traveling, wakeboarding, snowboarding, aikido, sleeping, eating, yoga, cars, shopping, chillin, playin wid my babies tito n pebbles(they're my dogs by the way~ =), n coming up wid ingenious business opportunities lol...i jus dun see why i'm the only who thinks they're brilliant*hehe~=P
inspiring individuals~
hip hop, r&b, sum jazz, canto pop, oldies, n a lil bit of everything...yes..i can deal wid sum classical too!^_~
jus so many!! i like stuff from finding nemo to all of the fridays(craig n deydey r just TOO funny!!) and depressin stuff like the classic(korean) for times when i feel like curlin up in bed n sheddin sum tears wid the unlucky stuffed toy i happen to grab thru out the movie~*tear*
the OC!!*yeuh yeuHH!!*, CSI, CSI:NY, the contender, n many more~ and oh! cannot forget my cartoonss!!! ranma1/2!!
Falling leaves, Tuesdays with morrie, Gwai Lo(a childhood memoir of hong kong~gotta love it) and i wish i read more! must get bak into reading! =P