The band was formed in may 2004. Guitarist Tomáš Igaz adressed two musicians from the band RANDALL, namely the drumer Michal Marko and guitarist Martin Gažo whether they should interest in playing instrumental atmospheric metal music. After some rehearsals originate the band MORNAMENT. The title of band is a combination of words Metal + Ornament, therefore any symbol of metal. The band was looking for bassguitarist all the time. Despite incomplete members, band recording their first demo CRESCENT TEARS in february 2006. Also band was played live shows during years 2005 and 2006. Show setlist contain complet material from Crescent Tears and some instrumental cover songs. In july 2006 comes to the band bassguitarist Juraj Marko, which played in some local bands than CLOUDBURST, THREAT and other. In the fall of 2007 drummer Michal Marko left the band for some technical problems, but his friendly relationship with guys lasts to this time. The band in years 2007 and 2008 get by a several changes. Mainly change was a new genre of music. From instrumental atmospheric songs evolve epic melodic death metal. New elements into the MORNAMENT music brought keyboard parts and vocals too. All along of year 2009 are written new songs for second demo which will be released at the beginning of year 2010.
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