Hello, I'm Denny. I'm a graphic designer by trade. I've worked in the entertainment industry for over 20 years. I'm sure this will be updated as we go...Please see my "pics" section to view some of the projects I've created or been involved with.FAVORITE HOT SPOTS: Favorite local: Paradise Cove in Malibu! Hermosa, Redondo, Manhattan Beach. Martha's Grill...22nd Street, Hermosa.TRAVEL DESTINATIONS: London...Europe...Hawaii...Colorado.LAST READ: Marley & Me: Life And Love With The World's Worst Dog.COLOGNE OF CHOICE: Clinique Happy for Men. Makes me feel just that...BORN: October, 1960-something.STATUS: DivorcedCOLLEGE: PasadenaDREAM DATE: Mary Louise Parker (yummy) or Marissa Tomei (sigh)WHAT'S ON TV: Weeds, Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Entourage, Seinfeld, Dexter, the new Battlestar Galactica.LENO VS. LETTERMAN: Letterman (and Craig Ferguson)BEATLES VS. STONES: BeatlesIn My iPod: So much it's ridiculous...Beatles, John Waite (Babys/Bad English), Ben Folds, Jellyfish, Cheap Trick, Counting Crows, Daniel Powter, Gary Moore, Edwin McCain, Green Day, Jeffrey Gaines, John Mayer, NY Dolls, Queen, Ramones, Rod Stewart, Rundgren, Tonic, U2, Van Halen...and I’m really into My Chemical Romance lately. 160 GB and it's almost full.MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS: Sporting News, Guitar WorldWHAT I DRIVE: Ford Explorer (black)FAVORITE FLICKS: Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, Meet Joe Black, Jerry Maguire, Star Wars, Saving Private Ryan and the films of George Romero.PETS: Two cats, Billie (male) and Allie (female)WHAT I'M READING: A Few Seconds Of Panic by Stefan FatsisSUPERSTITIONS: None that I am aware of.ON MY OFFICE WALLS: Universal Movie Poster Art, ’08 Gibson Guitar Calendar.WORST HABIT: Fast food, occasionally bite fingernails.ATTRIBUTE I LIKE BEST ABOUT MYSELF: My height. 6'3"...AND LEAST: My semi-receding hairline.TATTOOS? Yes, one...ask.GUILTY PLEASURE: Still a KISS fan after all these years!WOULD LOVE TO TRADE PLACES FOR A DAY WITH?: Brad Pitt or George Clooney…C’mon, what guy wouldn’t?FIRST JOB: Concession stand at movie theater (while in high school).FOR DINNER: Love Mexican & Italian, spicy is good! Meat & potatoes. I'm easy to please.TALENT I'D MOST LIKE TO HAVE: Play piano.FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM: Denver BroncosFAVORITE VALUE IN OTHERS: Honesty, loyalty, integrityFAVORITE CITY TO VISIT: London, New York, Hawaii, DenverMY BUCKET LIST: Around the World in however many days I have left…Cross the seas on a wave runner. Spend a season playing football on the Denver Broncos roster. Attend the Super Bowl in person. Plug in my guitar and play Madison Square Garden.HEROES: Mom, Dad, brothers Robert & Scott, John Elway and the late great Randy Rhoads!FAVORITE LOCAL HOT SPOTS: Paradise Cove in Malibu! Hermosa, Redondo, Manhattan Beach. Martha's Grill...22nd Street in Hermosa Beach.COLOGNE OF CHOICE: Clinique HappyMY MOTTO: It doesn’t cost anything to be nice!
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