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porcelain shadow

Après Moi le déluge

About Me

My name is Sarey. I live in Austin and I love it. You’ll often see me at a coffee shop, headphones on smoking my lungs out, either reading or furiously writing. I adore my friends, they are my life. I sing (more like I try to sing), dance like and idiot (only with Kittie in our apartment), and write. I love music, this would be a dreary suck-ass place without it. I’m an old school flirt and I love to talk shite. I enjoy meeting new people, and trying new things. I’m very frank; I don’t believe in beating around the bush, or being shy. I think that is a complete waste of time. It’s hard to offend me, I’m very open-minded. No subject is taboo. That doesn’t mean that I like to talk about sex all the time though (so if that’s your aim, then fuck off). If you send me a friend request without a message, and I don’t know you, I’ll most likely deny it. Or if you add me just to up you “friend” numbers, you can fuck off too. I’m pretty childish sometimes, and have a very short attention span. I know how to be an adult when it counts though. I love to laugh, but hate my smile, and thoroughly enjoy being silly. Want to get to know me better? Feel free.

My Interests

I like music, art, writing (my blog is a buffet of some of my better work), piercings and tattoos, stars and star gazing, candy (yaay candy! I love it!), meeting new people, going out to metal shows (Austin has great local metal), cigarettes, cursing (fuck is my favorite), cartoons (I’m a cartoon junkie), motorcycles, horror flicks (even the cheesy ones), INDIVIDUALITY, coffee, traveling, SNOW, midnight strolls, cats (esp. my cat), cuddling, I’m a sucker for musicians and guys in eyeliner, taking life one day at a time (trying to at least), fashion, candles, playing in the rain, chocolate milk, reading, baking, stars and stargazing, and so much more.

I'd like to meet:

The person who haunts my dreams.


I love music, the more the merrier. I wish I had background music all the time like they do in movies. I like WAY to many bands to name. Plus I’m too lazy to type them all out. I listen to metal mostly, some classical, and a tiny bit of sissy music. I’m up for anything that doesn’t suck though... ..


Lets just say I really enjoy movies.


Cartoons, or cooking shows.


Mostly fiction. Anything that can keep my attention really, and can exercise my over-active imagination.


Someone who inspires me. My best friends are my heroes. Without them, I wouldn't be here.

My Blog

More than you saw in me.

My soul is open Like the tears that bear my sorrow My wounds are falling to the floor The morning bells resounding in my ears What care I for sleep You're not there when I open my eyes I lost my hom...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 03:37:00 PST

Moving on.

When anger takes over I can't help but wonder why it is that we get so angry over so many little hings. Did they really matter that much, or is it just that they've been fucking with you for so long t...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 03:07:00 PST

Fragile Entity.

I lost my face in a photographIn fear of discovery I wear this mask,It looks just like my old faceI wager you couldn't tell it's fake,I know not from where it came,It found me while looking through a ...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:04:00 PST

Demons on My Skin.

Let the water fall on my head,I hold destruction in my hands,I show my demons on my skin,My legs betray me and I drop to my knees,Mascara runs down my face,As I look up at youGently kissing away the f...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:54:00 PST


I searched for a responseTo the words you spit at me,Freash tears stinging your eyes,You speak to me with such resentment,I can't seem to make heads or tails of you,Behind your voice lies your truest ...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:42:00 PST

Figurine Fantasy.

Stitch my eyes and lips shut,Bind my hands and feet,Make me vulnerable to your will,It's easier to take things from me that way,Make me the mistake you know I am,Lock me away in your closet,Your helpl...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 03:28:00 PST

Home Sweet Home.

Well kids we're back. Kittie and I arrived in Austin this afternoon. We had a great time, and everything went as planned. The only thing that sucked was the lack of snow, too much time in the car, and...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 04:34:00 PST

The Great Christmas Caper.

Kittie and I had long debated on what we were going to do for Xmas this year, and I finally convinced her to let me plan a trip. Success! I got full control of where and when we're going. Oh the power...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:28:00 PST

The Roles of Two.

I watched BeautyUnfold before my eyes,In my earsThe sounds of Angels,Though the Kitten searchesHigh and low,The Bunny she lovesIs not found,My Savior's eyes cryWith piercing screams that follow,The Sh...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:19:00 PST

Cold and Wanting.

The flame ate at bits of me,I am restless again,Cut out the burns,Leave scars of empty nights,Like the pen that writes My insipid words,I am running out of ink,It's there, flowing down the drain,Tear ...
Posted by porcelain shadow on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:13:00 PST