Beyond fronting a number of original bands, extensive touring and developing a loyal following, Luke Dowler is now emerging as a strong solo artist. With a captivating, emotive voice and edgy, alternative pop-rock sound-scapes, Luke delivers songs that range from keen, third story window perspectives, to candor in his own human condition (reminding us of ours) and reckoning with the ideas of faith, hope and grace in a world of turmoil. A consummate musician, Dowler accompanies himself solo with an arsenal of fresh ideas, looping and rhythmic acoustic experimentation or provides the electric soul within the interplay of musicianship that his band Veteran Greene brings to round out his recordings and live band performances. After four independent CDs, Luke continues selling records wherever his music finds presence–which has taken him from local favorite to international travel and the world wide web. For more info visit!
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Booking: [email protected] -southern region booking agent
Elta Brand T-Shirts
Lifeline of Hope
Impact World Tour
Photos by:
Angel Glass Photography
Millenia Studios
Profile by It's Hailing