I could say the Dahli Lama, and I would mean it. I could also say Robert Downey Jr., because I'd really like to smack some sense into him! I could say Rob Thomas, because he's one of my biggest celebrity crushes EVER! But, I'm going to use this section in a different way... I want to meet someone special... someone to share my life with. I want to meet someone who isn't afraid to challenge me in every way they can. Someone who pushes my buttons, knows it, and enjoys doing it. Someone who's buttons I can push without feeling guilty. Someone who's incredible intelligence intimidates me and causes me to stutter. Someone who can and will sing to me. Someone who will take a bubble bath with me and write silly things all over the walls with those fun bath crayons. Someone who can make me laugh at any time- not just a gracious, 'I'm sad, thanks for making me laugh' laugh, but a roll on the floor, pee my pants, while sopping up the tears, laugh. Someone who can sit beside me, completely silent, and when we look at each other, for some reason unbeknownst to either of us, we're both smirking. Someone who thinks that bouncy balls are a good investment. Someone who loves bubbles. Someone to sit on the floor with me, cause I always sit on the floor, but no one else does. Someone who will walk til their legs hurt, with no destination in mind, grab a coffee, and not bitch on the long walk back. Someone who'll take the bus with me. Someone who can say "I just thought you'd love this" and be right. Someone who will have tea with my mom when I'm not even there. Someone who will go shopping with my sisters, after tea with my mom, then call up my brother... just cause. Someone who will go for coffee with me so many times that I say "you know what, lets have tea instead." Someone who will read the newspaper to me, leaving out the stories that will inevitably make me angry or make me cry. Someone who will give me a pet name that I actually like. Someone who loves cats to the extreme that I do. Someone who will push me on the swings. Someone who will ride all the rides with me, even the stupid kiddy ones. Someone who will play board games with me. Someone who will host dinner parties with me, complete with unnecessary name tags and 'get to know you' games. Someone who enjoys theatre, and live music, and karoke. Some who likes fixer uppers, and will fixer up a home with me. Someone who realizes the importance of playing, even as an adult...Not sure if he's out there, but I'd sure like to meet him...