((. . .I believe in love, sleeping in, arguing, & jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in kisses on the forehead, long kisses, smiling til your cheeks hurt,& laughing until you cry. I believe in being silly and crazy with your friends, swinging on swings & running in the rain. I believe in miracles & random acts of kindness. I believe in second chances but I don't believe that everyone deserves one. . .))Maybe you want her maybe you need her Maybe you started to compare her to someone not there
Him. BEST Hubby around ;)
1996 & 2007...Couldn't of been better :]
"Never take it seriously, if you don't take it seriously then you won't get hurt, if you don't get hurt then you'll have funn...and if your ever feeling lonely go to a music store♥" -Ms.PennyLane