it IMO...I find myself happier without these people in my life bringing me down because the drama they cause in their own life...I have no room for women who are jealous of me for who I am inside and what I have to offer as a friend... I am grown and I hope one day these people will see what they are doing to others! FYI...WHAT COMES AROUND WILL GO AROUND...your turn is around the corner ... its sad but true...now for my happy moments :0)

When I wake up in the morning, my love is the first person I see when I open my eyes.. the joy he gives me I hope never dies within me...if it should, I will be there to give it life again....communication, wink...

Since I found my love I have learned to be stronger and stand up for myself, not allowing anyone to mistaken my kindness for my weakness, something I had to learn the hard way, not to mention the thousands of dollars i lost just to learn this lesson....but god gives these things back to me so all in all IT WAS WORTH IT!

My love has brought the best out of me...I truely thought there was no such thing as true love since I always had the short stick when it came to love...always the one gettin hurt... I did not know at the time how much my love meant to me BACK THAN and most of all NOW..He has given me reason to live my life to the fullest and I mean that in every breath I take...We been together since June and not once have we been in a arguement or disagreement....our relationship is strong and getting stronger every second...We are together 24/7 (almost) and still we laugh together...we are meant to be as ONE so all the bitches in the house can keep trying to get a piece of my wolfie...you will never measure up to me...I am one of a kind...eat ure heart out...heh heh heh

The things that once was will never be forgotten...for this is who I have become, because of these people who entered my world...

Now what...well I made my famous bean soup this week and today's dinner I plan to make my roast...yummmy

My baby thinks he should cook all the time because thats what he is use too...I help but it is not the same ... I want to cook SO I WILL, I love cooking for him and my teens...it gives me pleasure so move over baby and taste my world...831

My sweetness is heading home soon so I must continue this at a later date...god I love you baby...always and forever...WE PROMISED :0)

October 27, 2007

Went to the famous nudie club...We had a costume party and Mr Chef won the prize... balls balls balls...lmao ...I had a fuckin blast...like always with my sexy sexy...He dressed as The Reeper and I of course was the Black Widow...My oldest daughter did my hair and make-up and everyone loved her creativity...just like her daddy...heh heh heh

I added a new album...Halloween 2007, check it out and comment if you dare!

Another memory I will never forget :0)

October 22, 2007

Looks like MYSPACE has not changed a bit since my absents.

I return to alot of emails that I am missed and asking when will I return...some I cant complain about but these others have the nerve...I get back to find more butt wipes trying to take me out..How hard is it for you to read that I am in a relationship and I say I am happy...just so you know, MY MAN FULLFILLS EVERY OUNCE OF MY DESIRES...I am happy where I am so stop wasting my time and yours...anyhowzer

enough is enough....can't we just all get along..lmao

Today was very interesting...giggles...I am not telling...Tonight will be even more interesting and I am still not telling...lmao

Okay I am off to enjoy life...I advise you to take a day off from the internet and enjoy what life has to offer you...byezzzer for now!

October 21, 2007


Alot as happen since I been away. I had the best summer ever!

Now where to begin

To begin, I refuse to go through another procedure at this moment. The last surgery was NOT successful...it did however take away some pain but I have new pains that annoy the hell out of me...I do take more meds at this point but what can I say, life is a bitch and sometimes we just have to get use to it...giggles

My life has changed so much... I am so happy and still in love...many months have gone by and we have yet to get in a dispute or whatever you choose to call it...lol

He is everything I expected he would be...we picked up where we left off 18 years ago...as if nothing had seperated us..he is a good man and I am proud to be his lady.

This point in my life I have realized how much my life did involve around my past love whom is now my love today. I can now understand my past relationships/marriages because now I have what I walked away from many years ago.

Without going into details I just want to say, Thank you my wolfie for being the man you are today! wink..:0)

BTW this goes out to my Noodle and my baby girl Amber..

This past year has been a challenge for all of us...We had roads to go down that we never thought would impact our lives as much as it has...I myself have learned so much from you both during this years journey...You have grown so much and I am proud to say to both of you that you HAVE been good daughter's and a pleasure to have raised you...

noodle I still have a little over a year til you are 18, but you have for the most part been responsible for yourself in many area's...neither of you never got into trouble with the law, you were never abusive to me or anyone else in that matter..you never gave me the thought of you heading down a path that brought legal issues of any kind or just being OUT OF CONTROL KIDS...

I know both of you have learned, of the many life lessons this year had planned for you...I believe you girls will go down a path that will fulfill your life dreams...I love you both :0) and thank you for being who you are and will become in the future...

peace to all my love's

June 7th 2007


My surgery is coming up...June 14th is around the corner...This procedure could be my last if all turns out as expected. Time will tell :0)

Today school is out and summer for our kids is starting...I will miss my Noodle. I can see Noodle and I bumping heads this summer. She knows why...:0(

I was going to write this entry in my private journal but thought this needs to be known and on the table...Who is Vickie?

I know most of you know me in real life. Some of you may not know me as well as you think you do. I am a tough girl so I am told. Deep down I am not so tough. I try to hide behind my feelings instead of facing them but have learned to communicate!

I am a strong women, thanks to the men who has entered my world. I had something to learn from each of you. I never regret anything I do in life, I go with the flow and learn from my experiences. I been married four times and to me that is 4 marriage's ending with disappointment but in return I learn something from each marriage, rather if it is good or bad.

I demand respect and when I am disrespected, I must choose to be alone because I know I deserve better. God has a better plan for me, only he knows my future.

I know I may have told you this before, people come into my life to serve some sort of purpose, teach me a lesson or help me figure out who I am. We all go through things we dont really want to face but we do it anyway and in the end we become stronger and more wiser.

I think about this when people enter my world. What is their purpose...What lesson will this person teach me ...and so on..I am sure you are wandering where I am going with this...

A few weeks back I mention Jason in my journal. The more we hung out with each other, the more I got to know about him. I really like Jason and his world but I can see I am not the one for him. Jason wants to be more than friends. I on the other hand, only want to be friends. I am almost divorced so this may be the reason why our friendship is becoming the topic of being more than friends.

A few days back, Jason and I had a misunderstanding...which turned my world in k-ass...it made me realize things and gave me things to think about...all is resolved on my end but I don't think it is on his....

I know what I want in life and I know where I want to be. I live by this image and know one day, somewhere out there will be my eternity.

June 1, 2007


Last night fuckin rocked!….As u know, u can’t use camera’s in the Tits & Ass club so I have no before or after pics this time b/c the camera is just another thing 2 carry. I will share a little with you. I won’t tell all…giggles. Something’s ladies must keep to themselves…:0)

I want to say hello to my friend Brian…heh heh heh…sorry I was not at the table much with u guys…you know how it is…lol….o and HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 U my friend….thanks for dinner … I enjoyed ure company and ure accent…lmao…:0)

Okay back to the club…. I entered the wet T-shirt contest that Vixens has on the last Thursday of each month….(guys ure missing a good show) I was 4th contestant and nope my little boobies did not beat the biggie boobies or the sluttish behavior that some girls did to win the prizes…FYI..I will keep my sluttish behavior under control and behind closed doors for my night and shining armor who has YET to enter my world, ..giggles…damn that confused me…lmao

Needless to say. I got home around 6am…although my friend said a 30 minute stay, well, we went on over time…giggles…we were talking and ladies u know how it is when ladies get together and we start blabbing we don’t shut up…so that’s why I got home wee hrs in the morning…lol…It was definitely a night to remember and never to be forgotten!

