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technically not me

Confusion Rules!

About Me

About me, eh? I am a proud mother of three and a factory worker by trade. For fun I'm the Second in Command of the HAH and a small contributor to a few writing sites. I'm the head site guru of the Official Tobias Mehler Fansite, The Henchman at Heart site, and my own sites. I love the simple pleasures in life and dream about living in the middle of nowhere on the east coast. And...I'm the ultimate sightseer and love travelling.
My friends say I'm helpful
My friends say I'm sweet
My friends, they're the greatest
As for me, I'm just me
My hobbies: photography, web design/development, writing short stories and dabbling in poetry, and traveling/siteseeing (I'm about due for a vacation somewhere).

follow draele at

My Interests

Web design/development
Multimedia stuff
Listening to good music
Chatting with friends
Reading good books
Spending time with my kids

I'd like to meet:

Peter Wingfield, Keano Reeves, all the Highlander cast, K, Neil, Z, T, Sean Connery, Billy Connelly, Liam Neesen, Steve (even if only just to slap him), Sandra Bullock, the other 3 members of the Henchman At Heart Club, the Magey One!

My Writings:
What's in a Name? --Young Blades Fanfic-completed
A Ripple in Time --Young Blades Fanfic-uncomplete

A Poem for JNLD --Young Blades related
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."
~ Maria Robinson


Trans-Siberian Orchestra (the closest I'll come to liking classical and Christmas music), Mark Hildreth, Kenny Loggins, Bonnie Tyler, Evanescence, Bon Jovi, John Denver, Don Henley, Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn, Clint Black, Elton John, Air Supply, REO Speedwagon, Celine Dion, Kelly Clarkson, Chas & Dave, Ray Stevens, Enya, James Blunt, Queen, Chicago, Journey, The Eagles, some of Savatage, The Fray


Pirates of the Caribbean
National Treasure
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
While You were Sleeping
Reign of Fire
The Illusionist
The Pacifier
A Walk in the Clouds


NUMB3RS, Lost, and Heroes.
Favorite older ones are Young Blades and Highlander the Series


Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Eragon/Eldest (Inheritance series)
The Historian
Pen on Fire
Anne of Green Gables


Katherine Hepburn
Gwen Irwin

My Blog

My mistake in writing

I've been reading through writing books, blogs, websites, a male POV book, etc., as I start on my first draft of Erandin (working title only). I've been reading through all sorts of research books on ...
Posted by technically not me on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 07:47:00 PST

Another blog post

Oh my, another post. :))First things first...I bought my Trans-Siberian Orchestra tickets yesterday. Yay!! It'll be my first concert for them and actually my first true concert attendance. Ok, I'm dep...
Posted by technically not me on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 02:59:00 PST

The Net

Can't this thing called the Net be such a hassle at times? It's a great invention could it have gotten to the point of being abused?I write this because I have been spending so much of my on...
Posted by technically not me on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 03:55:00 PST


Just a short thought today.Just received word about an hour ago that one of my uncles has died. An apparent heart attack. He was 62. My mom's younger brother. He definately was not the one I would hav...
Posted by technically not me on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 02:49:00 PST

Toasting to nights off

Howdy blog readers! Glorious day is it not? Well, maybe not glorious persay but I am finally getting to enjoy typing on my laptop outside. At least for a couple of days the heatwave has broken. Yay!! ...
Posted by technically not me on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:43:00 PST

Today’s blog

Been sitting here at the comp for a couple of hours surfing a bit, reading a bit from a fiction writing blog (one of my fav blogs to read) and thinking. Of what? Hmm, well...Erandin for one thing. Era...
Posted by technically not me on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:12:00 PST


No absolute big deal but was surprised to pop in tonight, or is it morning now, and see that my profile views have hit 1000. Wow!! What on earth anyone finds interesting in my profile or my blogs is b...
Posted by technically not me on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:57:00 PST

Today's Post

Hello again happy, and not so happy, blog readers. Yep, is me again. I know, jumping for joy are you not?My latest news:I have found a brand for my writing. Thanks naiad for helping with that, actuall...
Posted by technically not me on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:07:00 PST

Venting? Perhaps

Ah, life&computer life&real life&cyber life&what other life you choose to live& Real life: as anyone knows, it's more or less what you make of it, regardless of circumstances. Good things, bad thin...
Posted by technically not me on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:32:00 PST

My creative juices

Well, I think maybe I should work on doing web work year round. Why? (Of course I knew you'd ask that.) It helps open up the creative areas in my mind. (Avoiding some family and friends also helps.)I ...
Posted by technically not me on Wed, 02 May 2007 02:09:00 PST