Cooking, reading, weekend get aways, diamonds and sapphires, all those school activies, and my Volvo Wagon.
Jesus just not yet. For now I choose Rachael Ray and the cast of Food Network.
We grew up believing all music was to be enjoyed and listened to. I have a sister who did alot of muscials. But mostly I listend to KLOVE. Among my other favs...old classic southern rock(lynard skynard and vaughn boys) and the unforgettable 80's.
Fav Movie is of course Real Genius. A classic Val Kilmer(it would be nice if I could actually find it on dvd). Just under that...French Kiss, Sound of Music, and Under the Tuscan Sun. I'm a sucker for a boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. I don't like movies that leave you hanging, I gotta KNOW!!!
Grey's Anatomy, Men in Trees, House, and any CSI, Good Morning America, oh and Food Network.
Once again, the boy and girl story. I tend to read alot so I hit the discount bookstores then donate to the library or friends. Like my sis (ally) I don't read my Bible near enough. What would we do without God's guidance!
Anyone who has gone through hardship or tragedy and not only survived but thrived...