I have to brag…I met a beautiful parrot named Angel. My first words to her were hello and she mocked me… I than said, Vickie’s got sexy toes and she said it twice…she is soooo cute…I truly felt a connection with Angel and hope to visit her again in the near future. :0)

May 28, 2007


The Internet is quickly becoming an essential medium for communication...WHAT HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Some of you may not know what is happening here on myspace..Have you recieved notifcation?..Myspace is denying ure request to upload a video, photo, bulletin ect...if so, u need to read more by clicking links below..We need 2 speak up...Your voice can be heard so let's all get together and fight for our freedom of speech

Please voice your opinion now before you are not allowed to. Let the media know your opinion...You can add ure full name or just add ure first name..Let's make a difference :0)

Sign The Petition---Stop Censorship On MySpace!


See these links to learn more..


The link below is down for the moment but check back..


Tom is fighting for us...r u?

May 20, 2007


Well instead of the zoo and all that jazz I had planned, decided to go fishing today...Beautiful day to enjoy the sounds of nature...

Fish today were smart...they knew I was there...did not get anything today but there is always a tomorrow..thinking about going out tomorrow evening and see what I can catch...I do throw my fishies back in the water...so its all good...giggles

I am reading a really good book...The Search by Iris Johansen..I strongly feel you should get this book and read it...I hate when I have to close it :0(...Looks like another day will come before I finish this book...giggles

I am sure you may have noticed...I added another album to my collection, My fishing trips...check out the 11 pics I uploaded today...I do plan to go to different places this yr and enjoy the sun while I fish....so stay tuned :)

I am on the search to find a boat I can buy since I have a desire to be surrounded by water...hmmm...boats can be alot of fun...giggles...:0)

I thought my ducky pic with a loaded gun was cute...I only sent it to my top friends but I plan to send it to all my friends once I find time ...well best get going...I have alot to do before sun goes down...Loves ya all...

May 18, 2007


I think this is interesting...I got this from yahoo horoscope compatibility...As you know Jason and I are Virgo's...this is so true!

Romantic Compatibility

Provided by: Astrology.com

Virgo & Virgo

When two Virgos join together in a love match, they are likely to structure their lives in beautiful conjunction. The merging of two incredibly practical, industrious sorts such as these creates an incredibly devoted and doting couple although public displays of affection will be rare. Though their shared perfectionism and skepticism could lead to conflict, the level-headed Virgo duo will quickly resolve any disputes and move on to more pleasant times.

The Virgo-Virgo relationship runs like a well-oiled machine, particularly for couples who live together or have children. There is never any confusion over the delegation of responsibility, and both partners feel quite comfortable with this arrangement. Making lists, balancing accounts and keeping the house and affairs in order are second nature to both partners. They share a discriminating palette and exquisite taste. As long as they aren't too harsh with one another, their relationship will be fulfilling in every way.

Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. This Planet represents communication, and indeed this is Virgo's shtick. As a romantic couple, both are tuned in to one another's frequencies. Virgo is often able to read the nuances of words and gestures and take in an analytical meaning. One of the strongest points of the relationship is open and honest communication. Also, the reasoning and logical abilities of two Virgos together can quite possibly solve all the world's problems. They are a versatile and brilliant team.

Virgo is an Earth Sign, thus indicating a practical nature. Also, they are a couple who likes to be surrounded by and own elegant things, and who won't settle for second best. It is worth it to hold out for something perfect, rather than to allow for anything less. Virgo exercises caution before moving forward, and they are the first to determine the best action for everyone to -- even if it involves sacrifice. Pickiness makes the Virgo-Virgo team a wonderful romantic couple.

Virgo is a Mutable Sign. They are easily adaptable to any situation or any social setting. There is rarely conflict between them, but when it does arise it is quickly brushed over. Neither is too pushy or domineering, and they share an equal enthusiasm for one another's pursuits. Virgo always follows through, and two of them together doubles this energy and makes a very happy couple.

What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Virgo relationship? It's their levelheaded and structured approach to life, work, fun and commitment. They're incredibly compatible, and this obvious to them and to their friends. Together, they make a wonderful pair for pleasing one another and working on the perfect relationship.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can say this about us...Jason has his ways with me...get ure mind out of the gutter...He knows how to make a odd, situation turn into a pleasant situation...at least with me :0)...He also knows when I am pissed and yes he knows how to turn my attitude into a postive one...We definately have a connection here...I truely feel it and I know our one day will come, when we will be happy forever inlove...

Marriage was a topic at the table...I say 10 yrs..and I might just say I do...Well, I don't see marriage as I once did...After 4 failed marriages, a girl can take only so much...Maybe Jason will change my mind on this topic too...just maybe there is one last time for me...Time will tell...:0)

May 16, 2007....and May 17th

Wednesday,... Thursday

I never edit my journal but find this time a one and only time to add some new info...giggles.

My girl Amy and I went out lastnight...OMG...I am not telling all but can say this...we had fun...(grin)

Ok...check out our pics...I added 20 new in the Girls just want 2 have fun album...you will find...before, during and after shots so take a stroll and comment if you wish.

Just so you know...The club does not allow camera's but we did get one shot and I was not going to use it if there were any nude girls in the back ground ....not so lucky this time...giggles..jk....I guess you had figured out we went to the nudie club again...I know I cant stay away ... I am addicktteeeddd....lmao

alright...now you can stop reading if you were here yesterday and read my journal update so be good and see you at the night club...wink :0)

Hello to all my friends on myspace...giggles

let's start with my new tat as of yesterday...Most of you know me well enough to know that my tats have a special meaning behind them... My first tat was done 14 yrs ago a few days after my childhood sweetheart died.

I got 4 tats done all in the same day. All were copies of Scott's art work he did when we were 14yrs old..well he was 16yrs old. Yesterday I had added my two grandson's names on my right wrist that compliments the work I had done 14 yrs ago... To me, this connect's Scott to our grandsons. Do you think I am crazy...?...o well, I don't care what u think...lol...it makes me happy and thats what counts...I have some interesting things planned for this weekend so I am sure you will see my new tat in my upcoming pictures...so stay tuned :0)

My friend Jason and I adopted a female black lab one week ago...I am tickled pink that Morgan gets along with my doggies, Ayla and Honie...I thought my girls would give us a problem with Morgan but both has accepted her which blows my mind...if you knew my doggies this is not normal behavior...go figure...:0)

As you may tell...I am a bit fucked up...these damn meds are messing with my head so I best get off here before I say to much...giggles...Hugs and much love to all :0)

Keep on rockin!

