MCMLXXXI profile picture


the minor fall and the major lift

About Me

Or, A Bunch of Statements That Begin With "I":
I have trouble returning library books and movie rentals in anything approaching a timely fashion. I only like driving if my windows are down, even in the winter. I was designed for urban warfare: nature and I don't get along, rapidly developing suburban areas fill me with dread, and homogeneously white demographics make me uncomfortable. I hate wasting my time on bad movies and resent the people who coerce me into seeing them. I have a problem with authority and people for whom materialism, money, appearances, or fundamentalism are key concerns. I enjoy parentheticals, asides, and italicized thoughts. The word "supper" both sounds and tastes better to me than "dinner," but I always say dinner anyway. My all-time, desert island top magnetic poetry phrase is "investigate my delicious downtown pudding."
Predictions: Or, A Bunch of
Statements that Begin with "I will":
I will, at some point, get on the Brooklyn-bound F train drunk and fall asleep only to wake up in Coney Island. I will then reboard the train and fall asleep a second time, winding up back in Manhattan.
I will inexplicably make my first millions before I turn thirty, most likely in music, which I will no doubt squander spending lazy months abroad and neglecting my craft. Eventually, my gregarious and prodigal ways will end whatever venture has provided me my fortune, and I will settle down on a bucolic vineyard estate in Bonnieux with a capricous but devoted French woman. There I will very probably drink wine and dote after my many mongrel children while turning my creative energies towards Hellerian writing.
I will, however, still think of New York as home.
| ..
Remember, campers: keep your food and garbage suspended from trees at night, and don't bring menstruating women camping. They attract bears.
Current Top Five Songs:
1. "Stubborn Kind Of Fellow," Marvin Gaye
2. "Police On My Back," The Clash
3. "Love Is The Drug," Roxy Music
4. "Overreaction," Sure Juror
5. "Can't Hardly Wait," The Replacements
Current Top Five Albums:
All-Time Top Ten Movies:
All-Time Top Five Books:
Things I love:
1. Absurdist humor. Read: Bloom County/Outland/Opus , Dinosaur Comics , Toothpaste For Dinner , Married To The Sea .
2. Making concert flyers out of clipart .
3. New York in blizzards , on album covers , blackouts , cataclysmic climate changes brought on by meteorites , or just, you know, being New York .
4. Making music .
5. Songs based on Silence Of The Lambs .
6. Religion .
7. TCM marathons with Robert Osborne.
8. Pre-1970s America, particularly the 20s and the 50s, and any movies made in those eras, especially seedy film noirs , cinematic soap operas , and classic love stories .
9. Philosophical drunken monologues .
10. Anglophilia .

My Interests

music, soccer, movies, tea, cows, mexican food, scanning things with the lid open, convincing children of things that are just not true, getting people to call soccer "football", conversations about the placement of punctuation when a sentence ends with a quote, pwning in Trivial Pursuit and card game, talking, relating, assonance, consonance, dissonance, singing the harmony parts in Beatles songs, exposition, composition, mise-en-scene, staying below 14th Street in Manhattan, learning French, making "your mom" jokes, bookstores with couches and no muzak, surprise drunk, acid reflux remedies, anxiety, taking trains and public transportation, finding a better chicken parm sandwich, reporting movies I haven't sent back as "missing" on Netflix, late-minute plans, humungous parks in the middle of major metropolitan areas, ending sentences with prepositions

I'd like to meet:

Seriously, Mary Poppins.

Who I'd like to meet if they weren't, you know, dead:

Who I'd like to murder:
People who don't use their turn signals. People who drive SUVs and don't need to. Politicians. Anyone who is for sale. Pessimists. The content. Suburbanites. The fickle hearts and narrow minds. The ignorant and vain. People who feel entitled. Anyone who doesn't "believe" in global warming. The tow guys from the Turnpike Authority. People who have been shielded from consequences their whole life and act accordingly. The girl with the huge teeth from the Snorg Tees ads.

I have enough friends.

