A Perfect Circle, Prodigy, Massive attack,Breaking Benjamin,Deftones,Earshot,Finger Eleven,Flaw, NIN,Our Lady Peace,Stabbing Westward,Staind,Tool,White Town,Duran Duran, Joy Division, Tears for fears, chemical brothers, gravity kills, crystal method, She wants revenge, Sevendust, some select country, list goes on....
9th Gate, Master and Commander, Dark Crystal, Snatch, Trainspotting, the Alien saga, Rules of Attraction, Ali G in Da House, Requiem for a Dream, The Outlands, From Hell, Any Given Sunday, Beerfest, Don't be menace, Waiting, A Scanner Darkly, Event Horizon, The Predator, Running man, Blade Runner, GoodFellas, Usual Suspects, pretty much and Sci Fi....
Dealiest Catch, Sopranos, Girls next Door, Rob & Big, Unfortunately I watch all the real worlds/roads rules and the challenge, Oil Sweat and Rigs, Talk soup....
About time, A brief history of time, elegant universe, Hyperspace: a scientific odessy, Holographic universe, A rumor of war, Things they carried, infinity beach
pffft i dont have heroes...