May 7, 2007

Usually I'm one of the calmest people on earth. But for some reason...when I talk to these people...I want to scream. I feel this pressure on my throat and I want to throw something against a wall. I'm so tired of this...so tired nothing ever changing, of hearing about the same problems fucking over and over again. I'm tired of being asked advice for the same fucking issues and god I can't stand repeating the same thing year after year knowing that they don't give a shit. You'd think that people would learn over time and use some plain old common sense to correct their mistakes, but they never change. I feel horrible about being so easily angered but I just can't stand it. I feel like I'm trapped in a cage where nothing I say or do matters. I can only stand here and watch her suffer...watch my world falls apart. I love her with all my heart. I can not understand why she puts up with him. Why does she allow him to do what he does to her? I am finally letting go, hoping she will grow to understand the love he gives is NOT the love she deserves nor is it love.

Why can't we all just be normal…:0(

Enough of my rambling…I needed to vent for a moment so thanks for putting up with me…giggles.

A lot is happening at the moment. I had my surgery. So far my results are good. Dr C did sleep very well and my results prove that…giggles. I know it is to soon to know, but for some odd reason I feel I am a new person. I have went through many surgeries and still have a few more to go, I am doing things that I thought I would never do again. I am staying on the positive side no matter whom tries to bring me down. I am a strong women and I know I will have my life back 100%…so there…heh heh heh I go back for my next procedure on June 14th…I think this one will be at least 2 weeks down time. :0(

I got my Adley butt Saturday…o he is so cute. He is growing up so fast. I plan to video tape him when I pick him up in 2 weeks for the weekend. Adley ran to me yelling MieMie MieMie…I have to get this on tape…he loves his MieMie. :0)

I have a video of him, sitting on Honie and giving her love. It is so cute… I will have the video’s I plan to share uploaded before I pick him up again. I plan to take him to the zoo in 2 weeks and in August maybe September…all depends on my upcoming surgery at that time. I am planning a trip to Disney World. I can’t wait to see Adley’s face when he looks at all the animals the Washington Zoo offers. He will love it!

Okay now for the bullshitter update…My soon to be ex-husband seems to be having a lot of issues lately. He thinks by sending text messages to me, saying hurtful things is going to bring me down to his level..…news flash, you cant come close. His issues has a lot to do with his actions when we were together. It is something only he can deal with…I can see he is not happy with his life, that’s why he is trying to pull me down with him…I wont allow him to make me as miserable as he is…I have will power Kalen so get a fuckin life outside of my world!

Enough of the bullshitter…now I know everyone will be blown away but please bare with me on this topic and be nice when you respond…I am so damn fragile…NOT…I have some personal issues I must bring to surface… As you know it has been over a year since the bullshitter and I split. I feel I am divorced but legally I am not…July is around the corner. Yuppies (still saving myself)

I have been spending a lot of time with a friend. I am learning so much from him. I am older than him…giggles…We are exactly 10 days apart and we have a lot in common. I enjoy his company. I miss him when we are apart. Still, the questions remain. Do I want a serious relationship? Do I really want to settle down at all? Will it work this time? These questions run through my mind…because of my past relationships which I will not move on till I know for sure I have resolved these feelings within myself.

I feel like right now I have found the person that I want to be with for the rest of my life but he and I still have more to learn about each other although isn't that the point of the relationship? To get to know one and other! You do that throughout the relationship and it's a very long process but it's an interesting one too. I want to know all there is about him and I want to love it whether they are quality traits or some flaws. We all have flaws but we can accept them. I hope he is the one and it's for real.

I’m a person with trust issues, and it takes longer for a relationship to develop for me than what I’ve noticed of my friends/ family. That can be a good thing or bad. I have had a hard time trusting in the past because I have had my trust broken by men. I start to think that all of them tell lies. It's not a hard task to be 100% honest and not tell a single lie so why do most men do it? Telling the truth and being straight up with the person is such a better feeling. You can look at yourself in the mirror and love what's staring back at you. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that all men lie but it's been my life experience that 98% of them do. They lie about their feelings, they fake orgasms, they cheat, they tell you what you want to hear, they toy with your emotions, play head games, they have an agenda that is for self gain only and is inconsiderate to the partner they are with, me and I find after me, they are just very cold and their is no good reason at all for it, especially when I respect them so much, in return they turn around and burry the axe in my back. I do love men but at the same time, many of them have drove me nuts but everyday is a new day and I always try my best to give the benefit of a doubt and have a whole new perception of men because I do respect them and admire them for what they go through in their lives. It's tough being a man but, it doesn't give you an excuse to treat women like second class and that's something I have never tolerated and I never will. Respect goes both ways and so does trust. If you're a liar, then you won't be respected or trusted but if you're completely honest, that will carry you very far, not to mention that honesty is the number one turn on for me and is most important. "I am worth a lot". :)

My fear, I think relationships start to wither away when people (being together so long) start to take each other for granted. They feel that there's no need to assure the other one that they're still loved, that he/she knows that already. That in turn might create uncertainty. What does the other one think when little by little the other stops to display his/her affection? Then the uncertainty starts to gnaw their feelings (it does that, love isn't hard as diamond) and voilá! There it is. Crisis in a relationship. Communication is the key....keep the door open and always talk to me about your true feelings.

Only thing that I can think of is that don't stop saying that you love me, don't stop telling me that I'm wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful. Keep the relationship physically close, kiss and hug me often and in return I give you my all. I have learned once you break the trust to just move on with life since the end results end in hating one another and honestly I gave to many chances to my ex because I wanted my fourth marriage to work. I won’t go down that path again. One chance and that’s it! I know ure reading this,,,sweets and I know you wont break my heart.

Speak up for yourselves and your feelings towards the love of your life. Stay strong. Live strong. you'll have the courage and the guts to say... "no thanks, I'm married."

Hold up...Someday I might walk down the aile one last time...I have faith!

I really would like to think that is true that true love never dies no matter what. Perhaps it wouldn't if it weren't for the incecurities and the constant need for reassurance within both partners.

I hope he will never keep secrets from me as I will never keep secrets from him. I mean there are some things that doesn't need to be known, but there is a connection that lets people feel when something is going on. it really works for a long term serious relationship.

also know when to walk away, no one wants to say things in anger. my rule is, dont ever do something that you feel you might have to apologize for later.

It all boils down too, so long as there is total trust in the relationship, there is the possibility of working through everything. If you screw up, no matter how badly, own up to it...don't try to cover it, withhold details, or otherwise give me any justification for not believing in you.

Patience is also a requirement. I understand that we are likely going to change, and not always in ways that we'll both understand immediately. I will have patience while my partner "catches up" to where I am emotionally/spiritually, etc. Also I have patience with myself, I will give myself time to get my mind around changes that may pop up in my partner.

Some people might disagree with that last part, but I think it's essential to keeping the relationship going.

I plan to allow time to run its course. Right now, we are just friends and I believe we do have a future together. My future is unwritten.

