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Sarah Ve'Piras. Promoter Writer.
Single. <--I got a Koala. =]
9-16-08 "The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open."
You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.
Nemo me impune lacessit
What we don't understand we can make mean anything.
Sometimes the past seems too big for the present to hold.
When did the future switch from being a promise to a threat?
People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messed cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown.
People are all over the world telling their one dramatic story and how their life has turned into getting over this one event. Now their lives are more about the past than their future.
You can't base your life on the past or the present. You have to tell me about your future.
The most boring thing in the entire world is nudity. The second most boring thing is honesty.
My world would come crumbling down if it weren't for the few I actually consider friends. They are my heart and soul.
Baby, I'm an anarchist
R.I.P. Devin 6-10-08 and Vinny 5-12-09
"An Angel got his wings and we'll hold our heads up knowing that he's fine, we'd all be lucky to have a love like that in a lifetime. Friends stay side by side in life in death you always stole my heart, you always meant so much to me it's hard to believe this"
Call me a safe bet, I'm betting I'm not
You can either die the hero or you can live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
"Death is the greatest form of love"
-Charles Manson
The things you own end up owning you.
If you could be God's worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose?
When you understand that what you're telling is just a story. It isn't happening anymore. When you realize the story you're telling is just words, when you can just crumble it up and throw your past in the trashcan, then we'll figure out who you're going to be.
I make awkward sexual advances, not war

My Blog

The Heartless Don’t Deserve Hearts

Lust; an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. One of the Seven deadly sins. Oh yes, more blasphemies had been occurring in the falling empire of Rhy'Din, and yet again it was time for th...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 18:35:00 GMT

You don’t have the fucking right to judge me.

I'm going to do better things than you could ever imagine. I'm going to join the peace core.I'm going to help save lives in Africa. I'm going to backpack across Europe.I'm going to go on new adventure...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 16:42:00 GMT

If you want to know what I really think of you..

Every brutally honest detail of my opinion about you..Leave your name.Just be prepared, because some of you might not like what you'll hear. I refuse to sugar coat anything. I need to get these things...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 13:19:00 GMT


You mean more to me than you'll ever be able to understand. I miss the way things used to be. The long talks, the long nights, the random nonsence. The way we could reach eachothers minds and how we g...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:27:00 GMT


Here's how you play:Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:46:00 GMT


"True, my disposition has changed over the last few decades, but you think me to be mad!? My senses are heightened as never before. I can hear the angels' hymns in heaven and hear the cries of the dam...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 18:39:00 GMT

What I think of you.

Leave me a blog comment with your name, and below if I'll tell you exactly what I think about you.
Posted by on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 13:43:00 GMT

Our generation.

Yeah, I'm going on a fucking rant because I'm actually pissed off over this. What the hell is wrong with most of us? Most of the kids think it's cool to drink and smoke all the time. Yeah, once in a w...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 19:28:00 GMT

Who said love was real?

"I think about you all the time, Laviune. I miss you whenever you're not around. You're the one person that makes me happy and I think we were meant for eachother. I..I love you.." Annabells voice was...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:14:00 GMT


That date might not mean anything to anyone out of a small group of people, but to us, I'm sure it means everything. That is the day that literally started it all. That's the day I met or grew closer ...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 18:51:00 GMT