.t.Y.z.Z.a. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Dearest I loveeeeeeeeeee you Thais!
Hey everybody. I'm Thais Lopes, straight outta Brasil but living in New York since age 5!
I'm 20 years old and in school. I also model, which is the reason I got this profile (networking!) I love my family and friends and basketball! I'm a huge Knicks fan! Soccer is great also, gotta stick to my roots :)
More about me
*My birthday is September 8th, 1986 in Brasilia, Brasil.
*I graduated high school in 2005.
*I love my friends and family. I also love my pets.
*I love stuffed animals! I have around 100.
*I am a neat freak.
*I love watching stand-up! Any comedians, hit me up!
*I love taking pictures as well as being photographed.
*I work out 4 times a week and *TRY* to eat right. I gotta stay in shape for the industry :)
*I love traveling with my family.
*I visit Brazil once every year (sometimes every two years).
*I'm a nerd. I love video games and Nicktoons. Hehe.
*I'm an only child.
*I speak Portuguese and Spanish.
*I've been known to bust out the twister board at a party, lol
*I am a movie whore. I'm really busy, but I watch movies as much as possible.
*Pow, I weigh 120 pounds.
*I love a lot of different types of music. The essentials like rock, hip hop, rnb, pop, plus new age, 40s swing music, classical, a capella, Brazilian music, emo music, and more.
*Brasilian barbeque, complete with steak, black beans and rice, chicken, potatoes and pasta, linguica, and BEER, is my favorite meal!
*I am, unfortunately, a carb lover. Breads and pasta!
*I also like photography. If my modeling career doesn't take off I will try to get into that.
*I like my beat down low and my top lit back
*I am one of the best self-trained dancers you will ever meet.
*I have a brain! Amazing huh? I know biology and chemistry! Not to mention I could school you in many different types of literature.
*I get bad migraines that can't be cured with anything but sleep :(
*As for Myspace, COMMENT DELETERS drive me crazy! I don't know why, and I'm going to contradict my saying that with this next statement, but I don't care! It's annoying. I also hate when people try to tell me how to run MY SPACE. I'ma do what I want with it fuckers!
*I believe in treating people how they should be treated and in common courtesy. Nobody is a less than anyone else. We are all God's precious creations, so we should all be treated the same.
*I know I'm a New Yorker and all, but I would go groupie for T.I.
Due to the hundreds of messages I get each week that I can't keep up with, I've changed it so that I'm not receiving messages. Comments are more than welcome though.
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My Blog

Musicians Only - Especially from NY!!

I love up and coming artists and I try to support the ones who I'm especially feeling as much as possible.  To honor ya'll, I'm going to devote the music on my Myspace to you.  Here's the de...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:18:00 GMT


Finish the sentence.. [61]i feel:tired and kinda sick i want:to go out tonight and party i am making:good grades this semester! i am wearing:a skirt and a baby tee i am trying to decide:whether i can ...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:09:00 GMT