First off we would like to say thank you for visiting our page we hope that it is uplifting and inspirational to you for the glory of our redeemer Jesus Christ.
We are a band of believers with a common goal to see the lost saved the sick healed and the down and out uplifted and encouraged. We sort of have a saying "know who you are and where you came from but most of all KNOW YOUR WORTH". Know and beleive that you are worth dying for. Our Father thought so. How much more do we need to know. YOU ARE SOMEBODY!! Be proud to be a child of the KING. So often in this world the word proud is misused. Someone might say that they are proud to be a woman or proud to be white. How can they be proud of something they had nothing to do with? You can be proud to be a Christian because you chose it.
Remember that greater is He that is within you then he that is in this world. We have power through our Lord and through Him all things are possible.
We are all equal in the eye's of God we should be equal in the eye's of eachother