Deaf Entertainment & Media profile picture

Deaf Entertainment & Media

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This is Vision formed by Travis Dougherty, Dr.Avocado. ............................................................ ........................... This is the future of Deaf World. ............................................................ .......................................................... As our Deaf community expands in United State of America, the more people outcries for Nationwide Deaf Channel, such as CBS, NBC, etc. We have spanish channel, and other languages as well. Where is DEAF CHANNEL?!? There is Deaf TV in several countries in Europe, Africa, Canada, and even Australia. Where is USA's Deaf TV? There is some history related to Deaf in TV. There was some local Deaf shows that went on broadcasts. There was deaf apperances in television and movies. But, Where is our own channel where we could enjoy in our own precious language and our own culture?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

• To develop an nationwide network of professional deaf entertainment and/or media to promote deaf awareness................................................... ........................................• To establish, sponsor and/or promote all deaf friendly individual and/or organizations in the Entertainment & Media industry.................................................... ...........................................• To collect and preserve all media relating to Deaf world. ............................................................ .......................................• To build resumes of graduating students and professional artists by creating projects, etc. , in order to be hire in the Entertainment & Media industry.................................................... ...........................................• To host major events around the USA(New York, California, Florida, Texas, Washington D.C, Illinois, and many other states)..................................................... ............................................• To found “IMD” International Media of the Deaf, a convention of the world’s Deaf professionals in the Media industry.................................................... ..........................................• To establish a television channel to promote Deaf awareness & reduce Audism nationwide.................................................. .......................................... • To create monthly magazine/newsletter for deaf community in the nation...................................................... ........................................... • To broaden and diversify our organization’s vision.

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