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Profits vs. Paychecks

About Me

About the Author
Kevin L. Smith, MBA, an advocate for practical financial training for African Americans is a business coach, real estate and finance broker, financial services entrepreneur, seminar speaker, and author. His "market" approach to basic financial thought provides catalysts that parents, teachers, coaches, and preachers can use to steer our contemporary generations into avenues of financial independence and major economic influence.
About the Book
This book is for African-Americans. It asks a direct question about how you intend to finance your ambitions. This book is not about dreaming empty dreams, nor is it a simplistic, "you can do it too" message. It is about developing the necessary attitudes, language and activities you will need to be faithful to your dream in a country, among a people, who have been hostile to African Americans relative to profits and paychecks. It is also about what to say,teach and show your children on a daily basis so they will develop the foundations and fortitude to create and employ financial strategies and tactics to achieve their own ambitions.
This book is more than a discussion about African Americans. It is a discussion with YOU. It solicits your thoughts, asks you to recall your own experiences, and reexamine traditional views and perspectives. With these elements in mind, let us consider the implications of the question: Do you want profits or paychecks?
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My Interests

Excerpted from Do You Want Profits or Paychecks? by Kevin L. Smith. Copyright © 1996. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved

The further financial advancement of African Americans will come when more of our day to day conversations and God given abilities are focused on financial possibilities vs. impossibilities, on production vs. consumption, and on profits vs. paychecks. What if all African Americans understood the concepts, instruments, and mechanics, of real and personal property ownership, of capital investment, of appreciation, depreciation, and compound returns? What if we had a common fundamental knowledge of research and development, manufacturing, marketing, advertising, public relations, broker age, distribution, and transportation? What if we knew the characteristics of the stock markets as well as many know the characters of their favorite television programs? What if we all had a working knowledge of financial institutions rather than the "take it for granted" attitude we patronize them with most of our lives? What if the principles of estate planning and preservation, and the concepts of generation to generation investment and inheritance were "culturally" instilled in African American families? If the "applications" of these various principles were the concerns that African American children heard their parents discussing in daily casual breakfast and dinner conversations, from the perspective of "can do" rather that "can not do", what might the possibilities be for African Americans?