Im Ji-soo Kim,born in seoul.I was given so much love from my parents(especially from my dad) when i
was growing up,i was kinda overprotected in a wealthy family when i was a kid.so i always have full of love in my heart as much as they gave me.
my grandfather and my dad were theatrical actors,musician.my dad taught me to play piano and let me find the way how to fly with
things i got when i was really small.i appreciate it and happy but also it causes a tragedy at the turning point in my family
and my life :P
love my dad but i cant see him..I have only one twin sister who seems like another part of me.we were always together n always know how we think and feel spiritually.
she is my best friend.we dont even look like we love each other,cuz we know each other so well! we never say "love" but i know we do...I had a happy childhood and very confusing adolescence.im happy that i was with music all the time.
i also started writting essay to some music megazine since my criticism about some very popluar korean idol group was on the page.
it was crazy and made his fans upset.i could have been killed lol.i kept doing and listening music but i had to stop cuz had to study to go to
university.My major was composition and it made me confused cuz it was kinda mathematics! it killed my creativity and originality.but anywayz i respect
Juhn Sebastian Bach !!! i studied the mathematics(a composition) in S.women..s uni and that time a big turning point came.
I started counting other kinda mathematics with mixer in clubs instead of using pencil and piano in school.
i went into it so much and i had to stop studying in uni.it was a big deal...
i joined in some entertainment company during my dj life we just practiced dancing,singing,rapping and eating instant noodle everday till "the day
comes" lol.but i couldnt deal with a future that doesnt give me any difinte answer cuz my family couldnt support me since something happened to
my family.
i was such a little girl in the wild world.i could have deal with the reality that could have brought so much things to my carrer but
i refused it.i can..t tell you all of the realities of korean music indurstry on this "about me" but feel free to ask me. i can tell you more :)
yeah it..s a long story..i went to oversea and found many different things for my life.i learned other things that more realistic.
Now i am happy that i can enjoy music itself without any c.a.l.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.s and any pressure of creation..I..m very soulfully expressive,straight and direct person,so you always can see what my real views are.im very honest about my feelings and mood.
If i say "i love u" it is just the truth and never changed unless someone take my trust away... i have always kept my nature of innocence,and ive always make my dreams come true at least.it takes time to know real i am and to be people around me but as long as you don..t give up to be my side , it is forever.
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Surface - Shower Me With Your Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13F6ino_GT8
Surface Shower Me With Your Love