Dixie~Honey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Ask anybody: I Have a heart of gold! I have 4 children, and five grandsons,who are my life! I have the most wonderful man in my life and He has two children that I also love very much. I'm into wolves, rebel flags, and pitbulls, all of which are very misunderstood, like myself. My friends say that I'm crazy as hell. Maybe so! My favorite type of food is Mexican, I can eat it 24/7! I am a tried and true Saints fan,(geaux saints)and I also love LSU!! I have several tattoos and love skin art very much. Anyway, enough about me...add me as a friend and let me get to know you!!!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People with free~spirited minds,and those who aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Old friends that I haven't talked to in years, and new ones that might be as crazy as me! Though that might be kind of hard, I'm sure there are some of you out there!!

My Blog

Gonna be a grandma...again!!!

  Gonna be a grandma again, My oldest daughter, Ashley is pregnant again. We are hoping for a girl this time. The baby is due March 9th .I'm so excited!
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:31:00 GMT

I've been tagged by Reidzter !!

Here are the rules for being Tagged: Someone writes a blog with 7 weird/random facts about him/herself, then at the end of the blog, he/she then tags 7 people by listing their names. These people need...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 09:02:00 GMT

Sorry boys, I'm officially taken!

As of Friday night, I am no longer available. Big daddy popped the question and I said yes!! To all my guy friends, we can stay friends as long as you respect me, my page and my man! I don't want any ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:53:00 GMT

Back home in Louisiana..

Well, I finally did it!! I got the nerve to move away from my adult children and start a new life for me! I left Arkansas a month ago tomorrow. I left my grown daughter in the care of their babies dad...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:34:00 GMT

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you all had a blast and stayed safe. I am still awaiting to hear from my friend....Maybe it won't be long. Today my oldest daughter,Ashley, got engaged. Her baby's daddy ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 14:18:00 GMT

The time has finally come...

A few years back I committed an unspeakable act and lost my best friend. She never spoke to me again. I moved away and tonight , I found her on myspace. She wasn't online, but i veiwed her profil...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 23:05:00 GMT

Christmas is hectic...

Thanks,  to all of you , my new friends, for responding to my space. Sorry that i haven't had a chace to chat , Christmas hub bub has had me busy. Hope all your holiday plans turn out delightful....
Posted by on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 23:19:00 GMT

I'm a rookie...

Today is the first day that i logged on to myspace.com. I must say, that's it's pretty cool. Wondering what sort of people I might meet.  I am sincerly hoping to make some new friends who are as ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:34:00 GMT