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About Me

According to the wise words of the Chinese restaurant placemat- "Monkey- You are very intelligent and are able to influence people. An enthusiastic achiever. You are easily discouraged and confused." That's probably me, especially that last part. It also mentioned something about seeking a Dragon or a Rat. I'm not really sure what that means.

My Interests

cleaning my apartment, learning lessons, finding lost things, waking up from quick naps, discovering new passions.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who has curiosity and likes to think about things.


Too many to list.


Daily Show, Colbert Report, Survivorman, Sunrise Earth, Lost, Meet the Press.


Holden Caufield, H.D. Thoreau,

My Blog

No prob!

I hate looking for apartments on the west side. Or maybe I'm just extra snobby about what kind of environment I want to live in. But after a couple weeks of driving around and such, I finally find th...
Posted by Mical on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST