StrAiGhTfOrWaRd! NoT exActLy a fEminiSt, bUt tOwarDs mY cuRrenT bF..probabLy? *hEeZz* WiLLing to diE foR mY counTry & beLovEd! AnD foR thoSe tAt duNo mE aT aLL, mY primAry ambitiOn iS to bE a poliCe inSpecToR, bUt diZ is iF iM abLe to paSs my dEgrEe wiF aT leAst 3rD claSs hOnOuRs! ErMmmMmm..wiLL waN to gEt enGagEd bY 24, cohAbiT for 2yRs & gEt my aSs to '7 Canning Rise' BY 11th AUG 2007 to exchanGe thE loVelY touChin vOws~ AND YESSSssSSSSSSSSss...I CAN'T WAIT!
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AnYbOdY tAtS kiNd (HaRd tO meEt onE nOwDaYs, aNd iM DEFINITELY UNKIND)