Trish profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well I'm 35 with three wonderful and hansome men in my life. Two growing boys, 12 and 13 who will both be taller than me soon. And an amazingly fabulous boyfriend. I wouldn't get thru life without them. But then there are times..... I have primarily been in the cars business for most of the last 15 years. Anyone need a vehicle???? I say most of the last 15 years because I am in search of the perfect job doing something I love. That would be serving people somehow. Still working out the details though God has it covered. We live in Upstate(western) New York but in 6 years boys are out of school and we are out of here. Can anyone recommend a great place to live? How about Nashville?? I have a great sister there. Or maybe Aruba.....

My Interests

Cooking, reading, weekend get aways, diamonds and sapphires, all those school activies, and my Volvo Wagon.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus just not yet. For now I choose Rachael Ray and the cast of Food Network.


We grew up believing all music was to be enjoyed and listened to. I have a sister who did alot of muscials. But mostly I listend to KLOVE. Among my other favs...old classic southern rock(lynard skynard and vaughn boys) and the unforgettable 80's.


Fav Movie is of course Real Genius. A classic Val Kilmer(it would be nice if I could actually find it on dvd). Just under that...French Kiss, Sound of Music, and Under the Tuscan Sun. I'm a sucker for a boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. I don't like movies that leave you hanging, I gotta KNOW!!!


Grey's Anatomy, Men in Trees, House, and any CSI, Good Morning America, oh and Food Network.


Once again, the boy and girl story. I tend to read alot so I hit the discount bookstores then donate to the library or friends. Like my sis (ally) I don't read my Bible near enough. What would we do without God's guidance!


Anyone who has gone through hardship or tragedy and not only survived but thrived...