May 2, 2007
Happy Birthday Adley...MieMie misses you...Love you :0(

I hate to say it but it looks like this summer is going to be the hottest summer ever....Someone just said to me, our temps will be over 105 this yr...I asked how do you know..she says..women knows these things..lmao...I dont know...anyhow,

I am nervous as hell this time...Dr C will burn the ends of my nerves somewhere...I don't really know all the details til I get there in the morning...My only question to him in the morning will be...did u sleep well?...lol...on a serious note..I feel this one may fix all..big changes in my life if Dr C had a good night sleep...giggles..I pray all goes well...I will leave it in god's hands...he always takes care of me...:0)

Went to the Washington zoo this past weekend...I had alot of fun..I seen my wolves...that was the bestest...giggles..I will add video once I have time to download it...I have no clue how long that will be...so be patient..

Hey this goes out to Jason...Got to say one thing to you...THANK YOU!...I never thought I could depend on anyone but myself...you proved me wrong..go you..giggles...I have noticed when you visit my world you like to do things for me,..You have fixed things without me having to say anything...you see it needs done and you do it..I love that!..I know you will be helping me tomorrow after my surgery...remember what I said to you..if I laugh, laugh with me..If I cry, cry with me... don't laugh at me when I cry because ure laughing at me...lmao...Again thank you my friend for helping a gal out..My recovery should be fast...I am a fast healer...wuv ya! :0)

April 25, 2007

Nothing exciting going on at the moment..I did add a few pics to my album. Check them out!...Don't let it go to ure heads guys...I am not sexually frusterated..NOT YET....lmao

I now wish for it to rain...I need a good walk...wink :0(

Missing the past, 18 yrs...yeah

April 21, 2007

My procedure went fairly well..My down time was not so bad..I only have a few surgeries left so I am told...My next scheduled procedure is on May 3rd...seems it may be a bit more painful...whaaa

I went to the tanning bed today...yep I cheated the sun...giggles...Must get ready for this summer...I hope this weather decides to stay with us..I hate the cold nights...I am sure everyone does...unless you have a mate to keep u warm...u don't count in my world...lmao

I will take a few pics of my tat's tonight...Maybe I can post them on here later tonight...if not, tomorrow it shall be..:0)

I want to mention my friend from a distance...I don't know what is happening in ure world but I can see something is not going well for you...talking to someone, anyone will allow your spirit to roam free...I miss you...please reach out to someone...I hate seeing you this way...bears r NSN :0(

April 14, 2007

Hmm..where to start, Okay this is what is happening in my world for those who give a damn.
I am finally settled in to my new place..It is so damn small here but I like it this way. I now have 2 floors compared to my four floors...I am trying to get used to not having 2 bathrooms..I miss my fireplace so my dream has been buried..giggles..My doggies are happy with the move now..I believe they were confused at first thinking I was leaving them here...lol...No more whining! Both are back on track.

My girl Tina from Cali is visiting me...I cant wait til she gets here...I no longer have a guest room, sorry.. Changes have been made to please my world..I do plan on going home with her for a week...I miss Cali...it so rocks..! Tina, let's replay the limo...giggles...heh heh heh

I do plan to be here more often this year than last summer..I do have plans for this summer so don't expect me to be here 24/7...live it up people...the sun is calling ure name..ok my name...lol!

I have been scheduled for my third procedure, second part...this procedure is suppose to be a little more complicated than the last 2...I will get through it..I noticed since Dr. C has been doing these surgeries, I have different things going on and so far I can handle it..I hope this one does not require alot of down time...I will find out this Monday at 7:15am with the details of this procedure...lucky me...damn I wish this was all over and I am all better...wishful thinking but I am gettin closer to riden me horse again.

Update on my divorce...My soon to be x is fighting the issue of a divorce...Instead of the original May court date, it has changed to July...which sucks but it is before my birthday so no heart breaks here.

My candle business has slowed down due to all the changes in my life here recently...I am now in the middle of picking up where I left off..it all boils down to work work, fun, work, fun, work...giggles...I am so readyyyyyyyyy!

My Noodle is handling things quite well...I know changes suck for teens but she is gettng through it. I do miss my Adley butt...I had him Wednesday night and had fun with him before my down time starts...My niece Ker stayed with me and helped me with him...We had a good time...Makin new memories makes me smile! :0)

I miss my April...I know ure reading this...Where r u?

Well gettin close to the end..Looks like things have changed for the better...I am finally in a place where my stress level has dropped to O...yep a big fat ZERO!

I have lost 26 pounds already since ..h...Gettin back into routine was a challenge but I am finally where I should be in life..I remain single BY CHOICE...I have many friends and dont feel the need for a companion in ANY WAY!...One day after my divorce I shall find my friend with benefits but for now I am satisfied with my lifesaver..lmao

I am almost caught up with my messages here...I will be hitting ure comments soon...God I missed u guys...o and before I close...I want to say hello Jason...I want to thank you for being a good friend to me...u have really brightened my days with ure company...and ure daughter, she is beautiful and tell her I had a blast yesterday with her...see you soon...:0)

What's for dinner?

Hugs and missed you all!

March 16, 2007

I added a video to my page, check it out. You can't hear what I am saying in the video. I was saying hello to all my friends and letting you know this is heaven. I am back but not for long. I had my second procedure done on March 13, 2007 once I returned home. Now I am on call for the next 2 weeks to finish the second part. I will get to everyone's messages and respond to your comments once I am able too. I need to repost my new tat but again don't have time at this moment. I am moving out of state which will take most of my time. If you have my digits, call me!
Hugs and miss you all!

February 28, 2007

What a fuckin day...today is a day for the journal...omg
Let me start off by saying...wtf is wrong with people...first, I had 2 parties scheduled. First party was awsome, everything went smoothly...off to my second party...finally arrive, everything SEEMS normal..noticed while setting up, hostess is on edge. Sometimes people may be a bit nervous..nothin serious...turns out I should worry...without going into detail and to make a long story short, I arrive home back in MD @ 7pm. Second party had mad drama...I usually say I know nothing, I seen nothing...blah blah blah...not this time...I seen the gun, I seen madness...I wanted to run but I didnt...Like always I am talking myself through it..yep...I am a peace maker and I do love breathing..so in my mind, its life or death

without thinking, I am telling this stranger whom is my hostesses x-bf holding a fuckin gun, (loaded or unloaded who really wants to find out...not me)..I talk my way out of this situation using my life experiences as my guide..it worked with understanding and a bit of a reality check..The last thing I said to him, I can see it in your eyes you do not want to hurt her..(I LIED THROUGH MY TEETH) This man had to know it was not worth it..(in the end) we all snap at some point..just takes someone to show you a different path.

I am now back to thinking about becoming a phystrist...years ago, I was told I am good at solving others problems but when it comes to my own...NO FUCKIN WAY of dealing with it..

anyhows..noone was hurt, thank god...party did continue only with orders..I sure in the hell was not in the mood for a party and it was not even a thought to ask if anyone wanted to continue.

February 25, 2007

Yesterday I sat in the chair for 6 hrs..give me a few more days and I will add a new pic, I need to heal just a bit. :0)
Not much to say at the moment. O let it snow! giggles

February 22, 2007

Hello-o :0)

I am satisfied with today's events. Had a great day, o my week has been even better...anyhow, I have decided to slow things down a bit. My life seems to have taken turns I did not expect to face, soooo soon.