Everyone thinks they're alone


Action Set

but not limited to
The Afghan Whigs, Arcade Fire, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Beck, Belle & Sebastian, The Beta Band, Blur, David Bowie, Bright Eyes, Built To Spill, The Clash, Leonard Cohen, Coldplay, Cursive, Death Cab For Cutie, The Decemberists, Desaparacidos, The Delgados, Dismemberment Plan, Dr. Dog, Nick Drake, Bob Dylan, Failure, Flogging Molly, Foo Fighters, Marvin Gaye, The Good Life, Adam Green, Guided By Voices, Ben Harper, Harvey Danger, Iron & Wine, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Jimmy Eat World, Carole King, Les Savy Fav, Local H, Magnetic Fields, Mclusky, Modest Mouse, Morrissey (but not the Smiths), Nada Surf, Neutral Milk Hotel, Neva Dinova, Nirvana, Pavement, Tom Petty, The Pixies, The Pogues, Iggy Pop, Mary Prankster, Prince, John Prine, Radiohead, The Replacements, Rilo Kiley, The Shins, Elliot Smith, Soundgarden, Bruce Springsteen, Superchunk, Sure Juror, Matthew Sweet, Tenacious D, Tool, Velvet Underground, Martha Wainwright, Tom Waits, Ween, Weezer, Wilco, Stevie Wonder, Neil Young, anything from the golden age of Motown, and the other billion things on my iPod.


Spaghetti westerns, faithful adaptations, rockumentaries, romantic comedies, the Marx Brothers, Akira Kurosawa, John Cusack, Woody Allen, Spike Lee, Stephen Chow, Wong Kar-wai, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Kaufman, Peter Sellers, Hitchcock, M. Night Shyamalan, Frank Capra, Douglas Sirk, Humphrey Bogart, Stanley Kubrick, Muppets, Bergman (to some extent), Snakes On A Plane


The OC
The Office
Prison Break
One Tree Hill
Grey's Anatomy

All things equal, I enjoy radio more than television:
XM 150
BBC World Service
This American Life
The Ricky Gervais Show
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me


Currently reading
Fargo Rock City
by Chuck Klosterman

Jonathan Safran Foer
Hunter S. Thompson
Chuck Klosterman
Charles Bukowski
Chuck Palahniuk
Douglas Adams
Kurt Vonnegut
Joseph Heller
Stephen King
Arthur Miller
Nick Hornby

I apparently dig writers named Chuck.


"Boredom is the polio of our generation."

"The internet is the farthest reaching thing in the universe. It's way further than God."

"It's 2006. I've got a song to finish, motherfucker!"
-Uncle Paul

"Walk through every open door. Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's cheating."
- Mom

My Blog

my secret identity

I am routinely mistaken for being Jewish. This is a weekly occurance, and what makes it even weirder is that I can't imagine why anyone would ask a stranger if they were a certain religion or ethnicit...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:11:00 PST

free sex advice

Back a few years, punk label Buddyhead put out a call for a new sex advice columnist, and yours truly didn't even flinch at the idea. I don't remember the questions I answered in my bid to get the job...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:15:00 PST

banana fana fo

With no ado at all, here are my favorite Chuck Norris Facts:Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart whi...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:24:00 PST

nature versus nuture versus pinktrack

Years and years ago, in the year of our Lord nineteen-hundred-and-eighty-seven, I joined Cub Scouts rather serendipitously. From then until I turned eighteen and had officially ditched my attempts to ...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 09:50:00 PST

no difference in traffic lights

I don't know if it's a result of having moved to New York and feeling more in my right place than I've ever felt, but I arrived in Los Angeles on Thursday and very quickly started hating the City Of A...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 02:13:00 PST

13 & 13

About two and a half weeks ago, I called up my boss at Tunes and told him I was quitting. He knew that I had been looking for a job in New York with the intention of moving up there once said job was ...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:26:00 PST

serious dating advice

That's pretty much all you need....
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Fri, 25 May 2007 08:58:00 PST

a few hours later

I very seriously had something pertinent to post here, but in the course of the last five or six hours, I've destroyed whatever brain cells held that information. It's almost like a dream, where you r...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Sun, 13 May 2007 10:49:00 PST

runnin' down a dream

The long and short of it is: despite a multitude of things, I can't think of a time when I was happier or more excited about the present. Maybe it's the weather?
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Fri, 04 May 2007 02:47:00 PST

oh, I'm a bomb regardless

Making good on New Year's resolution #1 last July 25th has, of course, forced me into a job search. I've received some bullshit responses to my resume, understandably, but I've been boggled by the num...
Posted by MCMLXXXI on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:13:00 PST