I am very interesting. I love to do what u wanna do. I love to let someone else be in charge for once it seems that i am alaways having to take control and be in charge of everything. However I need to be able to wipe my ass without asking permission. I want to go camping and fishing on the river when nobodys around. Maby you could join me!
I would love to meet the man that invented cheese in a can! He is my Hero!
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How long do I last in bed?
by DesideroAmor
Real Name
Birthdate (MM/DD/YY)
Favorite Color
Hours 6
Minutes 42
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My hero is GOD. How can u not love him. Sure, I dont get to show him in every way but I do try for the most part. In all reality we had to come from somewhere. May god bless all no matter what situation they are in.