I suppose I am a bit more interestng than some truely realize ... I told you, water pressure was addicting..lmao...Always invite ure mate to join you, when playin with water...its worth it!

for the record, I have never had a threesome and WILL NEVER HAVE ONE...yeah I thought about it and played it over and over in my mind. shows you some do have a fantasy or 2 or 3.....I act upon them, only in my world...gettin down to it, I would NEVER share my man, i would not feel love if my man wanted to share me... i personally would not feel as if he would respect me if I allowed another to touch me in a intimate way. male or female..i dont care..Not my cup of tea...nope..

I open up to only a hand full of people online. Most of you, get a little taste of me...that's it...nothin more..I can make games hard to play...or as easy as abc...wink ♥

I have been without for 10 months now...wait IT'S BY CHOICE...trust me, can have it anytime, anywhere and any position I please... My ♥ will not be on display..


I have found my new location to rest my bones..no I do not plan to die...giggles, I will remain in Maryland. Lucky me :0)..My divorce will be heard in court on May 1, 2007. I will rock his world in court and I owe all my knowledge in this matter to Norman.. thank you for teaching me a valueable lesson in life, Norman...

watch me Spicy. You will love my action in court, girlfriend.

I will be missing in action 2 Friday's from tommorrow. I need a weekend getaway..My girl and I will live it up with many pics to share, I PROMISE!...going to my favorite place...I can feel the sand...take me away..far away

2 more days I will be forever, Little Miss Ridin Hoods gal...lmao..I am so excited to get this tat..The stories I will tell...My tat has a few stories to tell..:0)

Just recieved a phone call from my x-husband Norman. I just said to him, I will never go back to you. Seriously, he needs to move on. Been there and done that with all the broken promises. Anyhow, I love you Norman and I do wish you the best! Those of you who has not visit my website

I'd like to meet:

Honestly, I have met all I wish to meet in this lifetime...besides, Celine Dion...Someday I just may...smile :0)

I hope I meet god when that time comes ... I am a good girl ... heh heh heh

Four things you don..t (or may) know about me.

****Scroll down****

1. My Children will be 18 this year ... His Son & My Daughter ... More time 2 play house w/ all kids taking full responsibilty :)

2. Since I was 16 years old I lived on my own & took responsibilty to raise my child as a single parent

3. My kids ARE my #1 Priority

4. I have finally found the true love of my life, My Soulmate (18yrs) we reunite!

Four jobs I have had in my life.

1. CVS / Distrist Manager

2. Allstate Insurance / Manager

3. Dollar Tree / Asst.Manager - Snow White Grill as Manager

4. Taking Care of my babies & myself ( it really wasn't a job raising babies ... I loved it)

Four Movies I have watched more then once.

1. The Mist (just this week! Awesome movie)

2. Dirty Dancing

3. Saw one, two, three, four

4. Titanic

Four Places I have Lived

1. Ocean City, Maryland

2. Jacksonville, Florida (6 weeks...lol)

3. Martinsburg, WV

4. My Current Location...lol

Four TV shows I watch.

1. Family Guy & Simpsons (back 2 back lol)

2. Three's Company

3. CSI

4. Little House on the prairie

Four Places I have been.

1. All around in Maine

2. Dallas, Texas

3. Boaz, Alabama

4. Jacksonville, FLorida

Four people who email me(regularly)

1. Amy B.

2. Christie

3. Samantha D.

4. Sandy And lots of others

Four favorite foods.

1. #1 My Sexy's Meatloaf ..giggles

2. Veggies - Broccoli, Corn & Sweet Potato

3. Fruits - Banana, Apple & Grapes

4. A big juicy steak

Four Places I will visit.

1. New York City 2 watch ball drop (This Coming New Year or our next)

2. Paris, France (Sexy & I will visit on our 2nd anniversary. I already have my acct ready 4 this trip!)

3.Bahamas (Buying a vacation home here for Sexy & I)

4. Jamacia! (My Sexy & I plan to go for our own reasons..lmao

Four friends I think will respond.

1. LeeAnn **Not

2. Amy **To

3. Christie **Sure

4. Sandy **But I hope a lot

Four things I..m looking forward to in the coming year.

1. My Sexy on his 3 days off (Smiles) is actually weekly but I do look forward to him retiring this yr (rumor on the loose) :0)

2. Tax Check Give Away (Kids & I are going Shopping)

3. Being with my Grand Babies at Disney World & with My Family this September 30 - October :0)

4. Being alive so I can take my romantic vacation with my Sexy Sexy this June :0)


Only You (And You Alone) Lyrics ..


I love all types of movies from horror to the funniest...
Recent Picture Uploads;
Total Pics Uploaded - 242
April-7-2008 ~The Love of Animals 10 pics added
Went to our hangout....got a bit tipsey...Added 9 more photo's...see new album 4-5-08
4-1-08~~~New album April Fools...My son got me or did he?...lmao
3-31-08 ~~I added 18 pics today into a new album..St. Patty's Day/Easter 08...enjoy
1-2-2008 ~~I added a new album (New Years 08) with 18 photo's...We had a midget tossing event and you have 2 look at the photo's. BeetleJuice was there, he is on the Howard Stern Show...I listen to Howard every day...he is my favorite...go now and see for yourself.
12-26-07 ~~Vixen's Christmas Club album ~~~I added 31 pics...I still have our family photo's to add...I need to get them off my video camera...I got to go to MD because the software is in my desk top computer...only god knows when I will get to it but I will eventually...peace everyone
12-1-07 ~~I added 5 more pics to my The End! New Beginning album...Check them out
11-29-07 ~~I added my three Kitties...All gettin along...My sexy took a picture of me right after I woke up...My noodle and her Sexii, Jamie all went out to eat with her daddy and mommie...giggles
11-7-07~~My sexy's 20 year high school reunion..We had so much fun...See my pearl necklace, my baby bought it for me for my birthday...its beautiful! Leather and pearls what more can a lady want...He is my soulmate! Love you sexy :0)
~10-29-07~~ Halloween 2007 pictures...taken at the Vixens Club in WV...:0)
~~5-20-07~~ Went fishing today...no fish but I still enjoyed the moment!
~~5-19~~I added 2 pictures of my wolves...finally arrived today...yeahhhh
~~5-17~~Amy and I went to the nudie club....fun fun fun...
..~~5-13--Happy Mother's Day to all mommies...My babies made my mommies day unforgetable. I had a wonderful day and yes I felt the love all around me...My babies will always be my babies....giggles
My Photo's - 39 pics ~~~5-18~~~ Add 2 photo's of my wolves...check back for updated story behind this picture.
Girl's Just Want 2 Have Fun! - 51 pics ~~~ 5-17~~~20 new photo's of my night out at the nudie club..:0)
My Angels - 27 pics
Fishing Trip's - 11 pics ~~~ 5-20~~~:0)
2007 The End! The Beginning ~ 14 pics ~~~ 12-1~~~:0)
Halloween~ 12 pics ~~~ Boo...party at Vixens Nudie Club
Autographs ~ 3 pics ~~~ Chyna and more...I have more to add so keep a eye on this album..(nudie is edited)
Vixen's Christmas Club ~~~31 pics ~~~We had a blast...check them out
Vixen's New Years Party ~~~18 pics ~~~A must see...:0)


