I'm nathAn Wallace. 22 yrs old, b-day is november 12th. Born in 1986 & I live in Flint Michigan.
My Family, & My Friends Have Been My Heores my entire life.
They were there for me the whole time, when I was in hell, fire, & choas. Whenever they had issues, I returned the favor, & was there to stand by their side.
I Like To hang out with my friends, & new people as well. I also help my friends get threw negative choas, & help them keep the faith in them, & I'm happy to do what I can for them, & I always follow my own path in life.
I've made mistakes, let negative people get to me, & always got mistreated like junk, the whole time. I was back-stabbed from a lot of ex-friends as well, who disliked me like trash.Ex-Friends who turned on me showed nothing but jealousy, & hatred at me as well, because I was causing trouble, & just a thorn in their side. I never showed the same thing they had, Because It be wrong to hate someone back!!.
I never did, & I never will, hate my ex-friends back, because hating them, or anyone else back would be uneasy.
And by the way I don't have the guts to hate them back, delete them from my friend list, put a block on them, or erase them from my life as well!!. If u think I'm going to do that, then u better think again, because I'm not up to it.
I've walked threw hell, fire, & choas, along with out of control negative stress, negative drama, getting caught up, & in someone else's mess, always getting blamed, & living half my life on the Dark Side, being sucidile 5x. 4x in High School,& one time after that in July 2005. Plus I was out walking on the Highway to Hell, walking on railroad tracks, & being out in thunderstroms late at night as well.Negative Drama, along with Bad Luck, Pressure, Out Of Control Choas, & Karma is not one of my favorites. It's like being caught up in someone else's mess so badly, that u can hear a sewing neddle drop. I can be weird to a lot people who dislike be because I'm not like them, but It's the path I've choosen, & I'm always going to follow my heart where it goes.
U Can say a lot of mean things about me, but I'm always going to be nathAn Wallace, who dosen't change for anyone who treats me like a piece of garbage, or be like them. I'm also a forgiving person as well to those who said neagtive things to me. If u hate me that's fine with me, because I don't!!.
I enjoy swimming, playing video games, watching NASCAR Racing along with NHRA Drag Racing, & helping out my family as well.
I have no tattos on me, just one pierced left ear, got it done in January 2006, with help from my younger cousin Danielle Wallace. (lol crazy)
I have a mom, along with cousins, aunts, uncles, & relatives.
I'm the only child in my family.
I Have no brothers, or sisters, but hey that's how life is. (lol)
I also have 3 cats: Crystal, Ava, & Mimi.
I was under a lot of dark spells, threw the good, & bad times, but managed to break free from them.
When I don't reveal my haunted past sometimes, I call it "The Serect Diary Of nathAn Wallace." It means some of my family, & friends don't know what hell-rising choas I went threw after finishing High School, Starting College & trying to figure where my heart belongs.
Some of the negative people, who disliked me, didn't want me in their life, or just wanted me in hell. If they choose to be that way to me, then that's on them, so leave me out of it!!.Fell Free to send me a message, or a friend request anytime. It's fine by me, & I'm all right with it. Your welcome to contact me anytime u want too. My door is always opened.(lol)
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