that neighbor hood kid who broke my ninja turtle toy when i was 4, and the kid in kindergarden who pants me on the monkey bars, and the kid in 3rd grade who used to pretend to be michael jackson and tried to fight me cuz we would make fun of him, and that weird kid in 5th grade who used to pick up dog poop and throw it at ppl, and that four fingered teacher from the 7th grade who took away my clay pig that i made in ceramics, and that wierd girl who tried to kiss me on the bus freshman year, and that girl who asked for my number at great america but took me and my friends to some dumb ass party in a tomato patch, and that like 70 year old gay guy who i think tried asking me out in kfc by giving me his email that said twinkle something, and that fucker who cut the car infront of me off and caused me to rearend him, and the person who broke into my car and stole my stereo cuz id really like to have that cd mix back, and that crazy old drunk guy who me and amir met on bart who stole 6 bicycles from some black guy and told us we could make top dollar as male prostitutes in sf, and the cop how gave me a parking ticket in la just cuz i dont have a front license plate cuz i mean really wut does that have to do with my parking....and...and....