I love the lifetime channel! ...I record every Monday night, which is a new movie on lifetime....I watch the Simpsons & Family Guy with my family ... I also love Little House ...when I have extra time I watch CSI and Forensic Science...thats all :0)
12-31-2007 ~~Wrapping up 2007, My Thought's; (scroll down)
Here we are again wrapping up another year full of memories…This will be my last entry for 2007 ...woo hoo to bringing in the New Year with my boo…a bang it shall be…I am ready for 2008 are you?
Damn where do I start…There has been so many things that happen this year. I am happy to say, my 2007 will always be a year to remember, thanks to my boo.
Let’s start off with the winners of my contest….Congrats to *Jan and *Kristi..
I will have your gift ready as soon as possible. I will send it to your Myspace.
I know it has taken me a bit to get to this but in my reality I had so many events keeping me from the computer and believe me with 3 birthdays to celebrate in December and than Christmas it was a treat for me to plan…I blame it all on the holidays and NOT our kids for being born in December, so there you have it…giggles
Okay now for the break down of 2007...:0)
Actually a few days before Christmas 2005, I found my sexy here on Myspace. To add, on the 6th, my Amber and I went to the nudie club for her first time. Boy was that a night to remember. I remember my Noodle being so upset that she could not join us, because of course she was turning 16 and still had a few years before she was legal. Keeping in mind, I have yet to finish Julian’s album…Amber send me photos damn it…wink wink
I was turned on to the movie RockStar…I watched it over and over. I love this movie.
Last day of this month I partied a few places…The night ended at Vixens and damn that night alone was a blast. I am still remembering Spice who gave me a lap dance to remember… fuckin hot…Go Spice!
My youngest daughter turned sweet 16.…heh heh heh … 2 more years and it will be a true girls night out. We will rock the fuckin house….sweeeeeeeet
Again on the 6th , I got my wolf tattoo…from my childhood I remember Ed’s wolf, Reggie, My mother cleaned his home for as long as I can remember. I would go out to his cage and comfort him in my mind…I would kneel down to his cage and Reggie would come over to me and tilt his head and rub up against the cage for me to love him…There were only a few of us who he would allow to touch him…He was so beautiful. One of god’s creatures who brought many fond memories of my childhood. Ed also had a monkey named, Chip …lmao…He would take my bubbles out of my pocket and poke many holes in it and return it back into my pocket..That monkey tried to get me in the car one time and try to have his way with me…Horney monkey he was…lol…I miss them both…rip my friends in heaven.
One of many surgeries that will come ahead…enough said because I hate reliving pain…moo
24th of this month, I got my big bad wolf and little red ridin hood Tattoo…six hours I sat in the chair… damn the stories I could tell about this one. It has a lot to do with my man, when we were teens…I will forever hold this memory close to my heart…wink
I lost a lot of weight that was gained due to medical reasons…I believe a lot had to do with my doctor putting me on a medicine that I knew nothing about till it was to late…I don’t worry about my weight anymore…well I do but I don’t…I just have to learn to stop snacking with my boo at 4am…I am working on the new changes for 2008...go me
This is the month that gave me a stress free life. I let my 4 story home go due to being, my oldest daughter Amber moved out with my boys … leaving Noodle and I to this big house all alone…I do miss my fireplace but I will have it again in the near future. … I now live in my small 2 bedroom house … when I am there….lol…
I am still happy there although I am always with my boo … where I choose to be…I would never change the fact of seeing my baby first thing in the morning…He has yet to miss a morning with a coffee in one hand and my kisses awaiting me just seconds after I open my eyes…. I kiss my Doodles (rip) before my feet hit the ground…I look forward to seeing my sexy every morning so my little house is beginning to fade as days go by. Speaking of Little house…lol…I love Little House on the Prairie so does my love…We plan to build a house just like Charles & Caroline’s….My baby and I will leave our dream to our children.
The house we speak of is our dream house we planned many years ago…our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will live out our dream and keep our memory alive.
My oldest grandson turned 2 years old on the 2nd . Boy has he grown…Miss you baby…Mie Mie loves you.
My candle business bloomed…I had to get this surgery this month and I have yet to be released to go back to work…All in time I will be back into the working world…
I do however maintain and manage my own home in Maryland. My income alone takes care of my daughter and I, without anyone helping me. I have had my independence since I was 15yrs old. I will always be able to take care of my own as I have done for many years. This will become my 2008 New Years resolution … My baby likes to take care of his women, financially, mentally and most of all physically…heh heh heh…I never found a man like my baby…I believe this is why I had 4 divorces. ..I was the one who had to raise them..to tell you the truth I never had to tell my baby to pay this and that when we were teens living together.. …He always took care of it and I love the fact that he has always been responsible when coming to paying the household bills…God has his ways of testing us … My love must also allow me to help with the household bills, after all I am there too …I will try my best to adapt to this change in my life considering I did it on my own for so many years.….It will be a challenge for me to let a man take care of me in ALL aspects for ONCE.
My friend and I adopted Morgan from the SPCA…I will always be her mommy…I love you Morgan and miss you a whole bunch.
I entered the wet t-shirt contest at Vixens…giggles…It was actually the last day in May but ran into wee hours in the morning of this month. .. I had so much fun that night…I did not win but ladies I am sorry I will not lower myself to what these girls did to win…nope not me
My baby and I celebrated his birthday…His special day will be for me to know and you to find out…let me say, He will never forget it…lol..neither will I
I had my last surgery on the 14th , well I have made it my last for now. Level 3, 4 and 5, my doctor burned the end of the nerves on both sides…There is no way of knowing when I will heal…My doctor says, nerves heal on their own and could take years..it all depends on the patient so I must wait it out and take the test to see where things are…I do have problems but nothing I can’t handle.
I was asked if I could give my baby a ride one night and so I did…The things that were going through my head while driving down the interstate…I got my DL for my sexy … I was 17 yrs old and just signed up for Widmyer driving school … As teens we paid for so many taxi rides that we could actually own Turner’s Taxi…its all history from there…I have yet to stop smiling since that night…I love you my sexy sexy…:0)
On the 17th, my baby and I made things official …everyone loved me and everyone could see we were so much in love with each other…our past finally caught up with us and believe it, we started right where we left off..NOW THAT’S TRUE LOVE!
Many months have gone by and we have YET to argue. Everything is so perfect with us although my sexy says we will have our tiffs…I am still waiting for just ONE so we can make up…lol…I am on top of the world with my baby…As a teen, I never knew what I had till it was gone…huggies to my love :0)
July ~~~
I got my divorce final on July 2...This was the true beginning where I started living my life to the fullest. Most of you remember I was only breathing in this world till I found my true love. Last month I said yes to my boo to forever be his …My sexy and I both began our journey together. I love you baby forever and always, we promised…giggles…A joke between us…lmao
