As an independent national representative for lia sophia jewelry, I have the time to be at home every day! Time to enjoy my friends who are the most intelligent,talented,gifted people in the world! I have no idea why they spend time with me but I am oh so glad they do... my lia sophia career also allows more time to spend with my children, my brothers and sisters, faithful dog, garden and home.I have a passion for helping women be work at home mom's.. your LIA SOPHIA JEWELRY career can make it all possible!
View my website for more information on joining under my guidance:
My career with lia sophia jewlery allows me the personal freedom to devote myself to my family and friends. This is a vacation in Hawaii with my daughter Cale, dear friends Devin Phillips and New Orleans Straight Ahead!
After ten relaxing days, I joyfully returned to my monthly team meeting. to join my team!