About Me
A Preamble... In 1983, the year of our enemy, I received my first drum set. Oddly enough, the kit was a four piece Gretsch, with tin-can cymbals (and oft times suitcase floor toms). It was donated as a loaner from a resident priest there at good ol' Holy Saviour-St. John Fischer school. He always begged for that silly set to be returned, but, well...that's another story. I boldly joined forces with two other aspiring musicians in class, namely Patrick J. Hughes and Steven Anderson. Forming the never forgotten and certainly young Pyramid. We covered bands such as: Twisted Sister, Black Sabbath, Dio, Iron Maiden. I can't recall how successful we were at those feats! At least we started the growth process. Pyramid had a zero following but it prepared me for the tasks ahead. I believe we disbanded in 1984. On and off, following Pyramid, through the next couple of years other bands emerged. One band, under two monikers, Acephalous Vector and Macabre Forces (1984-1986), I developed my talents further. The dual power of Brian Curtis Wible and "The Black Lourde of Crucifixion" made this band flourish. We remained more or less, a garage (or in our case, an attic) band. The sounds of Acephalous Vector/Macabre Forces were hard rock influenced. And although the drum set changed, the energy and creativity did not. Eventually ending its reign in technical terms, we get together when we can for nostalgia's sake.And so, Satanic Slaughter is born, boasting an important 1985-1988 reign of terror. Obviously, not to be confused with the European band, we led a short but vital existence. Covering songs from the masters (i.e. Venom, Sodom, Slayer, etc.) we spread our name, with its deadly persona, locally, gaining a little respect and admiration. Founded by the late Fran Redden (guitar/vocals), we rehearsed with the ultimate goal of blaspheming! We could also say that we were not too interested in "selling" ourselves. Satanic Slaughter only semi-released a demo in 1987 titled, "Hail Satan." Song titles on that release were, "The Dark Lord", "Formaldehyde" and "Hail Satan". The cassette had no cover, no promotion and no marketing. But those songs plainly said it all, from soul to mind, Satanic Slaughter is true Black Metal! This band also introduced Kenneth Keith Kallenbach (a.k.a. Statue Man, throughout our local scene) of Howard Stern fame, on bass. Toward the late part of our reign we changed our name to Caution (yes, because the "t" could be turned into an inverted cross) and added Fran's brother Ira to the mayhem. Pulling some switches, Ira to bass and Ken to vocals, we began to exercise some professionalism and book a show or two. I recall doing two Battle of the Bands contests in the area. One of which was a happening success, and put me on the map to meeting some great friends, with wonderful friendships; the other a virtual circus of flops!We put on a grand evil entrance with cymbal crashes and bass thundering destruction. I donned a blood-splattered Jason Voorhees goalie mask, raising high the hockey-sticks-taped-together-upside-down-cross! Anticipating the horror that we were going to unleash. Sadly and embarrassingly a failing guitar amplifier prevented us from winning that Battle. Although we joined numerous local talents (i.e. Violemosh, Face First, etc.) I believed that night was ours. Nearing the demise of Caution we made some line-up changes, lost some members and moved on. I remember changing the name to Rapid Violence (approximately 1988). We moved in a slightly different direction by hooking up with local musicians Jesus Gordiany of then Violent Solution (guitar) and Ed Dougherty (vocals). As Rapid Violence we rehearsed and rehearsed, never going too far. We called it quits after a short time and went on our separate ways. Passing on the name to other Underground friends, they survived to become metal favorites, Corpus Rottus.
The mid to latter half of 1988 gave way to Witchery. Again not to be confused with the modern band with the same name. I co-founded Witchery with new friend Joel Prange (lead guitar/vocals). We planned to release a demo of death thrash tentatively titled, "Sworn to Evil." We always stressed ourselves looking for a place to rehearse. After a full year of good and powerful music, Joel went away and we moved on, in different directions. After the fall of Witchery, I and two schoolmates started the wickedly heavy Hemorrhage. This band was the primer to Crucifier. We were only two guitars, drums and vocals, however tuned to A (or Q, whichever is lower) we stormed into this world! As the local Death Metal scene was gaining speed, in 1989, we were right there contributing. Although our time as Hemorrhage was short we picked up some fans. Luckily, those few fans followed us through the switch to the true and mighty Crucifier. Barra! something wicked this way comes!Crucifier is born on September 9th 1990. Spreading like a plague worldwide, Crucifier gave our scene the serious wake up call that it needed. Remaining to this day, an Underground entity, we go on killing Christ in many ways. Making friends along the way spawned a few other projects: Ancient, Mourning and Viaticum. Mourning was a doom band with an original approach and sound. Featuring Stephen Campbell (Violemosh/Goreaphobia management/ex-Rellik), Mike Carr (Lesch-Nyhan) and Chris DePetro (Face First.) We executed a fine array of funerary songs. That nice project had to fold due to various reasons. Following Mourning, Viaticum began rehearsing. (Note: true dates are uncertain, but fall, within 1990 and 1993.) Viaticum boasted some very original tracks and ideas. That band featured some great talents: Jack Gannon (Hazarax/Cemetery Earth/Goreaphobia), Spencer Murphy (Face First/Goreaphobia/Crucifier), and later featured Brian "Bundy" Swafford (Corpus Rottus) among others. Again joining forces with with some killer talent, Ancient was formed.Focusing on Celtic Frost style sounds, Ancient was just in the initial stages when it had to fold. That band featured: Alex Bouks (Goreaphobia), Dave Neidrist (Necrotion) and John Litchko (Necrotion/Symphony of Grief/Bloodstorm/Perverseraph.) Currently some other bands that I am working, helping or ripping with are Decieverion, Aryan War and Infernal Hatred. I have also utilized my time over the years to concentrate on other well-known bands at the forefront of the Underground metal scene. Please creep your way to the Dungeon section of the website to read about the history of Brotherhood bands that I was involved in over the years.CRUCIFIER was founded under True Black inspiration on the ninth of September 1990 by drummer/vocalist/lyricist Cazz Grant "The Black Lourde of Crucifixion." The initial ensemble was Ira Redden (guitar), Jeff Anderson (guitar) and as aforementioned, Cazz Grant. After four months, five original titles and personal conflict, Jeff left the band. These particular titles were perhaps, a bit "experimental" in their subject matter and orchestrated style. Although there were no official recordings of those songs, an unofficial rehearsal entitled "The Unholy Trinity" was planned, attempted and unfortunately aborted.In January of 1991 Jeff was replaced by the unique musical character of Dan Kamp (guitar) and Chris Miller (bass guitar). During the arrangement of brand new material, Ira left the group. His departure prompted an audition for guitarist Mike Machette. With this line-up Crucifier recorded its debut demonstration effort, "Humans Are Such Easy Prey." Surprisingly, this certain demo created an upheaval of praise in the Underground! In November of 1991, due to musical differences, Chris and Mike left the band. Fortuitously, though, a friend (and fan) of Crucifier was willing and able to play bass guitar; leading to an ultimate decision of remaining a three-piece unit.The second demonstration effort, "Crown of Thorns," was however recorded and produced without the assistance of new bassist Dan Keaton. The total knowledgeable Underground reaction to "Crown of Thorns" has been overwhelming! In September of 1992 Dan Keaton was dismissed. Shortly before his departure, material was recorded for CRUCIFIER's first official EP release: "Unparalleled Majesty" (a Pagan Records production). His dismissal resulted in the hiring of bass guitarist Gary Gandy.In the winter of 1992 CRUCIFIER recorded two songs for yet another Pagan Records (Poland) release. The second cassette EP, "By Disgrace of God" was a worldwide success! Sadly though, that accomplishment was not enough incentive to keep Dan Kamp with CRUCIFIER. Dan left to pursue a short career with close friends, the mighty Incantation! Resulting in a virtual mess in the CRUCIFIER camp!