This month all I wanted was to spend time with my family…I do enjoy seeing my son Ronnie smile…We have so much fun together just him and I…We made a special trip on Monday’s to get our favorite ice-cream. He always invited his friends which made things so much more interesting seeing him laugh and interact with his dad and I. Next year we will continue this tradition since our neighborhood kids looked forward to our ice-cream adventure.
My birthday…My baby gave me many surprises. Yes I cried and believe me it was happy tears…He made this birthday so special that it touched my heart. Need I say more :0)
On the 4th, My love and I was at Vixens … Chyna was there and I will never forget my time with her. She is the most beautiful person I have ever had the opportunity to meet. She kept saying how beautiful I am and that my friends was one hell of a compliment coming from her. She is very pleasant considering her role on WWF..known today as WWE. That night Chyna had given me a memory that I would never forget. Thank you Chyna for making that night special to your favorite DJ and I. You rocked on stage and rocked our world. We love you!
My baby and I attended the Halloween Party at Vixens … It was a night to remember. We had so much fun that words could never describe. I rather keep this night special in my mind and heart…the thought makes me want to cry for joy.
We celebrated my youngest grandson ‘s first birthday…It was the event that brought my mother and my love facing one another after so many years had past….We had many laughs and I will always remember Julian’s first birthday.
I have so much to be thankful for…My love and I loving each other and family that filled our hearts with lots of love. We had a nice family get together and we all were thankful for having each other.
December~~~a month dedicated to love for all occasions…:0)
We celebrated 3 birthdays this month. Our oldest daughter, Amber turned 21 yrs old. We took her out with our friends and family and had yet another night to remember. Niecie you fuckin rock girlfriend…You mean the world to Amber and I. We had our youngest son turn 17. We had a wonderful day and I know he will remember his special day. Our oldest son turned 20 and yes we took him to the nudie bar among other places we visited during his celebration…We love you all and hope we have many more birthdays that include us, your parents…smooches
Than Christmas was around the corner…off we go to buy our stocking stuffers and all the things we needed at the last minute. Waking up with all our babies was such a good feeling considering our babies are grown, well almost, still have 2 to leave the nest. Santa came and all had a Merry Christmas… you must get the Play Station 3...IT FUCKIN ROCKS…Did I tell you I got a GPS from Santa…My Boo surprised me …He given me a beautiful rose glass, with the words I love you. It is beau--it--ful…He also bought a stand that lights it up and goes around and around…I told him we can take the roses he has been given me weekly to Doodles grave. We can at least give Doodles fresh roses weekly. My baby gave me rose’s that would never die.…I will always cherish the things my love and I put into this xmas to make it an extra special memory for us both. I will always cherish our first Christmas together, after 18 yrs of life lesson’s we deserve to be together to live many more years of happiness.
Our photo’s alone will give you the story of our wild night at Vixens Christmas Party …We had a awesome time hanging out with everyone…BeetleJuice from the Howard Stern Show was there...got my photo taken with him...We are going to Vixen's on New Years Eve to see the midget tossing... Beetle Juice will be there too...Plan to get pics for this big event...Check out the new Christmas album I added to get the full story…giggles
What a blast … I learned so many things this year from relationships, friendships and the valuable lessons our children laid on us as parents….My sexy and I will overcome any situations that god hands us…we are a team working together in this world. I am looking forward in bringing in the New Year with my love, family and our friends.…:0)
Let’s sum up what I have learned over the years
I have been told I was wrong about love so many times but guess what…NOT WRONG BUT FOOLED…this one is it…why because we have both grown and both of us know our past relationships are just mountains, one must climb, must live through to be the perfect match for your soulmate! I have learned from my ex husbands and remember I DONT TAKE SHIT FROM MEN...I DEMAND THE RESPECT and I DO GET IT or I move on!!!!! My Love gives me the up most respect as I will always give him.
YOU will also learn through YOUR life experiences... as I have :0) remember that, I told you so!
I am a stronger women today because of my past relationships.. no matter if it was good or bad I had to go through it..These relationships makes YOU who YOU are today, getting you ready for your soulmate just to complete one another....I value my babies love, I cherish our moments...Its called respecting one another for who they are NOT what you want them to be!!!!…In fact, it has a lot to do with growing up...which I have through my experiences and learning from others experiences.
I was learning about my last marriage and becoming the women I am today...searching for my past love, just one more time among the many times ...both of us needed to learn from our past relationships...fate has its way of completing a circle and bringing back the one you truly are meant to be with in this life and believe it or not in the next. …. IMHO..I feel I am special to my love, enough for him to hold my memory and cherish me in his heart all these years...not allowing a soul take my memory and turn into a jealous rage.
You cant go wrong if you follow your heart...looks like he is doing just that and yes he came to that conclusion before I stepped in to his world or I would be dealing with his past relationship issues…we are moving forward, not backwards.
My opinion, about what true love is all about in my world….so learn from me and take my words and walk where I have already been.
To me true love is not fighting, its understanding one another, being there for one another NO MATTER WHAT test god is putting you through at the moment...You can't truly love someone if you want to change them, hurt them or abuse them...unconditionally he is your soulmate without changes being demanded, without hurting the one you claim you love rather its words or physical. One don’t work on a relationship, it comes natural and with a lot of love and affection your true love will be revealed within time. You learn this on your journey while keeping the communication open and pure without feeding the doubts that lead to misery and unhappiness.
We are at this point because both of us have walked in the shoes that many must go through to reach the point we are at. We both went through hell to get to this point in our life.
One there should be no faults and two there should not be any reason for forgiving one for doing wrong toward the one you claim you love in the eyes of many….it should not exist in the first place….do you agree?
Love does not hurt..well its not suppose to..Love comes within two souls who share there all just to become one soul. TRUST and RESPECT for one another is true love..Are you on the same page?
I came across those who may have thought I was a replacement? I would never feel this way, I don’t feel it so therefore, it is just words…:0)
I guess I will wrap this year up as LESSON’S LEARNED…I wish you all a Happy New Year…all my hugs and love go out to my family, friends and the love of my life…as Kermit would say, “Hi Ho, Kermit the frog is here…my baby is calling me…giggles …peace to all…love me
On that note; let the fun begin for 2008...giggles


