Cooking, baking, eating, listening to music, shopping, going out to eat, watching tv, e-mailing, being on committees, delegating, taking pictures, The Yankees, drinking, and doing stuff that makes me merry.
Dave Matthews & Andy Pettite
DMB, O.A.R., The Decemberists, Blink, The Killers, Cracker, Weezer and some of Ben Harper
Half Baked, The Little Mermaid, Signs & The Village. I love M.Night Shalamalamadingdong. I love movies about presidents. Dave & The American President are classics. ID 4 blew- but I love Bill Pullman. If ken hadn't scooped me up, I just might be Mrs. Bill Pullman today.
Will & Grace, Full House, The Office, ER, House, 24, Idols, Heroes, A Wedding Story, A Baby Story, Anything on TLC or Discovery Health
No David, by David Shannon
Batman & President Whitmore