*After the release of "By Disgrace of God" the band went through a plethora of personnel. Utilizing the talents of such good friends such as: Joe Ceresini, Mike Pandorf (Snag), Joel Prange (Witchery), Craig Ross (Rapid Violence), and Chris DePetro (ex-Face First). And although not all past members of CRUCIFIER were mentioned, their help was, and in some case is, very much appreciated! Thank you all!Spring 1994 beckoned CRUCIFIER to search for instrumentalists overseas. In March British bass guitarist Mark Neto (ex-Cruentus) took flight to aid in the recovery. Although only a two man force, CRUCIFIER managed to compose a brilliant piece of art that offered a ray of hope in a very downtrodden year! One show was performed in the U.S. bringing back to the line-up, temporarily, Dan Kamp and Chris DePetro. A three song promotional work entitled "Powerless Against" was recorded in May with the assistance of Nick "The Marauder" Mertaugh (guitar). A side note: backing vocals were provided by Vlad Luciferian (ex-Grand Belial's Key/ex-Ancient/ex-Thokk) and Jose Infernal (Sargatanas Zine). Finally released through Virginia's Sinistrari Records (R.I.P.), "Powerless Against" added to the arsenal of True Black/Death Metal that encompasses CRUCIFIER's very essence! At the end of Mark's three month stay, he left, never to be heard from again...Going into hiding, Cazz Grant "The Black Lourde of Crucifixion" took to The Crucifier Studio to compose new material. In the interim, he helped many other bands in The Crucifier Brotherhood, International. In 1999, CRUCIFIER returned with a devastating release on vinyl with legendary maniacs Nunslaughter! The release titled, "Trafficking With the Devil" is a remarkable split seven-inch EP featuring the song "Foul Deeds Will Rise." Gaining hardcore momentum, CRUCIFIER hired Vince Papi (Hearse/Bludgeon) on bass guitar, Shane Losh (ex-Haunted) on guitar and Spencer "Madman" Murphy (ex-Goreaphobia/ex-Face First/ex-Polterchrist/Sacrificial Blood/Metal War Productions) on lead guitar.Shane left the area circa 2001 to work for B.C. Rich Guitars in California, but returned and is still close friends with the hordes; yet Shane is no longer in the band. Also in 2001, after a few live performances Shane, Vince and Spencer left the band. However, after a few months of soul-searching Cazz sought out Vince and Spencer again to keep the full line-up status of the band. Spencer came back to the fold but Vince declined. Later that same year old fan and friend George "Necrodemius Hammerhorde" Loveland was approached to pick up the bass duties, and gladly accepted. In October of 2004 Chris "Infernal" (Infernal Hatred/Aryan Tormentor/Of Pure Blood Distribution/Masada) joined the band as a session guitarist. And jams with us from time to time when his schedule permits.Crucifier is now performing live, writing new music and preparing for the release of the second LP, Thy Sulfur Throne On High. Keep coming back for updates and reviews.Crucifier DiscographyThe Unholy Trinity (Rehearsal, 1990: unreleased)Humans Are Such Easy Prey (Demo, 1991: self-released) Demons of FilthCrown of Thorns (Demo, 1992: self-released)Unparalleled Majesty (Cassette EP, 1993: Pagan Records) Sodomy of AngelsBy Disgrace of God (Cassette EP, 1994: Pagan Records) Portraits of BlasphemyCrucifier (Compilation cassette EP, 1995: Pagan Records)Powerless Against (Promotional cassette EP, 1996: Sinistrari Records) Fire & BrimstoneTrafficking With the Devil (Split 7"vinyl EP with Nunslaughter, 1999: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International) Foul Deeds Will RiseThe Ninth Year (Compilation CD-R, 1999: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International) SpiritsHumans Are Such Easy Prey (1991 demo re-issue, 2000: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International)Crown of Thorns (1992 demo re-issue, 2000: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International)Powerless Against (1996 promo re-issue, 2000: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International)The Ninth Year (1999 CD-R professional CD re-issue, 2001: Elegy Records)Stronger Than Passing Time (Debut LP/CD/Picture Disc, 2003: Death To Mankind Records) Thine Enemies DestroyedDeep Grave Dungeons (Split rehearsal cassette EP with Throneum, 2004: Time Before Time Records)From Deep Grave Dungeons (Split rehearsal CD EP with Throneum, 2005: Time Before Time Records/Metal War Productions)Trampled Under Cloven Hooves (10" vinyl EP, 2009: Paragon Records)Crucifier VideographyThe Sodom Serenades (Double VHS video cassette compilation, 2001: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International)The Sodom Serenades (2001 double video cassette compilation reissue, 2005: The Crucifier Brotherhood, International)Upcoming Tentative Releases:Say Your Prayers (CD EP of Old School cover songs: label to be announced)Thy Sulfur Throne On High (Second LP/CD/Picture Disc, 2009: Death To Mankind Records)