I have many hero's in my life...of course....I do have respect for those who are dear to my heart that wish not to be out in the open...Happy srcolling :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/m1ss_peaches
My First Born, Amber ~~; I love you more than you will ever know ...You given me responsibilty ... you helped me grow up when I was so young... I have matured faster than others...You given me a reason to see this world for what it is...Life is too short to waste a second....21 years old this saturday...boy have you grown...Mommie is proud of you :0)
Profile; myspace.com/wtf_noodle
My Noodle...My young My favorite youngest child... You are so much older in rl ... I am so proud that you take life and just do your thang with the upmost respect... You have shown many adult choices this year alone...and proved that the 16yo mind can live as a leader with great wisdom...Mommie loves you and looks forward to have many more lively experiences with her baby Noodle...wink
Profile; Myspace.com/Niecie33
We go way back to our teenage yrs...I will never forget our journey's...we had many didn't we?...lol...remember PA...one word, well two...thumbs up...god we are spontanious......you are always doing things for me and someone else while expecting nothing in return; sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative criticism...To me, you are a true friend who knows all about me and loves me still, who gives me your presence, you listen with your heart and you hear what I am saying and you accepts me for who I am and not for what I have or haven't done. A good friend is one who doesn't judge me, try to fix me, or tell me what I should do. You appreciate me and our friendship and you tell me so, you rejoice with me in my successes and weep with me in my sorrows. And, at times, you confront me and graciously point out a fault, but no matter what, you always stand by me. Our friendship is rare and precious. I Love you :0)
Yet another rare friend...I can say the above is you also...We also go back to our teen yrs....with our bellies carrying our first borns...We were young and we survived...I will never forget your wedding...can you believe I pulled off your wedding and Amber's catered babyshower all in a days work...I know I was wonder women that day so I felt...giggles...I love you :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/_milf_beth
Since you entered my world, you made it very interesting, adding lots of color to my life... remember the night we were driving home after our meeting..the deers?...we had many angels with us that night...oh how I will never forget that night!...You are like a daughter to me...I can say we had many who challenged us...keep on knockin people...I love you bunches!
Profile~ Myspace.com/selenagabriella
I wish I could turn back time...We had our ups and downs and many challenges ahead of us both...You my friend, gave me strength when I needed it most...all the words of our conversations, that connected us forever and I know, it will stay with us ... My mind holds many good memories of us... I've lost you but I never forgot you or our memories.... There can be no flow of love where unforgiveness is present.. Everyone make mistakes and hurt sometimes persons they don't want to hurt, because of that it is necessary to forgive. That is a truth that I learned from you...I should have listened to your words so long ago...in the end, our circle is whole again...you will remain in my memory as the city of kindness...I love you :0)
Your heart is so big and not just in California girl friend...During your visit here, you gave me good advice...You were so right about many things...I am so thankful for having you in my life, we can thank delphi for that...giggles...You made a big impact in my life and not just during your visit, throughout our friendship...I do want to thank you for giving me the best of you...I wuv you :0)
Profile~ Myspace.com/babitiger
Oh My Where To Start...I am abashed of how much has changed in our short lives, but yet I'm also rather glad that it is something that can be like how it was 'back in the day. We had our daring adventurers didn't we?...:0)... I do enjoy reminencing of the all the good times we once had. Looking back on yesterday when you went out my window, literally...okay I remember as if it was yesterday.. We were in our teens and my Mommy came home...Out my window you go...damn we have stories to tell our children..better yet we must wait to tell them, maybe in their 20's somewhere...lol... we can laugh about it now....Your friendship means a great deal to me and I would not allow it just drift away without somewhat of a fight... Much has changed in my life and yours, looking forward in making new memories. I love you :0)
Jan~ from TX
Profile; Myspace.com/janmyers1
You are the bestest friend anyone would ever want... You have never let me down ... My PSP forum would have never survived if it were not for you...so many thanks to you for all you do for me and my psp students...I wuv you :0)
Bobby~ from Baytoen TX
Profile; Myspace.com/mllnsbbby
I miss the game room...I really do try to play but this year alone has kept me away....You are so awsome...thank you for being there when I needed my hugs....I wuv you :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/Kasandrra_1972
You and I have many things in common...We both lost a loved one and now we are coping day by day...each day will get better...Talking to you about the loss of Amber's father has truely been a healing process for me so I thank you for your friendship...I will always be here for you...I am a phone call away...I wuv you :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/bitchybrat9591
We have history between us...The bond will never be broken ...You are a amazing person and mother I admire...I am proud to be your friend...I wuv you :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/sherrybaby420
The memories of you and your family I will always cherish... I will never forget the good times we had in 1999 and 2000...those were the days...giggles...I am so happy your expecting another bundle of joy...kiss my babies...I wuv you :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/ilovelisamarieyoungblood
You have grown so much since I saw you last...Spittin image of your daddy :0) very handsom indeed...All of us need to get together for some fun ... I wuv you :0)
Profile; Myspace.com/rebelcouple4life
I hope someday we can meet again ... I know life gives us twist and turns and makes things impossible to happen but we can do it...lol...Your beautiful ... I wuv you :0)
More hero's without pics....:0)
Profile; Myspace.com/mscherry73
...OMG You and I have made some great memories...I know we will never forget the night we had girls night out and I the professional driver...lmao...hit the skunk on the highway...boy was I higher than the kite...My lesson that night was to pay attention on the gas label..Diesel gas got us no where for the next 2 hrs...those guys were so nice not to charge me...Free tank of NEW gas...giggles..You gave me many days with laughter...I Love you :0)
I still see that little girl I babysat many yrs ago...Birds always come to mind when I think of you...I still have that picture of you and the blue bird sittin on your shoulder ... You still have that smile that lights up a room...Your a mommy now and he has that same smile ... I know I am old...lol..I love you :0)
Amy (Jade)~
Girl you are whacked and the most beautiful person I have ever met....I love you so much...You rocked my world the first time we met...You really know how to keep me on my toes...you know you can purr for me anytime...shh don't tell anyone...lmao...Girls night out is long over due...Wuv you :0)
Ronnie~ (see update)
Profile; Myspace.com/fucaduckyea
could be you~
More hero's to add ~~Come Back for updates
Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! and those not mentioned here...you all are in my heart :0)
~~~Kisses and Hugs~~~

My Blog

Extra Journal NOTE: Im a BITCH...Just fuckin say NO!

I have had alot on my mind as you can tell. I thought of adding the thoughts below to my journal tonight but I feel it is a 911 blog and for the most part, my entry tonight is longer than expecte...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:46:00 PST

My friends and I want to go out tonight!

Daughter:  My friends and I want to go out tonight. Mother :   Where are ya’ll going ? Daughter:  To the cowboy bar on the edge of town Mother :   I don’t thi...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:58:00 PST

Want an honest and long lasting relationship?

Want an honest and long lasting relationship? Make sure you and your partner can recite these five statements. I can live without you, no problem "I can’t live," wails the singer, "if living is ...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:11:00 PST


ATTORNEY’S ADVICE-----NO CHARGE A corporate attorney sent the following out to the employees in his company.  1. The next time you order checks have only your initials (instead of first na...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:10:00 PST


THINGS YOU NEVER KNEW YOUR CELLPHONE COULD DO! There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies.Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool forsurvival. C...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:09:00 PST

You must do this...go now

1. GO TO THE FOLLOWING SITE: http://www.tatuagemdaboa.com.br/ *****Wait about 30 seconds to fully load******   2. TYPE YOUR FIRST NAME ON THE 1st LINE. 3. TYPE YOUR FRIEND’S NAME  ON ...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:04:00 PST

Heh heh heh....u will laugh!

..> It was Friday morning, and that meant it was time for an activity that the teacher called "add to the picture". The teacher would call students to the chalkboard one at a time. The first s...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:12:00 PST

Check this girl out!

This is pretty weird....what ya think? http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1074088 I cant move like that   can you?...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 09:52:00 PST

What Is Love?

What Is Love? Love is...being happy for the other person when they are happy, Being sad for the person when they are sad, Being together in good times, And being together in bad times. LOVE IS THE SOU...
Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:29:00 PST

Pic of my wolfie's..o and Little Red Ridin Hood

Posted by ♥ Journal entry pics ~4-18-08 :0) ♥ on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 10:10:00 PST