Whats up yall My name is Mark Andrew McCarty i was born and raised in the great state of ALABAMA! i am now attending the university of ALABAMA! i am a freshman down here and i am loving every second of it. I have recently given my life to Jesus and i have never personally been more happy! The lord is my lord and savior and i am now going to spend eternity in heaven! I hope and pray that everyone that views my page will also join me in the kingdom of heaven! the world will never satisfy and will always leave you empty inside. The only thing that people ever talk about when they hear about jesus is how much they lose. Trust me i thought that i lost everything that was important to me (worldly desires) only to find out that none of it compared to what jesus had instore for my life! I am here to tell you that you gain something that is ever lasting!(ETERNAL LIFE AND LOVE)! The lord is sooo good and you will never regret your decision if you choose to follow him! I will also tell you that heaven and hell are very real and hell is no joke. If you do not know jesus you will spend eternity in hell seperate from the love of jesus! please just cry out to the lord. He will help you! The lord has died for our sins and just wants to have a personal relationship with you! REAL MEN LOVE JESUS so i reccomend giving your whole heart to the lord!!!! Have a great day and try talkin to the lord!
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JESUS!! I can not wait till the day i get to face the LORD!!