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I am here for Friends

About Me

- - "GEMINI's = Irresistible because they are: great listeners, generous, strong, trustworthy, outgoing, forgiving, talkative, always happy, nice, loud, good in the you know what department... they're lovers not fighters but they'll still knock your ass out if provoked, they love to make out and they have beautiful smiles.... they are simply THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE!" - - I am a true Gemini in the sense of having a dual or split personality and I am very independent and opinionated. I moved to the Seattle area (by way of the Jersey shore, with an extremely long detour through Montana) in '93 and chose Seattle as my new home because it is the hometown area of Queensryche and Alice in Chains and because it is the greatest city in the US... other than the traffic that is... I suffer from a major case of road rage and would dearly love to bitch-slap all of the 'left-lane only' drivers out there, lazy bastards! I am the consummate 'rocker chick' (tatts included) with a penchant for vodka , short skirts and the occasional clove cigarettes when hitting the clubs and big rock shows...Usually chained to this frickin computer when at home though, and always wishing I had more time and money for travel and lazy days just reading and napping... "With modern life driven by technology, free time nearly as valuable a commodity as food and air, and happiness the most desirable goals, we all need to remember to PLAY MORE!" I believe laughter truly is the best medicine, especially the kind that makes tears stream down my face and Sam Kinison was the master:
I love baseball, especially the much reviled Yankees, although it was all about theMariners back in '00-'01 (not a fan of A. Rod on either team) and I'm working on becoming a fan of football, especially with a fairly kick-ass home team to cheer on!I know most people probably consider this last statement sheer blasphemy, but it has to be said... I honestly cannot stand the music of Jimi Hendrix or Rage Against the Machine, I seriously just do not understand all the hype.... but this next shit, I totally get!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Semi-intelligent people who possess a good sense of humor and basic common sense (something that appears to be sorely lacking in our world today), along with a great love and understanding of animals and music... AND if they're willing to kneel and worship at the alter of rock 'n roll with me, all the better! Here's some rockin people I am already quite fortunate to know: ..

My Blog

A kiss is a kiss

ORIGINAL POSTING 3/9/07 - EDITED 6/3/07 I recently started dating a guy who said to me on our 3rd date, when I attempted to kiss him, "I'm not really into kissing, it's just too intimate"... seriously...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 22:19:00 GMT

Sixteen Candles - Movie Trailer

Posted by on Thu, 24 May 2007 05:18:00 GMT