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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm currently 27 years old living on my own and working in the Public Relations Department of the Republican Party in the PA House of Representatives in Harrisburg fulltime while continuing my dream of pro wrestling announcing with Jersey All-Pro Wrestling. My first full time job was at WHP CBS 21 News being a news photojournalist. That means I went out into the public and shot anything assigned for me. Whether it was a murder, car accident or a happy story, I've seen it all. One of my biggest stories was a 6 month investigation of Children and Youth Services. That story allowed us to talk to many families about having their children taken away from them. It also allowed us to go to Philadelphia and interview the head of CYS. We just won an Pennsylvania AP Broadcasters Association Award for it. I also got to cover the Pope's visit to Washington DC, which was one of the biggest thrills in my life!
My real passion is being a pro wrestling announcer. Yeah Yeah... laugh all you want, but it has allowed to me do alot of neat things and meet alot of neat ppl. I used to work for two wrestling organizations World Xtreme Wrestling and JAPW. WXW was awesome and I met alot of great ppl, unfortunately I had to leave that job when I got my WHP job. I, now just work for Jersey All Pro Wrestling. I can still do it even though working full time and I love every minute of it. The Production team for JAPW is top notch and even though they make fun of me ALL THE TIME... I consider them to be probablyy my best friends. Their hard workers. Someday I hope they make it big because they deserve it! MODTROM RULZ!! Other things about me, I'm a big family person, a religious person and I'll do anything to have a good time!
.. LIVE Shot by Turnpike with Liz!
Myspace Layouts at / Black and blue
Salute To Vets

A Photoessay I shot about a Flag Raising Ceremony at Ft. Indiantown Gap

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN...Rest In Peace .. Some of My Idols

My Blog

Adios 2008

Obviously the New Year has started and I'm hoping this year will be a whole lot better than the previous.  2008 was a tough year for me.  My last blog... a long time ago... I talked about ho...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 23:38:00 GMT


CHANGEI'm not a big fan of it.  I'm a person you likes routine for the most part.  I guess I've always been kind of stubborn like that.  I fear it mostly because whenever big changes ha...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 18:25:00 GMT

Opportunity of a Lifetime!!

I'm 26 years old...almost 27... and have been a photojournalist now for 3 years.  I feel I'm very competent at it.  I've been apart of some big stories, at least on the local level, but...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:06:00 GMT

A Rough Week and Celebrating 10 years

This past week was kind of a rough one for me.  Workwise I was on-call all week, which basically meant I couldn't fall asleep before 3AM because I was scared I'd miss a call from the station drag...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 19:31:00 GMT

A Little Catching Up...

It's been a long time since I sat down to take the time to write a blog so since I just paid my bills and I'm broke and can't go anywhere, I'd thought I'd update this!Work is going alright.  I'm ...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:54:00 GMT

Depressing Time in Lancaster County....

It's been a somewhat depressing and disturbing time covering the news of Lancaster County for CBS 21 News.  I always commented that when something happens in Lancaster County, it's always big.&nb...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 18:07:00 GMT

Latest Happenings....

It's been a while since I sat down and typed away so since I'm done with everything I wanted to do today... now is better than ever.Work is going alright...stressful at times, but going alright. ...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 18:05:00 GMT


First off, I tried, I really did and I thought I could post the pictures from the Christmas Party, but I'm an idiot and can't figure out why they didn't work.  Oh well.So there has been alot of c...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:04:00 GMT

No Rasslin Shows

I'm sitting here just waiting for the work day to be over.  I'm done all my work and still have about 2 hours to go before I can leave.  Can't complain though, I'll be out at 6pm!  It's...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 13:16:00 GMT

The Verdict Is In....

After 3 1/2 horrible weeks of waiting it is finally over!!!Early Halloween Morning I walked into the office of Lancaster Gasterontrology Incorporated scared to death.  I sat in the waiting room w...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 19:36:00 GMT