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About Me

I firmly believe that we are all in control of our own destiny. Back when I still had friends that I could depend on, I viewed life differently than I do now. I played both sides of the fence, not knowing any other way then what I was taught. It was a bad move and I will regret it for the time I have left on this earth. My history teacher in high school and mentor, Mr. Szymcowicz, told the class once in a lesson these powerful words. “Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” It took a long time for those words to sink into my head and for me to understand what he meant. Throughout the trials and struggles of my life, there were times where I possessed power that I shouldn’t have had, and it corrupted me. And once the time came that I had absolute power over my destiny, I was absolutely corrupt. This isn’t just my downfall, but eventually will be the downfall of our whole nation. History repeats itself.
Since 9/11, the country has changed in ways that the public eye doesn’t even know. The war on terror is merely a face, a mask that the government has put on the war on drugs. It was suspected by many, myself included. It wasn’t until I saw firsthand the destruction and disregard for the preservation of human life that the government upheld that I came to my own shaking revelation. In my ignorance I have contributed to Washington’s absolute power to methodically stomp on those who have nothing. If I only had known then what I know now, things would have turned out different. But I didn’t have a clue, and now I’m left with only my ambitions, my instincts, and my perception of the world as I see it today.
Our president has in essence been given a “Blank Check” to persecute anyone he feels may or may not be a terrorist since 9/11. This involves invasion of privacy in every aspect, from installing cameras in your home to your vehicle and tapping your phone calls without warrant or permission from the courts, not to mention having no respect in general for the liberties that we as Americans cherish every day.
When I was younger I was told to be thankful that I was born into a country where I was free to do whatever I pleased with life, where I could obtain an education and strive to find happiness and good health throughout, but all I’ve found is a dead end road with a sign that says, “Beat by the Bush Administration”. I guess it all depends on the president. Clinton was honest, so he was impeached for getting a blow job. Bush is not, so he can manipulate the media and the politicians he has spent such a great deal of money putting in place so he will not get impeached. It would be a safe assessment to say that he has bought the media, the White House, and in essence the world. Police corruption runs rampant, from the lowest ranks of the precincts to the highest ranks of the FBI.
This is not a myth. These are proven facts and truths that have been revealed to me in the last year. The media, as the public sees it, is falsified, and the people in the various branches of the news are on the payroll. They refuse to report police or government corruption, and they are even in on some of the schemes to rid the nation of certain political enemies. I am one of those enemies.
I am a well known figure in the media. I've received no recognition for my talents whatsoever, regardless of how good my writing is, or my vocal skills, or even my production skills. I've been put into a black-book of sorts with the likes of Al Capone. What does this mean exactly? This means that everyone from Bill O' Reilly to Pat Buchanan to Flavia Cogan know who i am. These are some of the top reporters and political analysts for the media outlets across the United States. How do they know who i am? Someone declared that I "might be" a terrorist, and so like so many of my counterparts across the nation, my privacy has been invaded. There are cameras in my home, cameras at my daughters house, and at the very least a wire in my car for the government to listen to what i say. The silent joke lies within. It's not just President Bush watching. All of the news stations and governmental agencies are watching. It's like the CIA has broadcast my life and the life of my family and syndicated it over a 50 state network, and made me out to be something i'm not.
People have begun to realize that i'm not as bad as i may have seemed. Some are even in doubt that i'm worth targeting at all. Washington and Congress are divided over this issue. If i knew how i would investigate myself. But unfortunately the only hints i get are the suttle jabs from the media that end up doing the government damage and doing me justice. First off all, lets break down the schematics of what a "terrorist" is. A terrorist has an arsenal of weapons in order to inflict harm on our country, our families, and our welfare. I have no weapons. A terrorist is about seeing the government fall and toppling the overall balance of world power. I've helped the government throughout my life, and i've never made any threats to the government trying to see them fall. Now, in danger of being set up for things that i didn't do with my life in danger, i'm leaving. A fresh start will give me time to reflect and see where not just me, but we all went wrong. I thought the world was a better place.

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